The Entire Globalist System is Falling Apart -- Harley Schlanger

in #news7 years ago

by SGT,

It has never been more evident that the entire globalist system is falling apart.

While James Comey hung himself in the public square on Thursday, it was again revealed that the "official" mainstream media narrative about the Russians hacking the US election is filled with more holes than Swiss cheese, and the strategy to use these overt LIES to destroy Trump has only served to destroy the mainstream mockingbird liars themselves.

There is no better example of this fact than the disastrous Megyn Kelly interview with Vladimir Putin. The Russian statesman absolutely destroyed the blonde haired mockingbird, much to the amusement of the audience watching.

But as noted in this interview, the Russian hacking narrative has had a multi-fold purpose.

As Harley Schlanger explains, "It's these same networks of the deep state that support terrorism, that are the ones that are trying to keep Trump from working with Putin (to prevent world war 3)."

This must listen interview helps to reveal the crumbling deep state narratives and the globalist plan, which Harley says is now falling apart at the seams.

MUST WATCH RELATED: Comey Just Hung Himself -- Gavin McInnes

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I have a hard time watching anything Alex Jones. Interesting segment though.

Great interview, thanks, upvoted

As always, thank you dj.

I am still on the fence about the crypto world but people like yourself and platforms like steemit give me piece of mind. Because this system can become dangerous if it is taken over by the governments!

@sgtreport ,
a little offtopic;
I like all effort you and your team put out there and i try to read almost everything, but I can't use the website in a normal way on my mobile phone (Iphone 6) without reloading the page every minut and/or after opening a article...


sky, thanks for this note, I'm happy to report that we are probably less than 45 days away from having a NEW & IMPROVED SGT Report online, it will be MOBILE friendly, which is a long overdue improvement. Thanks for hanging in there with us!

This is great news, I'm looking forward to the improved website!

I have followed you guys for almost a year now. Steemit is great, much better than YouTube imo. Would love it if you guys could follow back and offer me some advice on this new platform. Thanks guys, keep up the good work. Peace and love brother.

I'm following you sport. I really like Steemit a lot, and as far as advice goes for new folks on Steemit, I haven't read anything better than this:
Some Steem Tips For Some Steem Success!

Thank you for following and the words. I'll be on the look out for the next SGT post. Peace!

Hello my friend

Post is great .. Thanks for sharing

Nice work! Way too much time in info wars though.. Lol ..

Did I hear SGT say everybody was lowering their subscription monthly pledges? Listen folks, If you watch his videos, you should be pledging at least a hundred and fifty dollars a year. Think of the work that would get done. That is three meals out with your significant other, over a whole year. Quit virtue tweeting and start virtue spending. This guy is the real deal. He is putting his and his families' lives at risk. Power hates truth. So, go back and up your pledge back to ten dollars a month. He has over thirteen hundred patrons, that's almost two hundred thousand a year. Think about the quality and depth we would see in the articles. One fifty per year is a joke compared to what this man does. Let's do it.

cc, your kind words here will not soon be forgotten, thank you. One correction, right now we have 898 Patrons, averaging $3/month each. Many who originally pledged $5/month, have reduced their pledge down to $1/month, a 80% decrease. Happy to have any pledges though, and I really appreciate your sentiment & support. God Bless.

Let's hope for a Comey indictment - he leaked confidential information, and admitted it under oath.