Needlework Monday: WIPs + Back Home

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago

Hello there!
It’s been awhile 😅. I was recently informed by a friend that I need to post so that I’ll get big and famous and can upvote his posts... right.

One of the projects I’ve been working on recently is a pair of socks. The pattern is Irish Oats by cabinfour on Raverly.

The yarn I’m using is Remix Light by Berroco (nylon, cotton, acrylic, silk, and linen).
The yarn has an interesting texture, not great for stitch definition, but goodness it’s soft.

Cables and seed stitch 😍

This past week I’ve been gone at Camp Eagle with a friend’s youth group.
I’ve been to this camp before, back in middle school, and that was.. not the best experience... Thankfully this time was sooo much better.

I brought two knitting projects along with me to camp, but didn’t have that much time to knit. I’d try and get moments while waiting for food or before bedtime, not that much progress was made though 😂

This is the other project I brought, a lace circular shawl.
My youth group leaders had gone to Peru and brought some alpaca yarn back for me!

Okay! Back to camp for a bit (I’d skip this part if you’re just here for the knitting, it’s gonna be long 😂)

Like I said, way better than the last time I went there.
I think a big part of it was that I really liked the group I was with.
I actually made new friends.. what a concept.

Another part of it was probably because I’m no longer in middle school, which I think many of us can admit was an awkward time. Ugh.

One of the things they had us do at camp was to write down something that we wanted to be, something that we wanted God to work on us. I wrote that I wanted peace.

I’m a pretty busy person. Most of that is my own doing, my many hobbies can take up a lot of time. Some of that is school or work. Don’t get me wrong, I like doing stuff but those past two weeks or so had worn me out.

Not only that, but thinking about what it means to be a Christian, I’m messed up and it feels like there’s a lot of stuff to improve and work on in my life. I felt/feel like I couldn’t work on one thing at a time.

I was so tired and I’d gotten to the point where I just. Wanted. A. Break.

I talked with my cabin leader about it and it was so nice to have someone who really really cared and wanted to have a conversation with me about what was going on.

I still don’t have all the answers, probably won’t until Jesus comes back, but I realized that I really needed to focus more on reading the Bible and getting more of a solid foundation before I tried to do things on my own.

Alright I’m finally done now! 😂

I hope you all have a lovely Needlework Monday! ❤️


The mustard lace shawl is fantastic. It is so delicate and the pattern absolutely stunning!!!!
And with the peace... I hope you will find it and have some time to relax. I know from the outside it is always easy to give advice or reassurance, nevertheless, here is mine:
You are enough. You are perfect as you are. There is nothing that must be improved. It is an enrichment for me to know you a little bit <3 <3

Thank you! I can’t wait to see the shawl blocked

I like your friend's thinking!
I love the socks, that looks like a really good pattern, especially the toe shaping, and the yarn looks lovely, makes such a difference to the feel when you are knitting. The shawl also looks amazing, even unblocked it looks very beautiful, I like the colour, too.
Thank you for talking about your experiences at camp, hope you are finding your way through.

Thank you! And yes I like the toe shaping too, I’ve always knitted top down socks, maybe someday I should try toe up but not today 😂

I know what you mean!

Your knitting work is sooo pretty @lizgore! They look really delicate and complex. And I hope you find peace and that you get the break you deserve. Take some time off. It is not easy but try to take little steps. You will get there :)

Thank you so much! God is always good and knows what I need ❤️

You enrich our lives far away as we are and unknown to each other as we are by sharing your beautiful handwork @lizgore 🌺

Thank you so much! ❤️