What are the Signs of a Superior Intelligence?

in #motivation3 months ago

Intelligence is the capacity of a person to comprehend complex and difficult-to-understand concepts, to present these in a way that is compatible with the environment, to use focusing skills effectively, and to reason using various methods 1 .

Being gifted is a term used for people who perform better than expected for their age group. According to research, approximately 10% of the population has signs of giftedness .

Howard Gardner, by putting forward the "Theory of Multiple Intelligences", argued that intelligence is a personal phenomenon and differentiated himself from existing intelligence theories. According to this theory, intelligence consists of seven different dimensions .

It includes the ability of individuals to use their native language and foreign languages ​​effectively. Individuals who excel in this area can express themselves fluently in oral communication and successfully understand their interlocutors.

They also have the ability to use words skillfully in written expression and expressing abstract concepts.


Individuals who are talented in the ability to apply language rules effectively, compose and read poetry, use metaphors with words, and produce creative products such as stories stand out in the field of verbal-linguistic intelligence.

Skills in this area include elements such as richness of vocabulary, mastery of grammatical rules, aptitude for word games and wordplay, deep understanding and expression of meaning.

Success in the field of verbal-linguistic intelligence requires the individual to be effective and strong in both speaking and writing skills.

It involves individuals’ abilities to deal with numbers, calculations, figures, and mathematics. Individuals who excel in this area may be talented in creating hypotheses, analyzing cause-effect relationships, expressing themselves with abstract symbols, and dealing with geometric shapes. They are also known for their interest and curiosity in scientific activities .

Skills in this area include mathematical thinking, problem-solving ability, analytical thinking, and abstract thinking skills.

Individuals with logical-mathematical intelligence are strong at analyzing data, solving mathematical problems, and understanding logical organizations. Individuals who excel in this area of ​​intelligence are known for their ability to understand and use mathematical concepts .

It includes the ability of individuals to express themselves and their environment with their bodies and to learn. People who are strong in this area use their bodies to solve problems and create new products. They have the ability to use their bodies by moving appropriately.

They are also skilled at using gestures and facial expressions effectively, and thus demonstrate their ability to convey meaning.

Individuals with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence stand out in areas such as focusing on practical skills, using manual skills, and learning through physical activities. Individuals in this intelligence area generally express their thoughts and feelings using their hands and bodies .