DTube - We NEED To Talk About The PURGE Of ALEX JONES!

in #news6 years ago

We are all Alex Jones Now!

Regardless of what you think of the man this recent internet purge of Alex Jones by the major tech companies is wrong on every level and it needs to be rejected and exposed for the sake of free speech, freedom and liberty. This blatant attack on the free flow of information shows how all the major tech companies have made themselves gods of political opinions and the gatekeepers of the infowar.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains why the internet purge of Alex Jones is a direct attack on all free speech and why we must support Alex and anyone else who challenges the status quo now more than ever before it’s too late!

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▶️ DTube

Great upload...this has gone too far. When you get a chance let Alex know he has support here on Steem @pressfortruth. I will do what I can to support him and get his voice heard on this network.

I think he would not appreciate this. He has many people working for him... With a simple sentence like "Add my stuff to dtube", he could have all of his stuff mirrored here at least, as a backup channel.

He obviously does not want this....

Interesting! I'm not sure what would happen if we had him on Steem.. Baring in mind he is the guy who infiltrated bohemian grove and exposed presidents and corporate leaders taking part in a robed fire ritual with a 'pretend' baby being burned over a giant owl! It could be a mixed bag of gaining exposure for the network and also attracting negative press from those aligned towards destroying him.


truth will get out regardless. it just takes time.

Yes, I am dying for Infowars to join Dtube ! For what its worth, I am contacting all of the alternative news and truth news channels and giving them info about Steemit. The algorithms on the main stream platforms have become so bad that its really time people made the move.

I've made a couple of posts on AJ after his ban. Given the extent to which he has truly exposed and pissed off politicians and corporate leaders - such as during his infiltration of the Bohemian Grove.. It seems as if it was just a matter of time before he was heavily hit.

Interesting! I'm not sure what would happen if we had him on Steem.. Baring in mind he is the guy who infiltrated bohemian grove and exposed presidents and corporate leaders taking part in a robed fire ritual with a 'pretend' baby being burned over a giant owl! It could be a mixed bag of gaining exposure for the network and also attracting negative press from those aligned towards destroying him.


A lot of people say that it's not a threat to free speech, because it's not coming from government. But they don't really know that.

I can imagine them calling out "conspiracy theorist", but nobody is denying that there was collusion between the different sites... "Collusion" being another word for "conspiracy". So you have to wonder why they would shut Infowars down, in collusion, if it weren't for government intervention. It's hard to think where else it would come from.

We also live in a litigious society. These sites have mega billions. When he's posting videos of people harming/insulting people physically, as he did with the video of the man who threw a kid to the ground after arguing over liberalism, people will run out to get a attorney and argue the irresponsible behavior of the corporations whose refusal to remove the videos over profits caused them undue harm if they were similarly assaulted. It's all about profit...not just by these corporations, Alex Jones is also selling something, to maintain his base and income he has to keep upping the bar himself. Competing for attention on the internet can be a tough sell, at some point corporations have to ask themselves how much liability do I want to open myself up to if he keeps upping the bar to stay relevant.

I am not exactly a "fan" of Alex Jones, but to assert that reporting on something that happened as "being harmful", is not rational. If this were the case, then every news station who shows video of someone else being violent would have to be shut down. As for the "liability" of these tax payer subsidized companies.....that argument is moot as well since they merely provide a hosting platform and take no responsibility in the content. They have policies in place that remove porn, or avocation of violence....but they have taken this to an entire social engineering extreme. They can not be ideologically driven when they have received subsidies and government contracts and funding. They do not have the right to censor people for what they believe.

There's a huge difference between news shows that show clips of violence and someone who goes out and deliberately does something to gain attention for profit. With reports on the news it is already established there will be criminal charges forth coming, a punishment of one sort or the other. Furthermore people don't tend to obsess with any particular person or event happening on the news, it's ever changing. That's what I was getting at, people who tune in on a regular basis and
become entrenched in a person's particular style or habits. They see him out knocking people down over political issues and getting away with it others may attempt it....but what if they push someone and he hits his head the right way and dies? It's no different with the hate speech spiels, let someone else do that and several states have laws against it. Alex may get away with it but that doesn't mean everybody else will. Then they are looking at what happened with Zuckerburg being hauled before Congress...could it be that there's concern that if they don't crack down they will all find themselves under regulatory control and censor themselves? That problem is mostly coming from the left in this country, but still there has to be boundaries when it comes to a feeding frenzy to your followers of escalating hate and physical harm, there's way to many people out there in this world who don't know that Alex is acting for the most part to gain attention....some people can't separate the two.

There's a huge difference between news shows that show clips of violence and someone who goes out and deliberately does something to gain attention for profit

Are you kidding me, the whole main stream media is based on violence at this point, just because it's not the same person creating the violence then the person reporting it and making profit of it, it doesn't mean they don't work together. Unless you have a delusion that main stream media is a free media and represents freedom of the press and it's not controlled by people behind the scenes, in which case, case closed

With reports on the news it is already established there will be criminal charges forth coming, a punishment of one sort or the other

Are you kidding me, the news been reporting on atrocities crated by american and other governments for decades and so far no president/politician has been charged/convicted of war crimes against humanity and so forth, and so forth. Of course I mean the guilty ones, not the patsies. Unless you consider bigger profits for their respective corporations a sort of punishment.

people don't tend to obsess with any particular person or event happening on the news, it's ever changing. That's what I was getting at, people who tune in on a regular basis and become entrenched in a person's particular style or habits.

Are you kidding me, you're telling me that there is no cult following for monsters like Cooper Anderson or Wolf Blitzer and so many others. They are celebrities, they are "stars". Even the broadcasting corporations themselves have complete following and loyalty in millions. They operate on the very same principals that Alex Jones does, the only difference is, that they play the game behind the closed curtains, and Alex does not.

BTW, I can't stand Alex Jones, I think he's a pompous prick, but he's still should be allowed to have a voice, being it offensive to someone or not. I just don't listen to him.
©Of course, that's just my opinion and I could be wrong :)

I only watched Alex one time and that was during the campaign of the last election when he sold people on the idea that Assange was going to do a big announcement on Hillary via video link at some special event. Turns out it was just a twentieth anniversary special....that was a huge waste of two hours. I think you are conflating two very different issues into one. In these two examples, whether right or wrong, one is more main stream and the other attracts the nutters of the world. When one attracts more nuts then the other the chances increase that one of them are more than likely already living on the edge. What you don't understand is that people get sued all the time even though they are not directly involved in the harm of another but gave access or a platform for them to do so. A really good current example would be the Mandalay Bay Casino shooting....they are being sued but they were not directly involved. There was no way they could tell someone was about to go off but people want to hold them responsible. With people moving luggage in and out all day long how could they have possibly known? I haven't look to see if there's any Supreme Court rulings on the subject but it would seem to me that if employers could be held responsible for allowing harassment, intimidation or a threatening work environment so could a internet provider.

So when are you going to get Alex Jones/Infowars onto @dtube?

I am not a huge fan of Alex Jones but, I am a huge fan of our rights / freedoms. If a company can take down a website or comments because they disagree disagree isn't this censorship? It sounds more like a communist regime where you have no rights! I have seen several comments and most are in this same vane of thought... Does that mean if we disagree with an opinion then we are also at risk of access? Having a different opinion is healthy for the US. It means that their are alternative view points.

How long before Alex comes to Steemit and D.tube? You think Alex would consider uploading his vids on D.tube and Dlive?

He coming to d.tube and steemit is just not realistic unless steemit automatize registrations. Jones is running a business, he can not afford to wait up to 7 days for him and most importantly his audience to be approved and frankly it would cause a major headache to steemit staff because he added 5k subs on Bitchute in 5 hours and went from 0 to 15k in little more than 24 hours. Steemit is not ready for sudden influx of tens of thousands and potentially hundreds of thousands in very short time.

You can pay the fees and receive your account immediately. There services for that.

Posted using Partiko Android

Speaking about conspiracy theories what about the one that Alex Jones is a CIA agent? Not that I believe it but I've heard it so many times I'm just throwing it out there.

Obviously a publicity stunt that will help Zionist shills like Alex Jones gain more credibility amongst independent journalists.
He would definitely come back and spread even more toxic disinformation to divert attention away from Israel's role in any of the war crimes being committed against innocent people in Syria and Iraq.

Hey Dan

As much as I don't like Alex Jones, his annoying voice on top of his over the top ramblings, which believe me, doesn't sit well with the majority of intelligent people out there; In my experience, the only people that herald Alex Jones, are the simpletons, that don't really have any more then youtube education, still, you're absolutely right. If corporations will dictate what can and can not be said out loud in public, because let's face it, internet is the new public place, then we are doomed. They are swayed by popular opinion, which is artificially produced by over-voiced interest groups, led by some androgynous persons and soccer mommies that live in a bubble created by Walmart, Pinterst, Twitter, Facebook and alike. Alex Jones' take down is just a warning to the likes of you and I, "stop having opinion or else". Because let's face it, if you're just agreeing with the masses, or at least what is being presented as opinion of the masses, then you don't have an opinion. And that's why we have steemit, which by the way you introduced me to, while back. Hopefully this platform will stay true to it's original idea, because although you can't erase what's on the blockchain, but you still can be banned from posting, if the people in control desire so. So again, it depends how strong will the leadership of this blockchain be, how resistant will they be to the outside forces. After all youtube was heralded back in the day as answer to controlled media and look what happened. Back then we couldn't even imagine that the big internet will be controlled by monsters, so just like now we can't imagine that the blockchain could be controlled by PTBs, eventually it will ensue. So, what is the answer, how do you stop the bad man/woman from interfering in our lives, how do you get the self-righteous "persons"(wink, wink) of our backs, take their voice away?

You need to be more aggressive on steemit and Dtube and start venturing away from youtube. I know it's hard, because I'm sure, the audience is way more plentiful over there, but I think this platform is one step up on the evolutionary ladder, and here is where you might find the audience worthy of your opinion, not just the numbers of nodding sheep, going "baaa, baaa, we get what you're saying, thumbs up,...oh look another cool video". Nothing can replace written word, I like videos myself, but in order to grasp the full meaning of the discourse, it needs to be read. Besides, I can't listen to music and watch a speech at the same time :D Hey I'm just a newb, what do I know:) You've been doing this so long I'm sure know what's what. But after all, I"m here because of you. Of course, this is just my opinion and I could be wrong.

Dan doesn't care about the people on Steemit....I have yet to see him up vote or reward any comments. If there was a interaction participation rating with your followers on Steemit he'd be one of the lowest of the bunch. Dan is all about Dan. If he was a politician he'd fit right in.

That is kinda sad, because he was the one who introduced me to steemit, so I came, I saw and I fell in love with it. Now, more then ever he should be more active on steemit and Dtube, since the monster youtube is threatening his existence as a journalist. Well, I guess we'll see, maybe it's time for people like us to pick up the slack.