qwerrie resteemedmister-omortson (75)modJunior Moderator WOXin WORLD OF XPILAR • 2 years agoPhoto of the week #111 | Submissions post | Santa Claus, Ded Morozz, Père Noël, Joulupukki, Deda Mraz, Ông già Nô-enHi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима! WORLD OF…qwerrie resteemedmichelangelo3 (72)in WORLD OF XPILAR • 2 years agoPhoto contest #8 by bambukaDie achte Runde von Bambukas Photo Contest ist eingeläutet, diesmal gibt es mehrere Bedingungen und ich muss…qwerrie resteemedworldofxpilar (71)modWOX Moderatorin WORLD OF XPILAR • 2 years agoSteemit Engagement Challenge WOX Community S6 W2: Architectural Photography"Architectural Photogrpahy by @xaviduran " Hello dear Steemians and Art Fans, WOX Community has a…qwerrie resteemedvisionaer3003 (76)adminFounder - Witness 🌟in CCS • 3 years agoCCS CONTEST "Share beautiful experiences from your city With Us and Win 50 Steem! "Share beautiful experiences from your city With Us and Win 50 Steem! We will hold a CCS CONTEST for all…qwerrie resteemedmister-omortson (75)modJunior Moderator WOXin WORLD OF XPILAR • 3 years agoPhoto of the week #83 | Submissions post | AbandonedHi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима! WORLD OF…qwerrie resteemedmgaft1 (67)memberFounder writerin RU Steem • 4 years agoКак Москва стала столицей РусиПричины возвышения Москвы излагаются в школьных учебниках приблизительно таким образом. Центральное положение…qwerrie resteemednftmc (49)adminin NFTMC • 3 years agoPinnedNFTMC – New Community Announcement - Inviting users to join & delegate – Mission , Vision & Structure.Hello Everyone! We are very excited to announce the new community NFT , MEME & CraftsmanShip that will be…qwerrie resteemedsteemegg (65)in #tron • 3 years agoI know i have been quiet... but I just finished the first pass of the automated version of trx-steem swap.Up until now I just didnt have the time to refactor that project... However with a few large transactions a couple…qwerrie (72)in #photography • 3 years agofng-2020-0172w.jpgPhoto is clickable for high-res. location: St.Petersburg, Russia May 2020 natural lighting…qwerrie resteemedallfabeta (67)memberFriend insightin RU Steem • 3 years agoСтарый Стимит VS Стимит новыйПорастекаюсь по древку в ностальгии по старому Стимиту. Я зарегестрировалась здесь в июне 2017 и очень активно…qwerrie resteemednklm (67)mutedFounder juristin RU Steem • 4 years agoО себе // Мемуары дебютанта*Год назад STEEM стоил столько же, сколько сейчас - US$0.2 плюс-минус пару центов. Он столько стоил и два года назад.…qwerrie resteemednklm (67)mutedFounder juristin RU Steem • 4 years agoО сообществе // Мемуары дебютанта****За три года на GOLOS-е я не заработал ничего. Почему и как так получилось - в другой раз, мы тут не про GOLOS будем.…qwerrie resteemedstrecoza (76)memberAuthor | Delegator ⭐[3,000 SP]⭐in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA) • 4 years agoСontest "Games and Toys" - «Игры и игрушки» #10We continue the contest "Games and Toys" # 10. Hello everyone, my dear friends! Reading your posts, I felt with…qwerrie (72)in #music • 4 years agoblack swanЯ подумывал сделать пост для конкурса 'любимой песни', который @nesmeliy устроил в сообществе Steem-BRU…qwerrie resteemedallfabeta (67)memberAuthor | Delegator ⭐[1,304 SP]⭐in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA) • 4 years agoWelovepowerups - в конце поста бонусНачала писать и меня уже нереально тошнит. Во-первых, понятно почему этот конкурс затеяли верховные - таким нехитрым…qwerrie resteemednesmeliy (66)memberAuthor | Delegator ⭐[503 SP]⭐in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA) • 4 years agoCONTEST! "MY MUSICAL INSTRUMENT" by @nesmeliyHello dear connoisseurs of creativity and cool music stories! More recently, our authors shared their home music…qwerrie resteemedbengy (73)in LifeStyle • 4 years ago3 Crypto tips no one will listen to...Unsplash We are now in the slightly euphoric stage of a bull run, and it feels good to be part of a huge upswing…qwerrie resteemednesmeliy (66)memberAuthor | Delegator ⭐[503 SP]⭐in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA) • 4 years agoCONTEST! «MUSIC FEST MEMORIES» by @filinpaul & @nesmeliyPhoto by: @stickmans Greetings, dear music lovers! No one recording can compare to live performance. First of all…qwerrie resteemedalexgraal (50)adminin World of Art • 5 years agoVladimir Tsesler & Sergei Voichenkoqwerrie resteemeddmitrik (69)memberAuthor | Delegator ⭐[200 SP]⭐in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA) • 4 years ago🌈 Color Palette Contest by @olesia and @dmitrik 🌈 | Announcement of the winners of the week#7 and the beginning of the week#8 ||| PRIZE POOL 100 STEEMThe sixth week of the competition has come to an end from @olesia & @dmitrik has come [Color Palette] ⠀…