Fishing the drafts

in #life6 years ago (edited)
If blogging is something that you do, either as a hobby or why not? as a job. Then I'm sure you have a collection of drafts. Half baked ideas with tentative titles that seem to avoid ever becoming completed for one reason or another. Just like you, I often look at them, look at pictures to see if they inspire a cohesive closing, but still, they keep on piling up.

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The Methods

At this point there are probably hundreds, but honestly I've read them, and some don't work for me. Some of the "tricks" to get the idea to come out of one's brain lets say, seems so forced, so artificial, that I end up losing myself on the sentences.

In other words, the processes are so polished, I don't sound like me anymore and I can't get behind it, not really. I've taken this whole blogging thing as some sort of conversation with a good friend with you I share some similar interests. I tell him about cryptos, he doesn't really reply, but then again an archetype of the imaginary him shows up in the comments at times, and that is when I know I'm doing at least one thing right.

Without much work you can find tutorials, tips and tricks on this subject, on how to finish work, how to get over writer's block. But, again, those don't work for me, I tend to not fight it, just let go and write whatever I feel like talking about, very much like this blog.

Know thyself

Is the only true advice I can give anyone who has a bunch of drafts on a "virtual drawer". If you are writing about things you care little for, you are likely not to finish them. If you are writing while pretending to be someone else, idealistically that is, then you are likely to see them marinate towards irrelevance.

Best advice I can give anyone on this subject is this...

"just let go.. there's always something you truly wanna say"

• Omg the fizzy water I lurv
• Does it translate somewhere else?
• People have concerns regarding Steem-ua, I get it, but...
• Now we are selling witness votes?
• Forget ICOs, Dapps is where it's at


If you are writing about things you care little for, you are likely not to finish them.
unless you are ADD and cant concentrate long enough to write anything because you change your mind and start writing about something else then get into a discussion about food then listen to a show that inspires you to rearrange your PC photos and call your sister and then it's time to make dinner and wait wasnt i writing about pachyderms or was it art tiles anyway its too late oooh look at the sunset i need a photo but my camera needs charging and i should take a walk... maybe tomorrow.

If you are writing about things you care little for, you are likely not to finish them.

very good point torico... very good

i guess my point on your quotes line is - some people are not good finishers no matter what the subject. it isnt because they dont care about the subject, but that there are too many things they care about and cant decide which is most important.

How did you get inside my mind?

we think alike ;)

Planning ahead for writing a post? Making a draft of the post first? What are these things of which you speak?
I mostly just write my posts around the pictures that I want to put in the post. It's like, "ok, I have these pictures, what do I write to go with them?"

well that is actually a very good plan, i like it... its authentic which makes it excellent imo

"just let go"

Just let go, just let go,
You'll never see me cry
Just let go, just let go,
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway

I really love the line "The cold never bothered me anyway." I love singing it, I love hearing it. I love it.

So I "just let go" with this comment, and I turned into Idina Menzel.

I feel like maybe that's a good thing. :)

you know Rodney I've been thinking. Here you are making all these great comments all over this blockchain right. Here we are, the recipients wondering why this eloquent avatar with hilarious witty comments wont post.

People are starting to speculate, you might become a legend if you keep this up. What if you all of the sudden become the one dude who became a minnow or a dolphin for that matter without ever making a single post. That would require some guiness record induction, im sure.

I haven't posted cos I'm super lazy, and failure averse, and I enjoy getting sucked into other people's thoughts and conversations. I'm commenting cos I like it, I like you, I learn a lot, and it's much more fun than reading the news, which is always so negative.

From you alone, I learned to describe well-thought-out positive actions as "ninja moves," which suddenly makes them more appealing lol.

Also, there are some posters (ok, one poster) who are (is) so motivated, leading by example, that I am getting mighty tempted to start posting, despite my personality flaws. :)

Hi meno. Unfortunately I don't do that. I am constantly thinking though and looking for something that I can use. When I am driving I must remember to keep a pen and notebook as I think of a post and it's content and it's gone again. 99% are literally free writes and no planning. Maybe I would do a little better being more organised and would love to rustle through your papers for an idea.

En realidad esa es la premisa, "ser uno mismo", ser autentico, solo así podrás escribir desde el corazón.
Hablaré desde mi posición, basada en solo 6 meses en esta plataforma.
Cuando conocí a steemit poco a poco dejé de lado una serie de cosas que me hacían limitaban mi libertad, en la actualidad soy blogger a tiempo completo, eso me da la serenidad y paz que necesito para publicar por lo menos un post diario.
Cualquier persona me preguntará si vivo solo de eso, pues la respuesta es sí.
A pesar de que el steem no está en su mejor momento, publicar a diario me ha ayudado a desarrollar mis habilidades y destrezas, no solo como escritor, sino también editando y publicando vídeos musicales, grabaciones de audios y hasta partituras, a su vez he ido ganando poco a poco algunas ganancias que a pesar de que no es mucho dinero, me alcanza justo para lo que necesito, y lo que necesito en este momento de mi vida a mis 36 años, es vivir en libertad, esa libertad que me brinda steemit.
No quiere decir que a veces no sienta un poco que no alcanza el dinero recuerden que vivo en Venezuela y la situación económica de aquí es fuerte, sin embargo he sabido combinar mis conocimientos de la vida práctica con lo que he ido aprendiendo aquí.
Siento que ha sido la mejor elección de vida.
Gracias @meno por tu apoyo, amigo.
Actually that's the premise, "to be oneself", to be authentic, only then will you be able to write from the heart.
I will speak from my position, based on only 6 months on this platform.
When I met steemit, little by little I left aside a series of things that limited my freedom, now I am a full-time blogger, that gives me the serenity and peace I need to publish at least one post daily.
Every person will ask me if I live on that alone, because the answer is yes.Although steem is not at its best, publishing daily has helped me to develop my skills and abilities, not only as a writer, but also by editing and publishing music videos, audio recordings and even scores. At the same time, I have been earning little by little some profits that, although it is not much money, is enough for me just what I need, and what I need in this moment of my life at 36 years of age is to live in freedom, that freedom that steemit gives me.
It doesn't mean that sometimes I don't feel a little bit that money isn't enough remember that I live in Venezuela and the economic situation here is strong, however I have been able to combine my knowledge of practical life with what I have been learning here.
I feel that it has been the best choice of life.
Thank you @meno for your support, my friend.

and its about to turn around my friend... in a few months you will see.

Excelente noticia!

Some of the best posts of mine were written spontaniously and honestly about my current state of mind. No planning, no drafts. Just authenticity.

Just authenticity.

the only ingredient needed muh fren

Thanks for the tip, it help me a lot. Honestly, to think what to write is the hardest part in becoming a blogger.

After earning my daily bread as a writer for 30+ years, I can honestly say I have never had writer's block. If I start it, I finish it or I trash it because it can't go where I want it to go. Besides, If you write for a living, there is no time for writer's block. Essentially, you've got the "write" idea in your final paragraph.

30+ years, very impressive... I feel like a child next to that number...

Just remember, a person can make the same mistakes for years and call it "experience." Hopefully, I've gotten past that. ;-)

Every man should know thyself,

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