Kitchen Table Manners @senseicat

in #photography6 years ago

We have a pretty firm "no kitties on table" rule in our home. As I was talking to my best friend this morning, look who seem ready for breakfast.

kitties on table.jpg

When I asked them politely to get off the table, I definitely believe that they were ignoring my request.

kitties on table 3.jpg

It makes me wonder how much time they spend on the table when I am not looking.


Thats cute :)

I recommend to everyone

Wow! very cute~

They are so independent! Watching the swishing of there tails you can see that they acknowledge that you are talking/telling them something. I should just say talking because if they don't want to hear, you might as well be talking to the wall. I watched a show on one of the PBS channels that stated in intelligence they are just below humans....maybe we are just below them LOL

PS They also stated that if your cat/cats sleep in your bed that they have accepted you as one of them, and that they are allowing YOU to sleep in THERE bed :)