How can you change your thought patterns?

in #motivation2 months ago

I often find myself wishing for a magical can of spray that could instantly fix my swirling thoughts. My mind spins in all sorts of directions, sometimes leading me to ideas I cherish and other times dragging me into unwanted worries.

It would be wonderful if there were a quick fix for this mental chaos. However, the reality is far from that straightforward.

When it comes to changing deeply rooted thought patterns, the process is not instantaneous. It demands time, patience, and persistence. Old habits are often so entrenched in our daily lives that they operate automatically, without our deliberate thought.

It’s similar to how autopilot works in a plane, executing specific commands that were programmed long ago. As humans, we have developed repetitive routines that help us manage our days, making life feel more predictable.


Even if we perceive ourselves as adaptable and open to new experiences, we remain fundamentally shaped by our personalities, which have been built over many years. The habits we've formed serve a purpose; they are not random.

Our brains have adapted by mimicking others, incorporating their behaviors into our own frameworks. These patterns create a complex network within our minds, linking various thoughts and actions together.

Think of this system as a web of interconnected pathways. Each time we take action, our brain seeks out the relevant areas, much like a computer executing a command. Even when we try to delete certain thoughts or memories, their traces remain. This holds true for our broader life narratives as well.

This is why transforming thought patterns and habits requires significant effort. New ideas must be encoded and integrated into our minds in various locations. Visualize this as electric currents needing to travel to their designated spots to make lasting changes.

To reshape your mind, decisions must be made and acted upon. Establish a clear plan, acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses.

For instance, I can share my own experience. Each morning, as soon as I woke up, my mind would instantly dive into a frenzy. Thoughts about what I needed to accomplish, what I had not achieved, and worries from the past, present, and future would all swirl together.

This mental storm would amplify my concerns, making them seem bigger and more unrealistic. The result was a tangled mess in my head.

My busy lifestyle added fuel to this mental fire, leaving my brain racing uncontrollably.

The only real solution was to take action. I needed to change that pattern of thought.

After numerous attempts to gain control over my racing mind, I discovered a strategy that worked for me. I made the choice to leap out of bed promptly every morning. I found that listening to uplifting music helped to shift my mindset.

I created a page filled with positive affirmations to start my day on the right foot. Additionally, I made a rule to avoid checking emails and social media until I arrived at my freelance job.

When my mind started drifting back to those old worries, I promised myself to revisit them later in the day, granting only 15 minutes to do so. I learned that I had to keep myself moving forward. Engaging in different tasks became essential for breaking the cycle of negativity.