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RE: The Natural Medicine of Alignment for Injury Healing

@artemislives beautiful post. It is true the Yoga is the answer to good life and good health. I have been going trough major neck & shoulder muscle spasm for the past 16 months and doctors have no solution for it. All they have to say is “it’s all in your mind”. I have given up on doctors and I plan to take up yoga for sure. And after reading this post it makes me even more confident. Thank you for sharing 😌😇


Glad to have been able to inspire you and give you some sense of hope and a way forward. Muscles spasm is a PRIMARY symptom of magnesium deficiency, and can be VERY painful when nerve endings are caught in contracted, tight muscle. I'd highly recommend a more magnesium rich diet (whole organic foods, not pills!), regular use of a topical magnesium spray and regular magnesium (epsom salts) baths or foot soaks. And yes, yoga. Mindful breathing into the spasm and alignment. :) Wishing you health and freedom from pain.

I had the same! It was torture! Relaxing and acupuncture cured me in 10 days.. xx