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RE: [dTube] Trump Repeatedly Tweets Nazi-Linked Slogan

in #news7 years ago

Keep trying.
The "Russia Connection" strategy didn't work.
The "Misogynistic Tendencies" strategy didn't work.
The "Racist and Bigoted" strategy didn't work.
The "Mental Instability" strategy didn't work.

I guess it's time to dredge up the Nazis and KKK and see if that sticks. ( won't).

Perhaps it's you that is suffering from a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome


Actually, no. It's not a "strategy" or "syndrome" if ...

  1. Trump actually buddied up with Putin and the Russian Mafia to launder money and influence the elections.
  2. Trump is actually a misogynous, and has a year-long extramarital affair with a hooker that is "just like his daughter".
  3. Trump is hurting international relations by actually being a racist bigot. We need to work with the countries he called "shitholes" to help fight global terrorism.
  4. Trump actually doesn't have the mental capacity to remember more than the thing that the last person told him.

Trump is a one-man national security emergency.

Perform a mass-change on your post replacing "Trump" with "Bill Clinton" and you'll finally understand.

The US had an Insane, Treasonous, Sexual Predator in the Oval Office for 8 years and the "Media" was strangely silent.

Now that it's not "your guy", well then it's the end of the world.

Also, you gave me a bonus LOL, by thinking the media was ever "strangely silent" about Clinton's affairs. Thanks!

That's all I remember them talking about. They impeached him over it.

Ah "Whataboutism"! Great strategy, comrade!

How do you figure none of that stuff worked just because he hasn't been removed from office yet? The Russia investigation is still ongoing. Trump is a misogynist. I'm not sure what stragedy you're referring to, or how it would "work", but the fact is that Trump is a misogynist. He is also racist and bigoted, and clearly mentally unstable. If you deny any of those facts, I'm afraid you're likely the one who is deranged. I guess we'll see who is right when all is said and done, but I'm not betting on people with your opinion.

Not only will President Donald Trump not be removed from office, he will be overwhelmingly re-elected in 2020.

He is the "People's President" and the people trust him more than any one else in the "Political Class".....Republican or Democrat.

That's the funniest thing I've read on Steemit all day. Congrats!

He's only the the "people's president" if you ignore the majority 54% of us that voted against him. The people are not on his side.

Don't forget that most americans don't even vote. He's like a quarter of the people's president, if that.

and, and, and those pesky Russians like hacked our voting machines! So that means that like Trump like really like got only like 5% of the vote!

lol...these are NOT strategies ! This is real stuff happening in real time. This is about the inability of a Leader who cannot portray any kind of decency or tact. And a Leader who only cares about one thing..himself.

It's not about the Deep State and the delusional minions who keep trying bring this insane notion up over and over again.

And there is no conspiracy that people are trying to get this President out of office through some kind of concerted, covert effort.

That's ridiculous, just more insane paranoia from the 'pubes

This is a man who is in this mess because he has simply caused this mess. He is a pathological liar who blames EVERYONE around him and fails to take responsibility.

A pathetic Leader who only divides people. And does NOT unite them at all.

The only person who is deranged is Donald J. Trump, The only people who support this deranged man for the most part are middle aged to elderly white Americans. Many are desperately trying to hang on to the Nationalism that once prospered 50 years ago.

The fact it the 1950s are history. They need to get over it. The World has changed particularly in America the last few decades. And the WASP will be a minority by 2030.

No strategies involved here just a dying breed that will be extinct in 20 years along with Trump and his cronies. Good riddance, imo

I guess "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is".

No, it really doesn't. :)

The media paints these pictures of trump and then people hear it and believe it. A lot of it is not true or just speculation. Just because you think you know what happened doesn’t mean it did. Trump gets no praise for anything and gets all the blame. I think his problem is that he cant explain himself well and struggles speaking professionally

The media paints these pictures, but so does Trump. He actively admits to most of the above.

When has he admitted to these things? I’m pretty sure if he did he would’ve been indicted or impeached already for some of these....

im pretty sure that David made this video during Trumps campaign. and just posted it here now.not made it now.because this came out during the campaign and he talks about it like its still the campaign.