[dTube] Trump Repeatedly Tweets Nazi-Linked Slogan

in #news7 years ago

Donald Trump continues to use the "America First" slogan, a term that was coined by an antisemitic pro-fascist pressure group that aimed at keeping the US out of World War II and that was later used by the KKK. Thoughts? Leave them in a reply!

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Keep trying.
The "Russia Connection" strategy didn't work.
The "Misogynistic Tendencies" strategy didn't work.
The "Racist and Bigoted" strategy didn't work.
The "Mental Instability" strategy didn't work.

I guess it's time to dredge up the Nazis and KKK and see if that sticks. (spoilers......it won't).

Perhaps it's you that is suffering from a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Actually, no. It's not a "strategy" or "syndrome" if ...

  1. Trump actually buddied up with Putin and the Russian Mafia to launder money and influence the elections.
  2. Trump is actually a misogynous, and has a year-long extramarital affair with a hooker that is "just like his daughter".
  3. Trump is hurting international relations by actually being a racist bigot. We need to work with the countries he called "shitholes" to help fight global terrorism.
  4. Trump actually doesn't have the mental capacity to remember more than the thing that the last person told him.

Trump is a one-man national security emergency.

Perform a mass-change on your post replacing "Trump" with "Bill Clinton" and you'll finally understand.

The US had an Insane, Treasonous, Sexual Predator in the Oval Office for 8 years and the "Media" was strangely silent.

Now that it's not "your guy", well then it's the end of the world.

Also, you gave me a bonus LOL, by thinking the media was ever "strangely silent" about Clinton's affairs. Thanks!

That's all I remember them talking about. They impeached him over it.

Ah "Whataboutism"! Great strategy, comrade!

How do you figure none of that stuff worked just because he hasn't been removed from office yet? The Russia investigation is still ongoing. Trump is a misogynist. I'm not sure what stragedy you're referring to, or how it would "work", but the fact is that Trump is a misogynist. He is also racist and bigoted, and clearly mentally unstable. If you deny any of those facts, I'm afraid you're likely the one who is deranged. I guess we'll see who is right when all is said and done, but I'm not betting on people with your opinion.

Not only will President Donald Trump not be removed from office, he will be overwhelmingly re-elected in 2020.

He is the "People's President" and the people trust him more than any one else in the "Political Class".....Republican or Democrat.

That's the funniest thing I've read on Steemit all day. Congrats!

He's only the the "people's president" if you ignore the majority 54% of us that voted against him. The people are not on his side.

Don't forget that most americans don't even vote. He's like a quarter of the people's president, if that.

and, and, and those pesky Russians like hacked our voting machines! So that means that like Trump like really like got only like 5% of the vote!

lol...these are NOT strategies ! This is real stuff happening in real time. This is about the inability of a Leader who cannot portray any kind of decency or tact. And a Leader who only cares about one thing..himself.

It's not about the Deep State and the delusional minions who keep trying bring this insane notion up over and over again.

And there is no conspiracy that people are trying to get this President out of office through some kind of concerted, covert effort.

That's ridiculous, just more insane paranoia from the 'pubes

This is a man who is in this mess because he has simply caused this mess. He is a pathological liar who blames EVERYONE around him and fails to take responsibility.

A pathetic Leader who only divides people. And does NOT unite them at all.

The only person who is deranged is Donald J. Trump, The only people who support this deranged man for the most part are middle aged to elderly white Americans. Many are desperately trying to hang on to the Nationalism that once prospered 50 years ago.

The fact it the 1950s are history. They need to get over it. The World has changed particularly in America the last few decades. And the WASP will be a minority by 2030.

No strategies involved here just a dying breed that will be extinct in 20 years along with Trump and his cronies. Good riddance, imo

I guess "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is".

No, it really doesn't. :)

The media paints these pictures of trump and then people hear it and believe it. A lot of it is not true or just speculation. Just because you think you know what happened doesn’t mean it did. Trump gets no praise for anything and gets all the blame. I think his problem is that he cant explain himself well and struggles speaking professionally

The media paints these pictures, but so does Trump. He actively admits to most of the above.

When has he admitted to these things? I’m pretty sure if he did he would’ve been indicted or impeached already for some of these....

im pretty sure that David made this video during Trumps campaign. and just posted it here now.not made it now.because this came out during the campaign and he talks about it like its still the campaign.

Is there no other news than stuff about trump?

It's all they have to talk about. Show me ONE member of the opposition that has anything constructive to offer. I certainly haven't seen one.

If he would just know when to keep his big mouth shut then maybe they would quit reporting on him. It's not the media, it's not the resistance, it's not the Libs who keep bringing this stuff up. It's the man himself who is responsible for this negative press.

90% of the FBI investigation probably wouldn't even exist if he could just stop talking.

Agree with the first part. But it is the media who makes everything sound worse than it is. They also embellish stories with false details. And publish the most unflattering pictures of him. They set out looking to attack him and try to spin everything negatively. You must admit this is true right?

There certainly is. Search for it elsewhere if you don't like this one post. That's the beauty of the internet.

I like David and his show. But its constantly trump trump trump. I like to hear other things as well. As part of his audience i think it matters what content i like as well. Sorry that i expressed my opinion.

Why wouldn't it be? What is more important in political news right now?

How about Russia vetoing the un resolutions on chemical weapons in Syria again? Or the crisis in Venezuela? Or the accusation that North Korea gets its fuel from Russian ships? Or the earthquake in Iraq? Or India testing a new ballistic missile? Or how about the Olympic doctor accused of touching women and girls?

The world is bigger than trump, but his name makes for a flashy headline. I get it. Which is why news agencies use his name in headlines as much as possible.

Sounds great. I look forward to your show on those topics. :)

And I’d get no views views because the title doesn’t say “trump” or “trumps tweets”

So you’re telling me Trump’s tweet is more important than any of the topics i just listed? “What’s more important in political news right now?” So much is. Open your eyes and eliminate the hate you have for one person. He got elected. He’s been in office for a year. When will people stop having a temper tantrum about it. Ive moved on its time for others to as well. If a democrat gets elected next term, would you think all the negativity and attacks were fair? Would you think republicans refusing to work with democrats was fair? No. Of course not.

Republicans did refuse to work with democrats, if you recall. All the way up until the day Trump took office. They wasted all sorts of time and money investigating things far less important than the Russian investigation.

My only point originally was that if you don't like the content of a post, find another post. That's it. I'm done now. Have a great day, and thanks for playing.

I tried to explain the history of the slogan to some people but it was a bit over their head.
Easier to get 5 more people to vote.

The problem I have with all these "he's using an antisemitic symbol" and whatever is that it's been overused. Currently, gamers are all white supremacists (the Triforce from Legend of Zelda is linked to the KKK, apparently), alpine skiers as well (Fischer skis use the same logo), the "ok" symbol is now a sign of white supremacy so Chevy had to pull an ad involving emoji...

Do you see where I'm going with this? We're so inundated with "this is sexist!" and "that's racist!" that the words have lost their sting. They are meaningless, aside from trying to control others over nonsense. So the KKK used the America First slogan? So what? It's a good slogan. It's patriotic. I see little difference between "America First" and "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." It inspires putting the nation above the self, and contributing to doing something great. It also implies making sure the actions on the global scale (trade deals, military interventions, etc) are favorable for the US.

In that context, I don't see it as all that bad. And it makes taking down the cheeto in chief harder. Throw too many shaky accusations, and the real serious ones will have a harder time sticking. We're already seeing that in certain circles.

Trump is just is becoming an uncelebrated celebrity, he's only enjoying the attention he's getting both on social media and the world at large.

Its amazing and interesting to hear again the political and inhuman slogans of Trump,.
But psychologist says , in human growth and development , once you miss a stage in development , the missed stage comes back with some effects which can affect the human behavior
. and the environment , thank you for the post my friend , am following you , help me with an up vote

Well Trump needs to be loyal to his base i guess...

The Dow has gained 31% during Trump's first year. I really think that Trump is trying to put America first, with respects to smart business that benefits our economy. Meanwhile, you are using association fallacy, and appeals to emotion in order to try and manipulate the meaning of one of Trump's tweets. That's just sad. What's even more sad is that there will be many people who fall for it, because they are incapable of thinking for themselves.

The DOW has little effect on the lives of Americans who are struggling the most.

Well, that's debatable. One thing is for certain though; the jobs that are flooding back into America because of Trump's influence-and-policies, or magic wand; they are without a shadow of a doubt a great opportunity for struggling Americans. He can't instantly make everyone's life a walk in the park, but he's doing the best he knows how in order to achieve his goal to MAGA.

Very good news

Never thought before about trump slogan as Nazi :) but maybe you r right and he deserve it :)