marius19 (73)in #flowers • 3 months agoFlowers are nature's living poetry, delicate whispers of beauty that speak to the soul."Flowers are nature’s living poetry, a silent expression of beauty, resilience, and grace. Each petal tells a story…marius19 resteemednainaztengra (79)in #psychology • 4 months agoTalking and Thinking NegativelyWords do have a lot of power energetically, but not only words our thoughts too carry the same energy. Negative…marius19 (73)in #photography • 4 months agoCoffee is more than just a drink"Coffee is more than just a drink; it's a moment of calm in the chaos, a spark of energy in the haze. It’s a companion…marius19 resteemedtrafalgar (87)in STEEM CN/中文 • 5 months agosteemCreated with Sketch.十二生肖为什么没有猫关于十二生肖为什么没有猫的故事有几种说法,以下是其中几种流行的传说: 老鼠的捣乱 :…marius19 (73)in #flowers • 5 months agoThe Beauty of White Rose PetalsUpon the breeze, they softly fall, Like whispers from a distant call. Their velvet touch, so pure, serene, In…marius19 resteemednainaztengra (79)in #online-marketing • 6 months agoDisappointed with this Amazon orderA few days back I ordered some foldable luggage racks. I wanted to place them in all the bedrooms of my new home. I…marius19 resteemednainaztengra (79)in #children • 6 months agoMy Dream Job as a ChildAs children, we have some million dreams for ourselves and as a child we all have that one dream job that we think we…marius19 resteemednainaztengra (79)in #homestay • 6 months agoDifferent experiences with customersIt has been a month since I have started my homestay venture and kind of a roller coaster ride also. I never imagined…marius19 resteemedtrafalgar (87)in STEEM CN/中文 • 6 months agosteemCreated with Sketch.比钻石更硬虽然钻石以其坚硬的自然属性而闻名,但在硬度、强度或其他机械性能方面,有一些材料比钻石更胜一筹。以下是五种例子: 以下是几种比钻石更强或更硬的材料: 六方氮化硼 (Lonsdaleite):…marius19 resteemedtrafalgar (87)in STEEM CN/中文 • 6 months agosteemCreated with Sketch.五种最常见的过敏原以下是五种最常见的过敏原及其导致的过敏反应: 花粉(枯草热/过敏性鼻炎): 花粉来自树木、草类和杂草。接触到花粉后,许多人会出现打喷嚏、流鼻涕和眼睛发痒等症状,尤其是在春季和秋季花粉浓度高的时候。 尘螨:…marius19 resteemedtrafalgar (87)in STEEM CN/中文 • 6 months agosteemCreated with Sketch.我们为什么不吃大象?大象不常被食用有几个原因: 文化和伦理问题 :在许多文化中,大象被尊敬并被视为智慧、力量和聪明的象征。杀死和食用这样一个受人尊敬的动物被认为是禁忌。 濒危状态…marius19 resteemedtrafalgar (87)in STEEM CN/中文 • 6 months agosteemCreated with Sketch.腌制肉类腌制肉类是一种通过去除水分和抑制微生物生长来保存和调味肉类的方法。以下是主要步骤: 干腌(Dry Curing): 盐 :盐通过渗透作用抽取肉中的水分,防止细菌生长。 硝酸盐/亚硝酸盐…marius19 resteemeddodoim (86)in #steem • 6 months ago하늘하늘 바라보니 좋다 구름이 뭉실뭉실 잘 놀고 있다 하늘도 좋고 푸르른 잔듸도 좋고 스치는 바람도 기분 좋다 오늘은 좋은 날 날씨도 좋고 파란 하늘도 좋다.marius19 resteemeddodoim (86)in #steem • 6 months ago돌다리똑똑똑 두드려 보고 건넌다 백로도 돌 다리를 두드린다 껑충 껑충 뛰면서 건넌다 어린 시절 생각이 나서 건넌다 삐뚤 빼뚤 돌 다리는 그것이 멋 이리 보고 저리 보아도 돌 다리는 마음에 고향marius19 resteemeddodoim (86)in #steem • 6 months ago조종천조종천에는 토종 물고기들이 살고 백로가 날아다닌다. 가을로 가는 바람소리에 벼가 고개 숙이고 있다. 전철 지나가는 소리는 요란하고 손 흔드는 여행객들의 웃는 모습 아름답다.marius19 resteemeddodoim (86)in #steem • 6 months ago나팔꽃줄을 타고 올라 갑니다 하나 둘... 활짝 웃는 모습 예뻐서 한송이 두송이... 즐겁게 놀아 봅시다 방긋방긋...marius19 resteemeddodoim (86)in #steem • 6 months ago9월벌써 9월달 뜨거운 열기도 식겠지 별처럼 빛나고 상큼한 자두처럼 달콤한 풍성한 가을을 생각하니 마음까지 부자.marius19 resteemedtrafalgar (87)in STEEM CN/中文 • 6 months agosteemCreated with Sketch.常用的农药以下是五种常用的农药: 草甘膦 :一种广泛使用的除草剂,主要用于控制农业、园林和园艺中的杂草。草甘膦是许多除草剂的活性成分,包括著名的产品“农达”。 莠去津…marius19 resteemedtrafalgar (87)in STEEM CN/中文 • 6 months agosteemCreated with Sketch.孙悟空和杨戬的谁强?孙悟空和杨戬的实力比较在中国神话和文学作品中一直是一个有趣的话题。两者都被描绘成非常强大的角色,各有优势和特殊技能。 孙悟空: 能力:…marius19 (73)in #flowes • 9 months agoLife Like a Flower PetalLife, a flower petal, soft and fleeting, In the garden of time, where moments are meeting. Gentle as dawn, with…