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RE: How knitting and crochet helps to cope with pain and depression

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)

There are so many ways how knitting /crochet can be instrumentalized to help. And knitting slowly and very attentive is a good way, I think its benefits are like various kinds of mindfulness meditation. Although I regularly meditate I find it very hard to apply those principles in knitting.... I am so greedy and curious, always want to put my knitting on and wear it, so I mostly (try to) knit very fast. But reading your answer, I think I should give this mindful knitting another go.
PS: I am currently cuddling your wool....<3


That's good to hear. Hope you are feeling better.

Right now yes, but it I have still 4-5 days per month when I cannot function and many more days where I am a little bit zombie-like.
By the way, my husband loved the postcard :-)