
i often find myself just grabbing both pills at once and swallowing them before the person offering the choice even realizes what happened... the result is both awe and also a dark realization... we are complex systems, trying to defeat the inevitable chaos... are we just pitri-dishes inside the lab called "universe" ? and the universe is really concerned with the same problem we are? survival? still there is awe, I guess we need intensives like 'awe' in order to reach beyond our own survival... and look for the survival of the universe... and i'm not even high LOL

Hands down, best comment this has received yet. 😎

Omg thank you @rok-sivante! I was laughing so hard this morning, i have no idea where this quantum soup of words came from... must be a combination of TED talks and me wining down 🍷 to sleep when i came across your post... i'm glad that it gave you a laugh though 😆 i always enjoy your posts too!

Hats off to you @ankapolo... though that sounded trippy as hell indeed :D

haha, why thank you @spiritualmax, i'm one trippy banana 😄

Wow bravo to this

Surely most games have a level, and the most important is how someone gets the key to level up to the next level. Of course this is very true as what you say, to reach the next level we need energy, we need strength, process, and consistent in facing the existing problems. And of course with Understanding, like what you have said, understanding, understanding and understanding. At least we need to learn how to defeat some powerful heroes in a game, and certainly not easy, this requires understanding, we need to learn and we have to find the weak point. Well how to get that understanding, of course by digging, searching and finding the right steps from some people who have successfully passed this level.

thank you for giving your best. @rok-sivante.

your welcome.

and a great recap. nice energy radiating from this comment. 😇

I find it almost impossible to show another person what level of my development I am at. Linguistically this is difficult to convey and takes many detours. The way of communication seems to have more to do with the form of resonance willingness, as I try to approach another. Here on Steem and elsewhere I experienced that what is not said often has a greater effect on the receiver than what was said. The affection or dislike swinging in the background plays an important role. If you imagine being in a large loop (cycle) and standing in a certain position, it is almost impossible for someone to stand in exactly the same position as you. He'd basically have to be you for there to be a deep understanding. Verbal language is often more of a hindrance than a connector. So it is not a level (which I think is more like a hierarchy) but rather a loop, fed by feedback from the past and extending its effects far into the future. Collectively and individually.

Have we forgotten something? I don't think so. Everything can be remembered when I know where I want to look. When I look at myself, I look at you at the same time. The universe I stare into stares back at me the same way. But explain that to someone...

I find it almost impossible to show another person what level of my development I am at. Linguistically this is difficult to convey and takes many detours.

Perhaps because a person can only see/understand, depending on where they are at. It may not be possible to grasp what is many levels beyond us.

And perhaps it’s not a matter meant to be conveyed. I mean, what’s the ultimate point of trying to “show” anyone...? Versus, perhaps atthe higher levels, the responsibility becomes to use the power at those levels in service - more adapting to where others are at, weaving the spells that act as an invitation for them to level up a step or two...

Verbal language is often more of a hindrance than a connector.

A gift and a curse... but, one of the tools we might utilize until the lifetimes we achieve full telepathic capabilities, lol...

oh, yes. That makes sense. If I would be able to always be in service to others without wanting and needing something myself that would be a lot more of a life without burden. Still, I long for being understood maybe in the same amount as I want others to find their higher spirits. Even though knowing that life is so much easier and happier in helping my fellow human beings I ever so often crush down because of some severe emotional states of friends, family or clients. It saddens me still to see suffering and not being able to "help it" (me).

"Invitation", yes, it's always better to invite instead of debate or trying forcefully to be understood.

It's a high art of being together.

Right now I am telepathing to you that Rupert Sheldrake is right in saying that it is not "super-natural" but "natural". :-)))

Still, I long for being understood maybe in the same amount as I want others to find their higher spirits...

At what specific point do you feel you'd be content, where the longing would stop?

i.e. ONE person understanding? or how many? to what degree? how would you KNOW they TRULY understood? etc...

(question posed for ponderance - no need to answer here, unless you desire...)

I want to answer:

After the other one asks me questions which lead me to the point where I can see clearly and understand myself. The sharper the questions are the better. The more inconvenient they are, the better I come to the truth - then the longing stops.
I feel understood when I can sense interest from the person I am with. That he or she questions my motivations without having an own idea about how my answer should be. In those moments I feel deeply understood. It doesn't come immediately, in particular, when I felt cornered or pressured. More easily and immediately: Having been understood is created through those open and calm questions I can openly and calmly respond to.

So, questioning signals me the other truly understands me (he wouldn't ask if not).

Also, the feeling of having been understood comes through artworks from others (music, texts, paintings, pictures, architecture, songs etc.) - then I long for telling the other one how much I love his/her piece.

I am talking about all people I am engaging with. Every encounter has the potential to understanding. On whom I am focusing on, that is the person I like to understand me. To a degree that I can feel satisfaction (leaving the scene without wanting more or less from the other).

In answering your questions a good thing happens: I notice that I already had this experiences of me feeling totally understood by people. Close ones as well as strangers. And that I can stop being needy. Also, that, in the end, it's not the other who must understand me but I myself. This is not new to me but still not bad to repeat it often enough (and, probably even more frequently).

I notice as well that wanting to renew "being understood" has to do with occasions and the ever-changing life. During work and private encounters, it is needed to make oneself clear.

Understanding happens in every moment of my life.

Thank you, that was a welcomed service for me. You talked to my higher self (inner authority, you name it). It changed my morning and will have an influence on the day. Until the next moment is going to hit me, where I feel misunderstood:=D ... will then hopefully be so geistesgegenwärtig (German for ... "spiritually aware") that I'll remember the learning.

Thank you.


From my experience, the codes fully accessible when we are accessing the zeropoint. No pill needed there, because there's no left or right configuration obscuring the lens.

It's wholeness within the trust of the divine will of the eye that sees all.

We must take responsibility for the temple. Within this space, truth descends. Nowhere to reach, all is within.

It's been a while! Happy to see more posts about multidimensional existence.

I feel that the same piece of information has significantly different meaning at different levels of understanding. This world we all exist in is something bizarre yet astonishing. It goes with the thoughts of going back in time.

We always want that new knowledge we currently possess at an earlier time in life. It shocks me that alternate choices also existed at the time, but it is the level of awareness alone that determines the path that gets chosen.

With love,

indeed, well-said - there's always deeper levels to access upon revisits with heightened awareness, things making sense in new and different ways as consciousness expands... :-)

Mhmm! The more I learn and expand my awareness, the clearer my past lessons become c: 💕

Everything about the quantum influence on one's life is more about how they perceive and understand the best state in themselves and their souls, so it is very likely that they are able to go through the stages that have been passed in every step of every person's life, it is very possible that everyone will be able to do the best in every single occasion that comes in his life, so that ultimately one's success in perfecting the aspect of his conscious natural life by being able to calculate and be able to combine all elements and elements accordingly so that the expected results will be achieved, very deep writing from you @rok-sivante

The next level hmm, is there a next level? yes but it constantly keeps coming and coming as all level in life is definitely the next level and it never ends. To stay a float in the journey of the next level, one have to be consistent and above all focus and to seal it all, pray to God to give you your heart desire so as not to get your heart goal countered.

Bottom line
Avoid shortcut, even though it comes, makes sure is been worked for @rok-sivante

I havent been to steemit for almost half a year. When I last checked in, I couldnt find quality content around the topics that where of interest to me. It seems a lot has changed.
When I searched for some tags interesting to me, I came up on your post, and I was puzzled, that such “niche” topics now have such competent writers on this platform.

I can only say...
great writing, a true gem, thanks!
You made me give steemit a second glance :)

Cool. 😎

There are some gems buried in my collection over the last couple years, though this is one of my best/favourite that might be of interest:

Down The Sacred Geometry Rabbit Hole: From The Architecture Of Creation To The Evolution Of Quantum AI... PART ONE (of four)

Cool, Ill check it out. Btw thanks for resteeming some of my content ;) I feel honored.

I rarely resteem, but t’was a quality post, and like the idea of sharing such perspectives on psychedelics with a wider audience who may not have dipped their toes into the realms yet... :-)

Quality writing...
It kind of got me into it...
Loved to read the post...

Simple, but not necessarily easily. Nor quick.

Sometimes people think that easy is simple and quick but its not true, simple can be lot of time consuming and cannot be that easy. Simple means that the process isn't that much complex, however it can be lot of time consuming.