soeminphyo (41)in #facebook • 8 years ago【 ေဆာင္းပါး 】 ငါးပြက္ရာငါးစာခ်ေနသူတို႔ အတုယူစရာ ေျမတိုင္ကန္ရြာ【 ေဆာင္းပါး 】 ငါးပြက္ရာငါးစာခ်ေနသူတို႔ အတုယူစရာ ေျမတိုင္ကန္ရြာ ခင္ႏွင္းဦး ပရဟိတမ်ားလုပ္ေနသည့္ လူငယ္တစ္ဦးႏွင့္…soeminphyo (41)in #love • 8 years agoလူသားအလ်င္းခ်င္းခ်စ္ခင္ႏိုင္ၾကပါေစလူတစ္ေယာက္က သူ႔ရဲ႕ကားအသစ္ကို ေပါလစ္တိုက္ေနပါတယ္၊ အဲဒီအခ်ိန္မွာ သူ႔ရဲ႕(၆)ႏွစ္အရြယ္ သမီးေလးဟာ ဝက္အူလွည့္နဲ႔…soeminphyo (41)in #myanmar • 8 years agoျမန္မာလူငယ္မ်ားအတြက္ အလုပ္အကိုင္အခြင့္အလမ္းအလုပ္ခြင္ဝင္ေနေသာလူငယ္မ်ားကိုေအာက္ပါအသက္ေမြးပညာမ်ား သင္ၾကားႏုိင္ေသာလက္ေတြ ့ကြ်မ္းက်င္လုပ္သက္၅ႏွစ္ရိွသူမ်ား…soeminphyo (41)in #profile • 8 years agoMyanmar Engineers Profile Picture Campaign (Facebook post)Myanmar Professional Engineers Group (The Institution of Professional Engineers Myanmar) and Engineers Union support…soeminphyo (41)in #myanmar • 8 years agoMyanmar Version of the following will be posted.We will arrange the meetings to form the association which is parallel to MES/MEC. To be aligned with International…soeminphyo (41)in #myanmar • 8 years agoAbout Myanmar EngineersThe steps to form the new engineers association Firstly organise the meeting with your friends in various…soeminphyo (41)in #myanmar • 8 years agoRice balls with coconut dressingRice balls with coconut dressing Rice balls with coconut dressing is a traditional Myanmar food from Myeik, the…soeminphyo (41)in #steemit • 8 years agoLentil Soup (Myanmar)Lentil Soup  Original Myanmar Lentil soup does not includes carrot, potatoes and bean vermicelli. But if you…soeminphyo (41)in #steemit • 8 years agoThiri Mingalar Pagoda (Loikaw ,Kayah State Myanmar)သီရိမဂၤလာ ေတာင္ကြဲေစတီ လိြဳင္ေကာ္ဟုဆိုလိုက္လွ်င္ ေတာင္ကဲြေစတီ ႏွင့္တဲြကာသိၾကသည္ျဖစ္သျဖင့္…soeminphyo (41)in #steemit • 8 years agoLoikaw City (Kayah State Of Myanmar)"လိြဳင္ေကာ္ၿမိဳ႕ " --------–-------______________ လိြဳင္ေကာ္ၿမိဳ႕သည္ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ၏ တစ္စိတ္တစ္ေဒသျဖစ္ေသာ…soeminphyo (41)in #khyar • 8 years agoDiary Of BiLuu Stream (Loikaw Khyar State Myanmar)ဘီလူးေခ်ာင္း ဒ႑ာရီပုံျပင္ ................................ ဘီလူးေခ်ာင္းႀကီးသည္ ႐ွမ္းျပည္နယ္ ေတာင္ပိုင္း၊…soeminphyo (41)in #myanmar • 8 years agoPork Curry With Pone-Yay-Gyi (Myanmar Food)Pork Curry with Pone-Yay-Gyi This is a very original Myanmar recipe cooked with Pone-Yay-Gyi paste, a traditional…soeminphyo (41)in #steemit • 8 years agoKachin Chicken CurryKachin Chicken Curry Kachin Chicken Curry is a famous indigenous Kachin curry. It is also one of my favorite…soeminphyo (41)in #miss • 8 years agoMiss BurmaMiss Burma Book Book details ● Author : Charmaine Craig ● Pages : 368 pages ● Publisher : Grove Press…soeminphyo (41)in #steemit • 8 years agoBeautiful Image Of Shan State MyanmarImage Of Shan State Myanmarsoeminphyo (41)in #myanmar • 8 years ago“ ကင္မရာေကာင္းမြန္ၿပီး ျမန္မာက်ပ္ေငြ (2) သိန္းဝန္းက်င္ရွိတဲ့ စမတ္ဖုန္း (5) မ်ိဳး ”မႏွစ္က ကမာၻ႔အႏွံ႔အျပားမွာရွိတဲ့ ဖုန္းအသံုးျပဳသူ 2 ဘီီလီယံကို စစ္တမ္းေကာက္ယူခဲ့တာမွာ စမတ္ဖုန္းအသံုးျပဳသူ 90…soeminphyo (41)in #steemit • 8 years agoMUSICAL INSTRUMENT OF MYANMARMyanmar Travel Information 2017 A "harp" is called Saung in Myanmar. There basically was 2 types: Byat Saung and…soeminphyo (41)in #food • 8 years agoMyanmar Tranditional Food (Mote-Hin-Gar)Noodle with Fish Soup (Mote Hin Gar) In Myanmar, Noodle with Fish Soup is known as Mote Hin Gar. Mote means…soeminphyo (41)in #travelling • 8 years agoTravelling To Kachin State Of MyanmarKachin State is the northernmost state of Myanmar. It is bordered by China to the north and east; Shan State to the…soeminphyo (41)in #steemit • 8 years agoDiversity Of (7)Rivers In Myanmar Country ----------------------------------------------Diversity Of (7)Rivers In Myanmar Country English Version (1) The Irrawaddy River Irrawaddy River basin (413, 674…