How knitting and crochet helps to cope with pain and depression

Warning: four paragraphs of whining and self-pity are following. If you want to read about the health benefits of knitting jump down to the part “Solution”

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As you perhaps suspected already after reading the title – this will not be a funny post. I have migraines. For a very long time I had simply one or two a month shortly before I got my mens. Also traveling could provoke a migraine. But this was no problem at all. I could take a simple over the counter medication and lay down, afterward all was well.
But with increasing commitment in my job as a teacher for yoga therapy, the traveling volume increased. As it is perhaps ironic for someone who teaches body awareness and related health techniques – I did not recognize how the migraine frequency increased (ok… maybe I was distracted by a car accident I had, a Taxi driver hit us on Silvester). It all culminated around some two years back as I got a migraine attack during working which did not receded for 5 days. After this - in my perception - everything changed. The migraine pain was much harder, the medication did not help (yes I consulted a specialist and did not self-medicated) and the frequency increased; I eventually had to stop to work to get some days without migraine.

So, after all the whining: here I am two years later after countless therapy attempts. The frequency decreased a little bit to about 5 days with severe migraines per month. Now the crafting sets in. After an attack the headache and miss-feelings are not simply gone, but I have a lingering pain, nausea, and often numb parts in my face for one or two days.
What to do now? I cannot read in this moments or watch moving images like serials or films. Exercising or simply walking triggers new migraines (and believe me I love to do all kinds of sports) …So, should I sit around for days and meditate my a** away? (sorry, I am frustrated)

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Solution: Knitting and crochet
For some years now, there is an ongoing research about the health benefits of knitting and crochet. Both crafts have things in common which facilitate wellbeing. I will present you the benefits in a very personal (migraine dictated) order:

  1. Self-efficacy
    Although body and brain hinder me to do many things, knitting/crochet with its small and easy movements is still possible. And while doing one stitch at a time I accomplish something greater. I can overcome the feeling of getting nothing done or being useless while being in pain, because after some time there will be a finished object – a sweater, a hat or simply a nice tension square with a new pattern. Knitting/crochet is for me a compromise when my body hurts too much to write or work, but not enough that I must lay down.
    And with our #needleworkmonday self-efficacy has another dimension. My knitting is no longer only a strategy to help myself, I also can be a part of warm and welcoming community. I receive feedback and I can connect with you and my knitting/crochet helps me to feel valued. (Thanky youuuuuuu)

  2. Repetitive
    Being in pain or feeling sad about the pain and its consequences is not a pleasant place to be. Through knitting/crochet the pain will not go away, it is no miracle cure, but it can help to calm down and to concentrate for moments (or longer) on something else than the hurtful feelings. The repetitive movements of knitting and crochet can lead to a meditative state without needing to learn special concentration techniques. It is simply a very positive side effect of doing the same and effortless movements for a longer time.

  3. Focus
    Sometimes my migraines make me so sad and angry, I envision the darkest future scenarios, being a burden for the world, being alone and in pain, not able to be productive and so on. My mind is very creative in painting everything black. In such moments knitting/crochet can bring me back to reality. Especially more difficult patterns, which need my concentration are a good remedy for rumination which could evolve into health issue itself. But also, the clicking noises of the needles, the touch of the yarn can anchor me in the present and penetrate negative thought cycles.

But Knitting/crochet has even more potential. For example, both crafts allow to work and speak. So, you can connect with other people while knitting this lovely shawl or sweater. The knitting/crochet projects are transportable. Knitting and crochet is said to be inexpensive (if you have a whole room for your yarn stash and your tools need their own flat, there may be potential to economize your hobby) And knitting/crochet even facilitates the growth of new neural pathways which could delay or alleviate dementia.

If you want to read more about the benefits of knitting I would recommend Betsan Corkhills book “Knit for Health & Wellness” published by FlatBear in Bath 2014.

Thank you for working through this lengthy post and hopefully I could give you some more incentives to knit and crochet :-D


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hug migraines are so disruptive. Know that you are not alone! I get the ocular/vision ones about 4 times a year now. They used to happen a lot more but after my hysterectomy and then going cold-turkey on hormones, they decreased drastically. Since mine usually are visual I cannot see well enough to knit or stitch.
Isn't it interesting how so many people with debilitating issues are now able to form online communities instead of being isolated!

Having such a big surgery is very tough and it is good to hear, that your migraine frequency lessened. I also think that mine are strongly tied to my hormone levels, because I have some problems there... Knitting or crochet during an attack is for me also impossible, only in the days before or after, when the headache (and other symptoms) are not so intense I can use this tool to distract me.
And the point you made about the connecting is soooo important. Often the issues themselves make it hard to keep up any regularity (friends, work, hobbies, driving etc.) and finding friends and compassion, new info’s and encouragement online is very helpful. <3

Wow... I have read a bit about how controlling migraines can be and I have a friend who has eye problems and so gets migraines every once in a long while but I didn't envisage this extensive effect it can cause on the mind and body.
You are just so cool. You have to experience all this pain and you use knitting and crocheting as a means to get away yet you still took the time to write this piece for our information. You still have the humour side to your posts and you still give pretty nice comments.
You have reminded me with this lesson. To live above pain, to have a positive attitude, and to give to others. Thanks for this wonderful piece. Thanks for finding a way to gradually defeat the migraine. Keep going up. Happy needleworkmonday @neumannsalva🙂

Thank you so much for this positive feedback. I love to hear, that I could inspire you a little bit :-D But nevertheless I also have my dark moments, moments which are not shown on social media. I so hope that I will find a way to better cope with the migraine and keeping with all of you is one step forward :-D

I do have dark moments as well , so I hope and pray that you do fight them💕s

Oh man, migraines are AWFUL. I'm so glad knitting and crochet helps you! I get ocular migraines that don't hurt mostly, but every now and then a painful one hits. Luckily for me, caffeine helps mine, so I fire up the moka pot and get some espresso in me and it helps! I couldn't imagine dealing with them for days at a time! 😵

I have never heard of ocular migraines (and I believe all migraines are sooooo unnecessary!!!) Good that caffeine helps you, I always try it out before taking stronger things, but mine are unimpressed with the caffeine... mäh.
And yes, these lasting migraines are so 💩 Sometimes I think the experience of migraines which last so long frightened me so much, that the negative emotions alone are enough to worsen the next migraine (or perhaps it’s simply superstition)
Thank you for sharing your experience with migraines, that always helps 💕💕

No one can blame you for feeling dread when one starts!
Ocular migraines for me are like having flash bulbs go off in my vision. Sometimes big camera flashes and sometimes little Xmas lights, but always flashing lights.

I call the ocular ones starry migraines, all migraines suck so much. I mostly get lightning jags of holographic stars across my vision and need to be in a very dark room to get any relief. Mine are often set off by weather changes, especially pressure changes before storm fronts.

I've never noticed a correlation with weather change,I'll have to pay attention to that!

@jamethiel and @phoenixwren perhaps you already know this, but in case that not:
the migraine world summit is currently taking place and the daily lectures are for free. After this summit you must pay for them. Today is a lecture about visual effects of migraines
You have to register and then you receive a daily link for the lectures.
I did not know if you are on discord (I would have written privatly)

I'm not on Discord and didn't know about this, so thanks! ☺

So sorry that you sometimes have a miserable time, and so pleased that knitting and crochet and #needleworkmonday help to change that. You have written so eloquently about the health benefits, I can only agree. I use knitting alot when times are stressful to divert my attention, relax and focus on positive things. I noticed the other day that I was knitting quite slowly and enjoying the sensation. Keep safe with your lovely ideas 😍

There are so many ways how knitting /crochet can be instrumentalized to help. And knitting slowly and very attentive is a good way, I think its benefits are like various kinds of mindfulness meditation. Although I regularly meditate I find it very hard to apply those principles in knitting.... I am so greedy and curious, always want to put my knitting on and wear it, so I mostly (try to) knit very fast. But reading your answer, I think I should give this mindful knitting another go.
PS: I am currently cuddling your wool....<3

That's good to hear. Hope you are feeling better.

Right now yes, but it I have still 4-5 days per month when I cannot function and many more days where I am a little bit zombie-like.
By the way, my husband loved the postcard :-)

I have met quite a few people who suffer from migraines (and other physically painful conditions) and pain management seems to be the way forward @neumannsalva... Certainly knitting/crocheting (even planning the next project) can keep us going and focused in the hard times 🌺

Before the migraines hit so hard, I did not know how many people suffer severely from this. Perhaps someday there will be a better cure/medication, but it seems to be such a complex problem, with still so many unknown components.
Planning to have something to go for, to look forward to is an important factor. I did not think about this!!! Pain can be (a not so nice) anchor in the present, with the result that I think, this hurtful moment will not pass. But it will. Planning something beautiful like a new craft project can certainly help to get the focus away from the pain in the "now".
Thank you <3

I think it is wonderful you have found something that helps the whole of the situation.

Reading the benefits you shared frames up my knitting and crocheting in a different way... I am curious to think about it some more.

Happy NeedleworkMonday

Yes go for it (or knt/corchet more...I do not know if you already are infected with the craft virus) THank you for taking the time to read and comment <3

I’m sorry that you have tough time with migraines. I respect you make such powerful and nicely funny posts even though your situation.
And it’s same for me that I look forward to e-meeting people on Steemit for Needle Work Monday every week and it helps me a lot :)

Thank you for your compassionate comment and it so nice to have you here and see your projects. And believe me outside from writing I am not always so positive ... social media are deceptive.
I hope you are well and have some time to relax in Albania :-D

You are right. That’s social media. But still it’s nice you share your positive energy in your posts and also shared your concern and how you work on it with knitting / crocheting on Steemit. I look forward to seeing you next Monday or on the other day 😊

Have you tried ice? I am sure you probably have, but if not...take a regular water bottle, fill most of the way with water, and keep it in the freezer. Migraines happen when blood rushes up the at the first aura signs, lay down on the floor on the back and put the frozen water bottle under the neck. You can use a towel or T-shirt to make it not too shocking.

This slows the blood enough that it is not rushing, and so reduces the migraine...

also Peppermint oil, rub a drop on the temples, and back of neck up near the base of the skull.

I have recipes for migraine tea, and an oil mixture...if you would like I can make a post on them for you...

Thank you for this tip, I usually use ice on my forehead I never tried it in on my neck. Peppermint oil sadly does not have any effect on, sometimes on the contrary, because I cannot stand strong smells when I have migraines. (I also tried lavender oil, which is not so strong, but it doesn't help ...)
If you would write some tips down, this would be absolutely helpful. I believe there are so many people who suffer from migraines, and everyone reacts positive to different kinds of treatments. I myself am sometimes a little bit tired of trying out, because so long nothing really improved my condition (I tried, feverfew, butterbur, magnesium, Q10, B1, ginger, running, yoga, taiji… )
I am looking forward to your post 💕

Ooooo! my dear!!!! I really sympathize with you! I'm glad that you have such consolation in hard days. my doctor advised me to strengthen the vessels of the brain: a contrast shower in the morning, a complex of B + C vitamins, ginkgobelobs, soya lentin and slightly hot sweet black tea with the first unpleasant symptoms. and this is all the time! Get well!!!!

You too? Sh*** There are so many people, especially woman who suffer from migraines. Do you think the tips of your doctor help? I have tried out so many (alternative) treatments up today and I sadly have the impression that they do not help me (but everybody is different). But who knows, perhaps it will become simply better with time :-D
Thank you for your compassionate comment 💕

Ugh migraines are no fun at all. I am so sorry to hear you have been dealing with them lately and feeling all this pain. Great health benefits of knitting/crocheting you have shared. I definitely agree with them and have experienced them for myself.

I’m not sure if you have ever used essential oils but when I have horrible headaches I diffuse peppermint and lavender which helps relieve the tention. Sending love and hopes of fast healing your way. Wishing those migraines will stay far away. ❤️❤️❤️

I also tried out essential oils, but the strong smell of peppermint is too much when I have an attack. Lavender is ok, but does not really help - sadly... I have tried so many alternative therapies, but the migraines are completely unfazed. This is one of the reasons I am currently trying more to manage the pain and the time between the attacks, then the attacks themselves.
I would be so happy if your good wishes could reach me, I hope they fly over the ocean! Thank you so much for your compassionate answer 💕💕

Oh no! I can see how peppermint could be too strong and the lavender not strong enough. 🙁

Well I’m glad you are finding ways to manage the pain and get through them. I hope my wishes fly over the ocean as well. 💕