Monomad Challenge: “In A Bird’s Nest”

in #monomad6 years ago (edited)


Can you see lady bug over ”Daucus carota”?
Daucus carota is a white flowering wild carrot whose common names are, bird's nest, bishop's lace, and Queen Anne's lace. I took this photo from the vegetable garden last weekend while harvesting some herbs for my upcoming recipe!

This is my entry for the Monomad Challenge by @brumest | @monochromes also supported by @Qurator @Azircon @Drakos @nikv.


All contents are mine unless stated otherwise.
Category: Monomad | Flower Photography
Camera: iPhone 7+
Setting: Portrait| Depth effect| AE/AF lock |
Adobe Lightroom B&W

Cool banners by @qurator

Have a joyful day Steemian!



I can see it! in the upper left, right?

ps. brumest, not 'brunest' 😆

Wonderful to see the Queen Anne's lace, @joyrobinson. It used to grow wild in some places I was when growing up and its lovely to see it today.

Great subject for monomad too. Good luck for the contest :)

Wow, absolutely amazing black and white photograph. I really like this picture.

Ah! Yes I can see the bug in Queen Anne's lace Lol.
Great photo for the contest my friend.