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RE: Out Of My Body: My Acupuncture Story

I always tell people that the criteria for finding an acupuncturist is that:
a) you should trust them and feel that they ‘get’ you — although this applies to any therapist or doctor, whether natural or conventional.
b) their location should be convenient for you. Acupuncture works best when done regularly and as close together as possible. Having to travel an hour or so to get to your Practitioner can add more stress to life. Again, this applies to all kinds of health/medical practitioners. Having said that, I have to travel an hour through traffic to reach mine, but I’m not in the situation where I need to see him weekly or fortnightly... maybe every now and then for a check-up.

Glad you like the soundtrack 😊🙏🏽☯️


I agree. Im going through that stress today. This wind doesnt help!!!

Yes, Wind is considered a disruptive energy, and can unsettle emotions, unground the Qi and bring on muscle spasms in the upper body (neck usually), headaches, migraines, anger, irritability, maybe even bring on an episode of hypertension (for those prone to it).

Ironically, certain herbal medicine or food-medicine approaches are better, as they help strengthen yīn, in order to anchor the yàng.

The metaphor is that a tree with its roots in solid, stable soil will not get uprooted by strong winds.

Hearty, rich foods that nourish the xue (Blood) like chlorophyll-rich greens and root veg, and red meat in moderate, easily digestible form (for those that eat it).

Gosh that perfectly aligns with how I'm feeling right now. Makes so much sense. Bloody August and wind!