
Thanks for sharing your great experiences, darling.

A huge hug 🤗

Huge hugs back to you @amico - are you planning to come to steemfest?? I think it's time!

I'll decide at the last minute whether to come or not... I'd love to meet you! 🙏

Well done! You give me hope if you can come so far from so much damage. I've been having issues with my upper arm and shoulder muscles. Do the wrong thing and I have pain shooting through that region and sometimes down my whole arm and it's been getting worse. I've started applying magnesium oil and I'm wondering if posture might have anything to do with it, so I need to work on that.

Thank you for such an inspirational post.

Posted using Partiko Android

Poor postural habit has EVERYthing to do with it!! The poor alignment and muscle/nerve pain is the accumulation of YEARS of poor movement patterns. A great Feldenkrais practitioner can help, as can yoga and chi quong. If that's all too woo-woo or your budget doesn't stretch that far, get down to your local pool and swim gentle laps of BACKstroke - aiming with each stroke to enter the water exactly at the mid point over your head. Be amazed at how effective that simple technique can be too!

Magnesium relaxes muscles and eases nerve pain and promotes better sleep - which ALL help A LOT. But without improved movement pattern, strength training and better alignment, it's not enough.

Having a good therapist come to your home and evaluate you in your daily life - how you sit, walk, carry laundry, sleep etc can be eye opening.

Woo-woo it's not, but at the moment many things are certainly beyond my budget. The university of YouTube is calling.
Thank you for your feedback.

Posted using Partiko Android

Injury manifests imbalance.

Finally... sigh... someone who gets it. It's so hard to get that message across :0)

I've been struggling with my back for 2 years now. All doctors want me to have that 3rd surgery, and call me crazy because I refuse. I have to find that balance inside myself again, first, or I'll be right back where I started afterwards.

Thanks for this post. Good to know I'm not crazy, lol

You are more sane than most. Hang in there. It's about creating enough muscle relaxation (magnesium, heat, acupuncture, massage) to ALLOW the realignment. And then to strengthen the weak spots to allow you to HOLD that realignment. You got this!! x

Thanks! I do hope so 😉

Thank you - and sweet of you to pause and say so. :)

@artemislives beautiful post. It is true the Yoga is the answer to good life and good health. I have been going trough major neck & shoulder muscle spasm for the past 16 months and doctors have no solution for it. All they have to say is “it’s all in your mind”. I have given up on doctors and I plan to take up yoga for sure. And after reading this post it makes me even more confident. Thank you for sharing 😌😇

Glad to have been able to inspire you and give you some sense of hope and a way forward. Muscles spasm is a PRIMARY symptom of magnesium deficiency, and can be VERY painful when nerve endings are caught in contracted, tight muscle. I'd highly recommend a more magnesium rich diet (whole organic foods, not pills!), regular use of a topical magnesium spray and regular magnesium (epsom salts) baths or foot soaks. And yes, yoga. Mindful breathing into the spasm and alignment. :) Wishing you health and freedom from pain.

I had the same! It was torture! Relaxing and acupuncture cured me in 10 days.. xx

Look at u go! I remeber last year u could barely use your hand at allll!! I were the one handed wonder! Well done for ignoring stupid doctors and staying so positive and working so hard! Now u really got the results!! Xxx

Appreciating your practical support and guidance sooo much - you teaching Ploi to make dahl has meant that we OFTEN have the luxury now of her taking care of us. I will be doing handstands by the time I see you at steemfest! #sf4

You've been visited by @minismallholding from Homesteaders Co-op.

Once again, thank you for sharing your healing journey. I’ve featured your post in the Homesteaders – Living Naturally newsletter

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Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful exercises with us.!

Posted using Partiko Android

good practice & a good use of both natural tags! ;)
namaste ॐ

Inspiring and beautiful! Hopefully the doctor is open to learning about true healing, the healing a body knows how to do for itself if the mind listens to its messages and helps it along the path. I had no idea you have been going through all this! Excellent work. Gonna make better use of magnesium for my son, who lives in severe discomfort.