dixonloveart (64)in #photography • 6 years agoSucculent Plant, it's such an adorable babePhoto taken using iPhone 8. I was thinking giving my lovely babe a unique room, as it's the special for me. I've…dixonloveart (64)in #nature • 6 years agoA glimpse on the jet[camera: iPhone 8] One moment in the air makes up an unforgettable life moments, that's about it. Color harmony…dixonloveart (64)in #cn • 6 years ago一個非廣東食客嘅粵菜輕評測- 小運河東岸最近天儿有点阴冷,来点热乎儿吃着舒服。要说舒服的,这里要给大家介绍一家广东菜,小运河东岸。店铺不大,桌面上的柠檬茶,搭配着他们家主推的腊烧饭和流沙蛋黄叉烧包,论周末的正确度过方式,莫过于此了。 真繫咊味到爆,臘腸香,荳腐嫰,可謂繫至筍嘅唔二之選。dixonloveart (64)in #art • 6 years agoAwakening of Self-Consciousness - C19th- C20th Realism Modernistic European PaintingsLiving among us, existing between the reality and unrealism. Taking a walk after a short break , I found these…dixonloveart (64)in #cn • 6 years ago二皇子亲临君士坦丁堡,未来可知否V神的亲儿子ETH,这里叫它二太子吧,作为太上皇btc的嫡系长子,较低价格与强硬的市场估值让它一直位居各大币的榜首。二太子跺跺脚,市场抖一抖,从往来太上黄的生子来看,确实可能会带动一波市场行情,从市场的情绪反应来看,大量的朋友可能在入手ETdixonloveart (64)in #cn-reader • 6 years ago电±骨清晨的微露顺着阳光打下来,都市的人儿们也开始了一天的忙碌。…dixonloveart (64)in #nature • 6 years agoMobileMe Photography- CityThe storm is about to come, she was a natural painter, that growing yellow and red mixing up together, into this…dixonloveart (64)in #cn • 6 years ago片诗- 那夜照片为NOMO相机拍摄 许久没来了,趁着国庆未结束前,写点东西。不知不觉,手机里堆积了很多照片,68.1G,想了想,以后就根据他们来写点东西儿。…dixonloveart (64)in #cn-reader • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.原创诗歌- 苏打水我坐在酒吧, 点了杯无糖的的百香果苏打水, 来度过那忙碌又荒空的周末。 桌上的熊猫, 在暗黄的灯光下显得格外得柔美。 慢慢地咽下杯中水, 柠檬的酸味在空气中一直挥之不去。 或许, 这就是繁华的味道。 无味, 却又令人着迷。dixonloveart (64)in #bwphotocontest • 7 years agoB&W Photo contest - Johannes Church,Düsseldorf6:00 AM, standing in front of the church, quiet yet beautiful! In memory of my time in germany, I kinda miss it where…dixonloveart (64)in #cn • 7 years agoCN美食大赛 · 美食【鱼】 寿司霓虹国的寿司,早已融入了大家的日常饮食。饿了,来块寿司,省时好吃又顶饱。今天推荐的是和风回转寿司,做食物也是用心的一个过程,从煮米到添加食材,再到包好交到我们每位顾客的手上,和风给我的感觉真的是在用心在食物。我点的这份是双人豪华军舰,感觉就dixonloveart (64)in #cn-reader • 7 years ago蛮荒纪-冬七之爱image source 残存千万年, 只为寻那一剂良药, 唤醒我心中的那道光。 世人的不解, 满目的仇恨, 又有何妨。 后人现世, 奈她痛于混沌, 我拼尽一生修为,…dixonloveart (64)in #poetry • 7 years agoOriginal poetry - Loveimage source When I was a child, you bring me to the market, teaching me how to handle problems in my…dixonloveart (64)in #slothicorn • 7 years agoOriginal Poetry- Double ReflectionsWalking, along the lines, seems to be an endless road. shaking hands, respects to someone we don't know.…dixonloveart (64)in #food • 7 years agoDaily food photography - 6.22 | 好吃的东,莴笋肉,加黄瓜木耳菜Fresh bamboo, cucumber, for today. Shooting with pixel 2. 今天来点老家的莴笋,还有黄瓜,嗯,爽口! Photos tell the…dixonloveart (64)in #photography • 7 years agoBurning sky - 6.21Got some photos captured last night, palette from nature, tremendous! Photos tell the story itself…dixonloveart (64)in #art • 7 years agoScratch painting: Goddess of Nature | 刮画: 自然女神We, human being, are seeking resources from our great nature with no protection of the entire eco-system. She…dixonloveart (64)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.陕西山水游 - 茶山 | Exploring the origin of green tea in Shan Xi这次回到老家,交通便利了许多,原来的土路慢慢地变成了柏油路,山间的景色也依旧是那般的美。刚爬山回来,下面带大家看一下茶山的风景。 All I see is green, I could smell the green tea in…dixonloveart (64)in #bwphotocontest • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.B&W Photo contest - bicycle boy | 黑白照片比赛- 爱笑的单车男孩Wherever there is light, one can be photograph. Taking it into consideration, I decided to go to some old blocks in…dixonloveart (64)in #cn-reader • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.原创诗歌- 老浆水小时候, 每每回到家, 最想念的, 还是碗里的那份浆水。 一根根柴火, 燃起的是我心中那不变的乡情; 酸酸的浆汤, 喝下去是说不出的爱与关怀。 你说,咱乡里的浆水我小时最爱喝, 说罢卷起袖子为我下了一碗面条。…