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RE: Why we don't have the controversial kind of free will, why it's okay, and why it's important - part 2 of 2

in #philo8 years ago

Thanks for your reply and the links. Again, really interesting stuff, and has had gears clanking and steam coming out of my ears for the last few hours as I’ve done my best to process it all. Now at least I feel a little more informed on the subject, and also have a better idea of the enormous amount of thought that has gone into it over the centuries, even if I don’t fully grasp all of the concepts. 

For me though, this reading has brought me to the conclusion that whether or not free will genuinely exists is academic in a universe where everyone intuitively believes that it does. What I mean to say is that were someone able to give me explicit, easy to grasp and irrefutable proof that we inhabit a fully deterministic universe and that free will unquestionably does not exist; and even if I could fully understand and accept this evidence on an intellectual basis, deep within me I would still reject it. This is simply because my everyday experience of awareness leads me to believe that I do have free will; I believe that I weigh the evidence in any decisions that I make, believe that I am free to chose one way or another, and believe that the decisions evidently influence the unfolding of my life and the lives of others. I take accountability for these decisions, and believe that I should be held responsible for their impact on others, for better or worse. I accept that the decisions I make will have been influenced by my past and current state, however not that they are actually determined by them - I instinctively feel that the awareness that I experience has the freedom of choice over the options before me. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the ability to make these choices is one of the prime attributes of that very awareness. This awareness of choice will not stop even if someone proves that it does not exist, and I would not alter my decision making process on the basis of such evidence. I expect that this viewpoint is shared by the vast majority of people. 

So, to the crux of this. From where I’m standing, there are either flaws in the arguments for the non-existence of free will, (and proof of this one way or another is far beyond my intellectual capability), or, if this is not the case, then the belief that one has free will is in actual fact of more consequence to everyday reality than the actual possession of free will. This latter possibility is a highly unusual proposition - in my life I have generally felt that evidence trumps belief when it comes to establishing reality, however, seemingly not so if your arguments are correct?


Ha this is a typical position to be in when doing philosophy ... feeling your worldview turning around and a bit stuck. The ancient Greeks called it aporia. It's not comfortable, sometimes - but it's better than being oblivious to the problem, right? I'm so glad you're considering this stuff so openly and honestly!

Probably you won't be able to respond to this given the reply depth limit (I've lost count) but let me add a few more things that might console you about not having free will - without pretending it's the last word.

... my everyday experience of awareness leads me to believe that I do have free will; I believe that I weigh the evidence in any decisions that I make, believe that I am free to chose one way or another, and believe that the decisions evidently influence the unfolding of my life and the lives of others. I take accountability for these decisions, and believe that I should be held responsible for their impact on others, for better or worse.

I agree that you weigh evidence when you make decisions. I agree that your decisions influence the unfolding of your life and the lives of others. And I think you should be held responsible for the impact of these acts - at least, responsible the same way we hold sleepwalking Jane responsible, taking her knives and making her undergo treatment. All this can be true without your actions' being free (again, in the libertarian sense). You do choose things, based on your rich past, in basically the same way AlphaGo chooses its next move. And the things you choose affect what happens next (just as the move AlphaGo makes affects the next player's move).

So this may help some: it's easy to confuse causal determinism with what we often call fatalism - the idea that some future thing will happen no matter what comes before. So you might mistakenly reason to yourself that "well, either I'll make money on Steemit or I won't; since that's already determined, then it doesn't matter whether I actually post." I just recently learned this is called The Idle Argument, and maybe you can see why it doesn't work: if you are already causally determined to make money on Steemit, it's because you were already causally determined to post good stuff!