First Meal of the New Year 🤩

in #newyear2 months ago


✨🎉Happy New Year everyone! 🎉✨

This past year has definitely flown by in the blink of an eye! I'm excited for whatever this year has in stock for us.

I'm glad I started posting more often over the last year, one of my new year's resolutions is to be more consistent with my uploads!

What are your new year's resolutions? Comment them down below! 😄


I wanted to show the meal I had with my family to celebrate New Year's Day!

Did you have nice food to celebrate?


We had a roast dinner, this is a traditionally British meal!

This usually includes; roast potatoes, gravy, Brussel sprouts, meat, and Yorkshire puddings- though everyone has their own variation to this.

A lot of families in Britain have roast dinners every Sunday, as it was originally designed to be eaten after large Church services which tend to be on Sundays.

Here are some of my highlights of the meal:


The roast potatoes, pigs in blankets (sausages wrapped in bacon) and the vegetables (Brussel sprouts and carrots)!

Every roast dinner I always look forward to the pigs in blankets the most- they're just so delicious to me.

They're small so I try not to have too many, it is hard to have self restraint with them, lol! 😁


Brussel sprouts, parsnips and roast chicken!

I grew up really, really hating parsnips! I have gradually over the years come to really like them them, especially if they've been baked.

I'm not really sure why I used to hate them, I've never been too fussy with foods..

The roast chicken was really delicious and tender, the broth it was served with was really lovely too.


Best of all... the Yorkshire Pudding!

I ALWAYS look forward to these!

Yorkshire puddings are my favorite part of a roast dinner. I love the crispy soft texture, it's really nice to pour gravy in the middle too! As it makes it extra flavorful.

This time, I put my vegetables into it and then put some gravy on top.

Last year I remember going out to a Christmas Market in a city (I can't remember which!) and having a Yorkshire pudding wrap- which was basically a HUGE Yorkshire pudding, the size of a big tortilla wrap, with roast dinner inside. It was quite overly filling and very expensive so I wouldn't get it again, but I'm glad I tried it, lol!


All done- wow that was delicious, what a treat!

I was really grateful for this food I was given, I also enjoyed catching up with family and hanging out together, which was lovely!

It's nice to hang out together when we're not busy. 😊

Thank you for reading.


Thank you! 😁 Happy new year!