The buck stops here. OpHumanAngels

So it's New Year's Eve here and I'm doing the same routine that I do every morning ...drinking coffee ....smoking weed...


I've got the TV on for noise... although I'm not really watching it... When suddenly I hear Harry Truman's famous words .... "the buck stops here"

Does it really? Which buck?




None of the above... a light bulb goes off in my head...

The Bucks. Stop here....


So inside I go and what do I see on the front door...


Challenge accepted. OpHumanAngels engage.

I bought four $5 gift cards that all had the word LOVE on them...

A quick swipe of the pen...

Card #1


Card #2


Card #3


Card #4


Where's the nearest target... right behind me.. King Soopers grocery store....



Ready? Let's go put these on people's windshields...





I didn't stick around to watch people find them... but I hope it brings a smile to their face... and maybe... just maybe... a new Angel to Steemit...

I hope you enjoyed as much as I did... get out there and spread some love....

Peace out y'all. Dave


looks like you rolled yourself a real knuckler this morning ! Is that a floodlight or a lousdspeaker on that Jeep on the Driver side ? Lets see who joins from this experiment... could get interesting...

That thing on the drivers side is the air intake for when you go mudding...

Cool post! What is this "ophumanangels"? Love it. :)

It's a tag started by @lyndsaybowes to encourage people to get out and spread positive messages to others...

That's great. I've done something similar here in Estonia some years back. Probably should start doing it again. :) Started following @lyndsaybowes. Great to see something like this happening here.

That's awesome that you're already a Human Angel :) :) :) I look forward to seeing your work, I hope you share it <3 <3 <3 tag the post #OpHumanAngels and I'll find it.

Will do that! :)

Dave, this is awesome! You totally just made people's day! And we're included in that, by reading this! :) It really does brighten my day to read about it.

May your Spirit beard be long and shiny

Lmao... I'm a regular at Dollar Shave Club...

Dave they have no razor,knife or sword that could cut a spirit beard....thats the ten dollar blades yeah lol

With what your food stamps eh hahahahhahaha

You are the Most Inspiring Man on Steemit!!!!!!! You're blowing my mind!!!

Thanks.. but definitely not true... I can think of 2 that deserve that title way more than me... 2 that you can't dispute... @fulltimegeek and @Hendrix22 ...

But I AM enjoying spreading the love...

And Humble too... I loves ya!!

Don't worry Dave, she says that to lots of men here on steemit! bwahahahaha

Bwa hahhaaa!! The best of the best of Mankind is here... <3

I only upvoted this because I love smoking and coffee!

In that order?

Any order my friend ;)

Bwa hahahaa!!! Nice...

excellent work! very inspiring - next I challenge you to do it anonymously - without telling US about it...

I'm calling all Angels!! Sharing is the only way to let others know so they can join in too!

yes, however I am challenging him to take it a step further for his own spiritual edification - next time - now that YOU know about it - he can have the experience of helping others randomly without telling anyone about it - it's a way to JUST HELP without getting anything in return except the personal satisfaction of being helpful. That is spiritual growth.

No, that's actually one of the biggest problems in this world in my opinion. That's why Op Human Angels was started. I, and many, many others like me, and Dave as well, have always done random acts of kindness. We don't ever speak of it, because of folks with your attitude. That it somehow tarnishes the quality of the deed. The spirit of it.

You turn on the news, or open the newspaper, and all you see is the ugliness of humankind. The worst tragedies from around the globe. We are constantly bombarded by evil in the media.

Sure they may throw in a good news story now and again, to try and give a warm fuzzy feeling...but...what if the news showed only the GOOD. You could probably not even imagine how busy they would be chasing stories. All of the children born that day, every time someone reached down to life someone up. These kind actions, the beauty of Life and the Nobility of Humanity is everywhere.

It's up to us to start writing a new story. And it begins by talking about the good. By sharing the good. This inspires others to take actions of their own, and it gives us something we are dying of thirst for...HOPE. Hope in Humanity.

There is no shame in finally sharing the good that we do. We've kept silent for long enough. The time to tell our own story, is now. #OpHumanAngels

Challenge accepted.

Don't do that!! How the hell else are you supposed to inspire others?

Easy... I get the other person to tell US about it..

Also go to walmart if anybody needs some souls put back into em its them.

I can't believe I just heard you trying to send me to Wal-Mart lol

Hahahahhahaha look its not the people's fault really walmarts just has an alluring outside look but a dark underbelly like bill cosby with the sweaters and the roofied pudding

Happy New Year my friend, I wish you a happy long life!
If you're gonna celebrate big tonight, you should my New Year's contest for free Steem I do on my blog.

You rock brother! <3 Bravo to you.