Momentum and Growth, Trouble with Intrinsic Discipline

in #life6 years ago

I've come to discover lately that moment is a key element in what shapes my overall decisions and the activity that i engage in on a daily basis. i work part time, so when i happen to do a 50 hour week, packed with other non-work related responsibilities, i find my mind is almost always in an adequate state when it comes to overcoming the tasks ahead of me in a confident manner, however over-encumbering they may seem.

On the flip side, when i find myself rostered with 3 shifts over a 2 week period, having now graduated with no real responsibilities outside of work, i find my momentum to get anything done at all dramatically decreases. In my motivated state, i might tell myself how badly i'm going to start smashing the gym once i have all that time off, yet when i finally get to those days off, i cant help but avoid those tasks i had set for myself by justifying other more immediately gratifying tasks that may arise.

I've found this failure to apply discipline in certain circumstances has been a real issue in my overall growth as a human being. I obviously need to decide whether i am able to employ discipline that can manifest on its own without the element of momentum. or if not, i must ensure i am constantly on a upward spiral of momentum that is continuously reinforced in order for me to grow in an ascended version of who i am as my current self.

Thank you for reading and i would appreciate any comments immensely!


I know exactly how you feel. It isn't easy to find the discipline that you need, and it's very easy to fall into old habits once you do. I'm always putting off the things I need to do for the things I want to do. But I've also learned to accept this about myself because I'm almost 41 and its been a vicious circle. If I was going to change, I guess of would have done so before now. I've never missed a deadline though, I seem to work better under pressure anyway. So, maybe it's a good thing?

thanks for the genuine reply and insight! it means alot!!

So true @michaeldrapski. This is an issue for many, so you're definitely not alone.

Quite often we just aren't ready to live up to the big changes we want to make, here and now. There are a couple of good reasons for this.

First, we tend to want to make big changes that sound great but are just too big to jump right into overnight, such as smashing it in the gym. If we start with small, incremental steps, these are easy and give a small amount of momentum to tackle a slightly larger step, and so on...

Also, keep the big intentions as goals and find ways to break them up into easy, bite-sized chunks, rather than trying to swallow the whole thing at once. This is how the successful get stuff done that seems impossible. They increment their goals and each small chunk brings momentum for the next.

Lastly, clarifying and getting specific with what you want is powerful. If you can envision who you want to be, how you want to look, what you want to be doing and so on, you set the subconscious on that journey.

I hope this was helpful. Cheers! =)

thanks heaps, appreciate it so much

some input from any of you would be much appreciated!