Traditional foods: Bone & Meat Broth

in #nutrition8 years ago (edited)

I have been making bone & meat broth for many years now off and on. I used it consistently during the time I lost 90 lbs back in 2011. My previous weight after I gave birth to my daughter back in 2010 was almost 300 lbs. I couldn't stand it any longer so I started eating more paleo types of food and including bone & meat broths into my diet. It took me about a year to take off 90 lbs and I have since gained some of it back for various reasons. Life gets in the way sometimes, I guess.

Broths were used back in the day to heal the body of the flu and colds. The bones of animals, especially those that are pasture and humanely raised, have lots of different minerals and vitamins in them that will heal the body. It has been known to heal adhd, autism, cancer, diabetes, etc. I notice in my own body that as soon as I eliminate sugar, caffeine, etc. and include these broths that my brain calms down. Why I haven't been able to stick to it is because my life has been extremely stressful in the last few years. I am so busy with work, kids, and being in traffic most of my life it seems (well 3 to 4 hours a day of it! yikes!) that it is very difficult to make and carry broth around everywhere. But that will be changing here soon as I start a new venture in my life! (More on that in another post).

Anyhow, I would like to try another broth fast. I will be starting this fast on September 1, 2016 and after just finding out about Steemit, this will be the perfect platform to document my progress! I will also be trying to give up other habits like smoking. All of this is going to be really, really tough, but I have done it before and I know I can do it again!

If anyone would like to join me in this quest for better health I am including the recipe for bone and/or meat broth:

You will need some sort of meat, preferably pasture raised, such as beef, bison, chicken, duck, fish, etc. These are the main ones that are used. I prefer chicken as it doesn't smell as bad as the rest, but fish is actually more beneficial for the body. You can use the all the meat and bones or just the bones. I prefer to use only the bones as I like to cook the meat in some way (smoked, baked, fried, etc.) and then use the bones to make a bone broth. I toss the bones along with some water, Himalayan salt, and apple cider vinegar (and sometimes I use veggies like collard greens, kale, onions, garlic, etc) into either a crockpot or my pressure cooker and cook it up. Then I siphon off the juice and drink it. I like the taste of chicken and fish broth compared to the others. Duck isn't too bad, but I don't really care for bison and beef broth. However, all of the broths have beneficial healing powers for the body.

Please leave your comments and questions below. I would love to start a discussion on this topic.