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RE: DTube - We NEED To Talk About The PURGE Of ALEX JONES!

in #news6 years ago

Hey Dan

As much as I don't like Alex Jones, his annoying voice on top of his over the top ramblings, which believe me, doesn't sit well with the majority of intelligent people out there; In my experience, the only people that herald Alex Jones, are the simpletons, that don't really have any more then youtube education, still, you're absolutely right. If corporations will dictate what can and can not be said out loud in public, because let's face it, internet is the new public place, then we are doomed. They are swayed by popular opinion, which is artificially produced by over-voiced interest groups, led by some androgynous persons and soccer mommies that live in a bubble created by Walmart, Pinterst, Twitter, Facebook and alike. Alex Jones' take down is just a warning to the likes of you and I, "stop having opinion or else". Because let's face it, if you're just agreeing with the masses, or at least what is being presented as opinion of the masses, then you don't have an opinion. And that's why we have steemit, which by the way you introduced me to, while back. Hopefully this platform will stay true to it's original idea, because although you can't erase what's on the blockchain, but you still can be banned from posting, if the people in control desire so. So again, it depends how strong will the leadership of this blockchain be, how resistant will they be to the outside forces. After all youtube was heralded back in the day as answer to controlled media and look what happened. Back then we couldn't even imagine that the big internet will be controlled by monsters, so just like now we can't imagine that the blockchain could be controlled by PTBs, eventually it will ensue. So, what is the answer, how do you stop the bad man/woman from interfering in our lives, how do you get the self-righteous "persons"(wink, wink) of our backs, take their voice away?

You need to be more aggressive on steemit and Dtube and start venturing away from youtube. I know it's hard, because I'm sure, the audience is way more plentiful over there, but I think this platform is one step up on the evolutionary ladder, and here is where you might find the audience worthy of your opinion, not just the numbers of nodding sheep, going "baaa, baaa, we get what you're saying, thumbs up,...oh look another cool video". Nothing can replace written word, I like videos myself, but in order to grasp the full meaning of the discourse, it needs to be read. Besides, I can't listen to music and watch a speech at the same time :D Hey I'm just a newb, what do I know:) You've been doing this so long I'm sure know what's what. But after all, I"m here because of you. Of course, this is just my opinion and I could be wrong.


Dan doesn't care about the people on Steemit....I have yet to see him up vote or reward any comments. If there was a interaction participation rating with your followers on Steemit he'd be one of the lowest of the bunch. Dan is all about Dan. If he was a politician he'd fit right in.

That is kinda sad, because he was the one who introduced me to steemit, so I came, I saw and I fell in love with it. Now, more then ever he should be more active on steemit and Dtube, since the monster youtube is threatening his existence as a journalist. Well, I guess we'll see, maybe it's time for people like us to pick up the slack.