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RE: The buck stops here. OpHumanAngels

No, that's actually one of the biggest problems in this world in my opinion. That's why Op Human Angels was started. I, and many, many others like me, and Dave as well, have always done random acts of kindness. We don't ever speak of it, because of folks with your attitude. That it somehow tarnishes the quality of the deed. The spirit of it.

You turn on the news, or open the newspaper, and all you see is the ugliness of humankind. The worst tragedies from around the globe. We are constantly bombarded by evil in the media.

Sure they may throw in a good news story now and again, to try and give a warm fuzzy feeling...but...what if the news showed only the GOOD. You could probably not even imagine how busy they would be chasing stories. All of the children born that day, every time someone reached down to life someone up. These kind actions, the beauty of Life and the Nobility of Humanity is everywhere.

It's up to us to start writing a new story. And it begins by talking about the good. By sharing the good. This inspires others to take actions of their own, and it gives us something we are dying of thirst for...HOPE. Hope in Humanity.

There is no shame in finally sharing the good that we do. We've kept silent for long enough. The time to tell our own story, is now. #OpHumanAngels