About Myanmar Engineers

in #myanmar8 years ago


The steps to form the new engineers association

Firstly organise the meeting with your friends in various engineering groups to discuss the following aims and objectives of the association


Aims and objectives

Promoting graduate engineers, engineering students at all levels, assisting TVET/ Practical courses affordable to most students.
• Fair engineering systems to protect Myanmar Engineers
• Fair occupational and professional registration system for all engineers
• Linking to international professional associations

Ask any additional facts.

Secondly, draw the rules for eligibility for membership.

The information in the following link to be discussed, changed, Then organize the members. (MES/MEC never allows the engineers to change their assessment process ) ( Our rule is just an advice, the engineers can make suggestion on how to change).


Thirdly, draw membership rules. For example


Fourthly, draw the election procedure for President, Secretary and Executive Council member.

The drafts discussed by various groups are to be combined .

Those drafts are to be publicised and inputs by all engineers are to be sought for a given period.

Then application to form the organisation to be lodged with Government.


So... are you a member of MES..? or an organizer to form MES..?

No ,this post is my teacher's post.