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RE: FORESIGHT: What happened in the 19th and 20th century? Creating a doomed future.

in #philosophy7 years ago

It bothers me too. Robert E. Lee is still widely regarded as a genius on the battlefield winning most of his battles against Northern armies that were far superior in size and guns.

His theories of war and tactics are still studied in war college for Generals of today. Unfortunately, the praise for these generals at the War College has been under attack for a long time. The last I remember, they were really struggling with pulling RObert E. Lee out.

What I learned from Robert E. Lee was his critical mistakes, just as you have indicated Deva. My analysis and understanding of the Civil Ware indicates that Lee was a superior General who was WINNING the war for the South...

They just ran out of ammo.

Hence Lee's big mistake that we can still learn from today. Lincoln's blockades worked, and the south ran out of ammo. This is the importance of logistics...



Be forgotten.


Sherman is another one regularly studied from that time period. Germany's Rommel aka The Desert Fox in WW2 was known to have heavily studied Sherman.

Plus Robert E. Lee actually spoke against slavery, and freed some slaves. Not all confederates were in the war due to slavery.