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RE: America Has A Culture Problem, Not a Gun Problem

in #news7 years ago

"the availability of guns is directly related to the number of mass shootings. "

False, you just made that up.

In the UK almost all firearms were banned after a couple of mass shootings and there has not been one since.

How frequent were they prior to that?

The same goes for Australia.

False, they have had mass shootings there and of course studies of their mandatory gun buybacks found that their draconian laws did not cause any reduction in homicides suicides or mass shootings. In fact gun homicide rates in the US fell more than those in Australia following their ban.

Every democratic government has to balance freedom against security.

THERE IT IS! In your sentence, and whenever you hear anyone making that statement the word "balance" really means "take away", every time. Here is America our founders warned us that those who would trade liberty for the illusion of security will have neither. Of course they were right. This shooting was in a gun free zone right? One of the only places in Florida where people cannot defend themselves, is that a coincidence?

And I think that the fact that you can be on a no fly list as a suspected terrorist, yet still have the right to buy and carry a gun to be slightly misaligned priorities.

Indeed, its absurd that we have secret lists of innocent Americans, mostly Muslims, isn't it? Democrats used to rightly oppose the idea of stripping Americans of civil liberties without any due process but then they decided that if gun rights were stripped then they really like the idea of stripping innocent, mostly Muslim people of basic civil liberties in secret and without and due process. Lets think about how you get on their secret lists, its by associating with the wrong people, saying the wrong things or going to the wrong mosque right? Or just having the wrong name right? So essentially exercising your first amendment right should strip you of your 2nd and 5th and 14th amendment rights? Democrats in the house think so, they protested against civil rights.


I can’t believe people are downvoting comments they disagree with. So much for free speech and land of the free etc!

I do t care for party politics but obviously you do. I just find it amazing that the country with the highest gun ownership has by far the worst gun problems, yet no one will accept that.

I don't know that I "care for party politics" but on this issue one party is right and the other is very wrong. We don't have the worst gun problems, that's silly. You seem to be consuming some of the anti gun propaganda that is very prevalent in the American media. Here are some charts that show the reality of the "gun problems" in America.

doesn't feel good to have your freedoms taken away huh? and now i await the downvote ...... :)

our problem lies in we have a culture that is inherantly violent because of the fact that our inner cities are decaying and noone inclusing the people living there want to fix it. If you go to any american inner city the people there have adopted the (Gangster) lifestyle and are perfectly happy living in government housing, slinging drugs and killing each other in any way they can. in fact in the USA more people every year die from being blugened to death than guns. Yes more people are beat to death with a hammer every year than are shot. People that die from being a fat piece of shit every year totally eclipse the numbers killed by guns. Hell you are more likely to die in a car accident than you are walking through a Detroit getto. (walking through a Detroit getto is not a good idea).