How long will it take to get a Greek god physique?

in #musclebuilding2 years ago


While not everyone endeavors to be as well-built as a bodybuilder, it cannot be denied that muscles do help to enhance your appearance. Not only will you be able to show off your buff body at the beach, but a built body will also create a nice silhouette when you are dressed.

Besides using muscle-building exercises to sculpt your body, you will also be able to stay active and fit. It will also help you to improve your stamina so that you will not feel so worn out easily after exercising. Furthermore, exercising can act as an avenue for you to relieve pent-up stress and frustrations from your daily life.

While muscle building may not be that easy, it is definitely worth the effort when you think about the benefits that it brings and also how good the end results will look. Before you put together your muscle-building regimes and strategies to get your perfect body, you should read on to find out more about what muscle building is all about, how muscle building can help to maintain your level of fitness and how muscle building can help to build stamina.

What Is Muscle Building?
A lot of people aim to be healthy, but apart from just being healthy, many are also aspiring for a perfect physique. For some, having a great physique means having a buff body. They would like to start building muscles in order to look great especially when they are at the beach.

There are various ways one can build muscles. Some may want to achieve their dream body the natural way with the help of intense exercises. These people would need to start looking for equipment that will allow them to work out right at home. While it is also possible to head down to a gym, exercising at home will be more affordable and easy on the wallet.

Of course, there are also some who would choose to go to a gym in order to get a more intense workout because of the equipment they have. The good thing about these gyms is they have instructors who will be helpful in your pursuit of the perfect body. This is very important if they want to get the best program that they want to have with guidance from experts. However, first-timers who wish to try this program should be ready to pay on a monthly basis or per session charge for access to the gym.

Apart from natural ways like exercise, a lot of people are also taking supplements that will help them to bulk up. These supplements may come in various forms such as capsules and shakes. Basically, these products contain a great number of nutrients people need in promoting better muscle development. An example of this is protein, which is an essential nutrient in developing muscle. But of course, the exercise would still be important to form and sculpt muscles while helping them increase their strength.

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Overall, muscle building is when people would like to develop more muscles and sculpt them to look fit. But aside from the main concept, it’s also important for everyone to know the approaches taken to achieve this body. Aside from exercising, additional supplements may be needed to help develop muscles faster. If you’re planning to improve your look with well-formed muscles, start looking for the best program today and work towards a better body.

How To Maintain Your Fitness Level Through Muscle Building

Being fit and healthy is one of the goals of many people today. A lot of exercise programs have been developed to help people in order to meet this need. These programs include muscle-building exercises that will be helpful for people who are trying to attain their desired physique.

If you are among these people who are looking for the best solution to achieve a bulkier body, you may want to start off by looking for the right exercises that you can use in order to help you have this body type. The good news is the exercises will not only make you build muscles but also allow you to be fitter. Furthermore, you will be able to increase your stamina which will allow you to do more exercises without feeling tired. What you just need to do is to go start looking for the right exercise and you’ll surely increase your level of fitness.

While exercise can make you fitter, maintaining your level of fitness can only be done with continuous exercise. Once you have stopped exercising, you will feel your body slowly getting out of shape.
Of course, when you have already reached your desired level of fitness through exercises, you will find that there is no need to exert yourself so much by doing excessive exercises so as to maintain your body at its current state.

However, it is important that you match your exercises to how you would like your body to look. For instance, if you would like to increase your level of strength and bulk up your body, you must continue to do several weight-lifting exercises so as to maintain your body at your desired state. These weight-lifting exercises will, in turn, depend on the muscle that you want to develop.

In conclusion, having a continuous exercise regime consisting of muscle-building exercises will help you to maintain your fitness level. Even if you feel like taking a break from your usual exercises, you should still keep your body active. This will allow you to keep up with the exercise regime easily with your maintained level of fitness when you resume your regular exercises.

Finding Time to Work Out
The truth of the matter — and you will probably identify with it — is that we all know the importance of exercise. We know only too well how important workouts are to maintain the proper health and fitness of our bodies. We have heard, read, and even accepted, that we need to work out and exercise if we want to live longer and have a quality life as well. These are all things that we have accepted.

But the problem with most of us is… where is the time to exercise?
If you are like most people, then you are probably in a job that pays you well but also makes you work for long hours. Most of the time, you have to carry your work home with you. There is nothing such as a separate home life for you; your home is just another extended workplace.
When the situation is like that for most of us, it is quite understandable that we do not find time to work out.

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And, on the days that we do have time to work out, we are too tired to go out and do the hard work. We are just too bogged down to exercise, and we feel down and out already. How many mornings have we begun lately feeling fatigued? Too many to be good for health, but then we do not have the time or inclination for exercise too.

If you are like many people, then it happens more times than you probably want to think about. Workouts and taking time for ourselves often come at the end of a very long list of priorities. It is not that we do not want to do them; it is just trying to fit them in. So what can we do to ensure that we are able to complete everything on that list including a workout?

  1. Give yourself permission to take care of yourself and take time out to work out. This is often the greatest hurdle to overcome. It gets much easier after this.

  2. Buy a scheduler and map out your day. Choose one with a week to a page view so you can easily see any gaps in time in your week. Remember to include everything, including your commitments and responsibilities at home, your lunch breaks and meal times at home, and your free time.

  3. Schedule time for exercise if you have any obvious free time. Remember to think of the time before and after work and even during the day at work. Lunchtimes can be excellent opportunities to work out.

  4. Do not underestimate mini workouts. Even ten minutes can be used to effectively work out. Finding time to work out is made easier if you think in terms of 10-minute periods rather than looking for long periods of time to schedule. Weekends may provide longer sessions but still program them as multiple 10-minute sessions.

  5. The good news is that workouts do not need to mean expensive gyms. There are many workout ideas that can fit your home or office routine and do not require attending a gym or other sporting venue.

  6. Create fun workout routines that include your children or family members. If your young children are in a childcare facility during the day, a brisk walk with them in a pusher will provide an excellent interval training cardio and resistance workout.

  7. Buy some portable equipment like resistance bands and hand weights to keep on your desk at work or in the kitchen and use them when you have a few spare minutes waiting for a meeting to begin or food to cook on the stove.
    The key to finding time to work out in the midst of a busy schedule is to actually begin to do it. Often the hardest part of finding time to work out is prioritizing it and then actually doing the exercise the first couple of times. However, it is worth remembering that a good or bad habit takes about 3 weeks to develop so if you start your workouts today, they may be a little difficult to fit into your immediate schedule, but they will eventually become second nature.

  8. What Is the Best Time to Work Out — Morning or Evening?

Have you been wondering when the best time to work out is? Is the morning or evening the best time to burn fat, lose weight and look great?

Waking and Sleeping Cycles
We all have a wake/sleep cycle and most of us know whether our energy levels are highest in the mornings or evenings. If you have experienced jet lag after traveling through different time zones then you know how it feels to challenge those inner cycles. They are under the control of our internal body rhythms also known as circadian rhythms. While we can modify those cycles (think of those people who go work night shifts), do we need to change them to lose weight and exercise for maximum results from our workouts?

Chances are you have chosen your workout time to coincide with those times you are feeling you're most energetic. It’s not so easy for many of us to come home tired after a long day at work, spend time with the family, prepare food then plan to go do a workout. For others, the thought of getting out of bed earlier in the morning to work out is just as unappealing. So, can we focus our workout times around our circadian rhythms and still have great success?

Morning Coffee or Afternoon Tea
Research is divided on which is better, morning or afternoon exercise. Research from the USA has indicated that our body’s inner temperature is highest around late afternoon and this is the best time to exercise.

However, research has also shown that people who exercise in the morning are more likely to remain consistent with their routine, probably because exercising before the day gets busy is a good way of ensuring daily exercise is actually fitted into a busy schedule.
Other research, suggests that if you exercise in the morning your metabolic rate increases throughout the day, and your brain function improves. It is suggested that because we have been fasting overnight, our bodies need to convert fat to energy when we exercise. This increases our metabolic rate and therefore improves our ability throughout the day to burn extra calories after eating instead of storing them. Interestingly, research is also suggesting that contrary to what has been generally accepted, exercising vigorously before sleeping at night does not seem to affect our ability to fall asleep.
So When Should I Work Out?
Work out when it suits your schedule. You are more likely to stick to your workout program if it fits into your daily program. You will lose weight and burn fat if you prioritize your exercise time and remain consistent with it. Focus on using the best techniques to produce results rather than the timing of it. Armed with knowledge about best workouts, you will gain your desired outcomes if you stick to them, and finding times that suit your schedules will help you do this.

  1. Which Is the Best Way to Work Out?

Home Gyms and DIY
Finding time to exercise every day is difficult, but traveling to a gym also involves time, not to mention the cost of membership and petrol costs. Home gyms provide access to gym equipment such as weights and cardio equipment in your own home. You can buy or hire the equipment and have it home delivered at relatively little charge. Auctions and community-for-sale boards can provide a great price on home gym equipment. Busy mums do not need to find childcare to work out and even finding a training buddy can be easier using home equipment.

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Using a Personal Trainer
Perhaps you are considering using a Trainer to help you get started and stay motivated with your workouts. You have a choice between employing a Trainer privately and booking a series of sessions with a Trainer at the local gym. Trainers can be expensive, but they are able to provide and apply the most current information on the best workout techniques.
A Personal Trainer creates exercises that are challenging and then as your overall flexibility and fitness increase, your Trainer can help you to progress to exercises that will push your boundaries and achieve greater success, often within a relatively short space of time.

Exercise Videos
Exercise videos are flooding the market as people of all fitness levels are discovering the convenience of doing exercise at home. Pilates, dance, Yoga, indoor walking, and highly physical strength training are all available in different formats. They produce fun workouts designed for working out alone or with friends. Short workout sessions make them ideal for scheduling sessions into spaces on a busy day. The exercises available are based on the latest research available, making videos a simple solution for a cheaper but successful exercise program.

How Do I Choose Between Them?
The decision about which option to select is really based on your personal preferences, including cost and time factors. Each option promises an advantage over the others, and once you have chosen which option will work best, the routines themselves and consistency in doing them is true to success.

  1. Workout Techniques for Busy People
    So how do you work out when you are trying to juggle home, school, work, and coffee with the girls? It may take some rescheduling your activities, but the great news is you can work out effectively even when you are cleaning the house. It is all about technique, but you can incorporate lots of exercise into your daily housework.
    Working Out and House Work: A Mean Team
    Housework actually burns a lot of calories making it great for working out. An hour of floor washing or vacuuming is more effective than running on a treadmill for an hour. This is because when doing housework you are engaging all of your muscles, particularly the larger muscles in your chest, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Of course, you are also giving your arms and lower legs a great workout at the same time.

There are other ways you can turn even dusting or washing the dishes into a great fat-burning exercise and sculpt your body at the same time. Look at these highly effective, yet fun workouts for busy mums.

  1. Wash the Windows and Build the Biceps
    With a sponge in each hand, stand with your legs slightly apart, extend your arms in front of you, and move the sponge over the windows in circular movements. Gradually bring your arms in closer to the side of your body. Change direction to clean the windows up and down.

Add a stretch by moving from the top of the window to the bottom and to add some cardio to it, try and do at least 4 minutes of continuous cleaning in each of the mentioned activities. Add some music to increase the fun.

  1. Hanging Out the Washing Pilates
    If you love Pilates, you can turn hanging out the washing into a super Pilates session combined with some stretching. Keep the basket low on the ground and remember good posture by bending your knees when you move to pick up the next item to hang on the line, but the twist with this exercise is that instead of just bending your knees squat into a Pilate and pick up the item while in the Pilate and then move into a stretch by keeping the clothesline a little higher than you intend it to be. This creates a great Pilate and then a stretch. Don’t forget to inhale and exhale as you peg out each item.

  2. Pram Push
    If you have a baby or a young child, pushing them in a pusher up a steep hill is one of the best workouts for your body. Remember, it is not a stroll in the park we mean, but a full-on fast pace walk up the hill. This is a great cardio workout combined with resistance and strength training and is highly successful as a means of losing weight and getting fit after your baby is born.

  3. Tips to Make Workouts Interesting

No matter how long you have been regularly exercising, there usually comes a time in most people’s lives when they begin to get bored with the exercises they are doing. This is normal and there are some very effective ways to add spice to your workouts. Try these simple but effective ideas.

  1. Change Your Exercise Routines Regularly
    Do not allow yourself to get bored. This is preventative action and it is essential for your health that boredom does not stop you from continuing with the exercise. Research and find free ideas online. There are many free podcasts and downloadable routines that you can put on to a personal device that will enable you to vary your at-home routines regularly. This has a double advantage in that it provides a challenge to your body and works for different muscle groups in different ways regularly.

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  1. Seek the Help of a Personal Trainer at the Gym or Privately
    If you have never used a Trainer to help you exercise, consider booking a session or a series of sessions with a Trainer to seek help creating new programs. You can follow these programs independently of the Trainer, but this enables you to have expert help in setting yourself a challenge that is safe and will be effective. One size does not fit all when it comes to exercise routines and though there are plenty of resources available for free, for added benefit, the Trainer will provide you with a personalized approach to helping you select the best exercise routines for your specific requirements.

  2. Change Music on Your iPod Regularly and Think about Adding Audio Books
    If you are finding it difficult to squeeze time in for your workouts, chances are you are also finding it a challenge to take time to read a book or watch your favorite television show. Audio Books and Podcasts are a great way to “read a novel” whilst you work out or catch up on the latest episode of a television show you missed that is available on podcast.

  3. Look Outside the Box for Exercise Options
    Gyms, home workouts, and exercise videos are all great options for working out. However, there are so many ways to work out that combine socialization and fun with serious workouts. Consider dance lessons with a spouse, or join a kickboxing class. If you enjoy swimming, consider a water aerobics class. Remember back to your favorite childhood sport and look for a local sporting group that is looking for team members. This socializing aspect could be just what you need to increase the interest and fun in your workouts.

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  1. Join a Walking Group or Outdoor Hiking Group
    Whether or not walking has been part of your regular exercise routine, consider joining a serious walking group or hiking group. Both of these activities will provide fun, challenge, and difficulty to your walking walkouts. Why not join your spouse and enjoy the workouts together?
  2. Buy the Right Gear
    This matters for a lot of people as well. When you are planning to start an exercise program, go shopping. Buy a nice sweatshirt and a pair of gym shorts that you will find comfortable to work out in, and will enjoy wearing as well. Get a very nice pair of shoes, because these will really be necessary. Probably get a watch with a timer or an iPod if you do not have one already. Get a sipper where you can store water or other fluids to keep you hydrated when you are exercising. These things are good for you; they put you in the groove of exercising. Keep changing these things often too. Do that even if you are working out at home. The whole feeling of getting into your ‘workout’ clothes will mean a lot and it will make your workouts all the more exciting.
  3. Go Out in the Mornings
    If your workday mostly begins in the midmorning, then probably you are missing out on all the beautiful sights of the early morning. You don’t get to see how the world transforms when the night changes into day when the sun is just rising. All this could be exciting for you. From tomorrow, plan a new routine. Set your alarm clock to wake you up early in the morning, before the sun rises, and head out into the park. You will feel a whole new energy surging within you. You will automatically exercise so much more. If you do this for a week, it will become a habit and you won’t want to break it.
  4. Set a Goal
    A lot of people work out much better if they have the right motivation. Maybe that is what is lacking with you as well. You may try to set a goal for yourself. It does not need to be a lofty incentive; something small and easily attainable can do. If you have excessive body weight, then maybe you could buy a pair of expensive jeans that is slightly smaller than what you wear right now. Buy the sexiest pair that you can get, and hang it

prominently in your wardrobe. Every day, your motivation will be to get into those jeans. You will work out harder just because of that — try this out if you do not believe it, and make sure you buy the most expensive pair of jeans you can find! — and very soon you will find that you are actually able to fit into those jeans!

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Though various methods of exercising are easily available to us right now, it is not always possible to take from them what they are prepared to offer. Hence, it would be better to have our own exercise routines planned out.