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RE: The Early Schools of Indian Buddhism Series

in #mindfulness7 years ago

My Husband and I wrote several articles on the Bodhisattva Bhumis, and I can understand the practice up to the 6th or 7th level of attainments. I was lost by the 8th Bhumi; the Bodhisattva cannot regress after this Bhumi. Check the series out @hafez! I was given the Bodhisattva vow by my first teacher a Korean Monk years ago, and I still follow the paramitas as best I can. The Ten Perfections

The reason I started practice was that Buddha promised anyone could attain freedom from self-caused suffering. I found the practices I was given helped me let go of negative conditioning, I am happy with the results so far, but I cannot imagine becoming a Bodhisattva or Buddha, but I hold the ideal close to my heart @hafez.