Omg the fizzy water I lurv

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)
I vividly remember taking my mother's water bottle, taking a swig and spitting it in disgust -"WHAT IS THIS?", "its carbonated water", she would reply nonchalantly, but as I stared back in semi sock, the kind that a @meno who has never considered shaving could muster, I could not help but to conclude - "adults are weird...."

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Along came Polly... no wait, Karma.. no that's not it

The point is that I'm months away from an idea of what an old man looked like, for me back then, I mean, and today I love, and I do mean the word with bolding letters, I love fizzy water. It's the best, the absolute best. As a matter of fact, there are days were that is my highlight. (wow that sounds pathetic, but it's true)

So... What happened? Did my genetic code betray my youthful convictions? Did the fizzy water upgrade in badassness? Who knows the truth? Not me, that's for sure. But, what I do know is that life is better because of it.

Has Meno lost his mind?

Yes, but I do have a point to make. You see, we are talking about tastes. Now, on this particular example I'm referring to something more palpable, more primal: drinking water - But, life is full of these crazy changes in taste, and the word crazy is precisely the correct one here.

I remember hating onions, ONIONS! take a guess.. I love onions. I love them so much if someone gives me a salad without them, I feel I've been fakenewsd food wise and I won't be happy. A salad without onions is just food for a rabbit, and that's not me, not even close.

Why do we change so much?

Maybe there is some sort of wisdom at play here, genetic wisdom at that. As if the body knows something that my conscious self can't recognize.

"Hey meno... drink fizzy water, you will avoid the upset stomach, here... let me make you crave the nasty thing!"

Nasty? What am I talking about... it's the best....

Ok, let's have some fun. What things you remember hating that you love today... best answer, funniest answer gets 1 SBD.

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De esto tengo muchas anécdotas y ocurrencias que me pasaron
Cuando era niño no me gustaban "las caraotas negras" son un tipo de grano que se come mucho en Venezuela; yo decía que no quería comer caraotas por que me iba a poner negro como ellas... Un poco racista de mi parte, mas siendo una persona de piel un poco oscura...
Con el pasar del tiempo y no se cómo, ni por qué comenzaron a gustarme... Tanto que ahora es uno de mis platos favoritos.
Al crecer mi piel también se oscureció, pero no fue por mis amadas caraotas sino por el sol intenso de nuestro país tropical jajaja.
Siempre cuento esta anécdota porque para mí fue muy divertida.
Gracias por compartir la tuya con nosotros.
From this I have many anecdotes and occurrences that happened to me
When I was a child I didn't like "the black faceted ones" are a kind of grain that is eaten a lot in Venezuela; I said that I didn't want to eat faceted ones because I was going to turn black like them... A little racist on my part, but being a person with a little dark skin....
With the passing of time and I don't know how or why I started to like them... So much so that now it is one of my favorite dishes.
When I grew up my skin also darkened, but it wasn't because of my beloved faces but because of the intense sunshine of our tropical country hahaha.
I always tell this anecdote because it was so much fun for me.
Thanks for sharing yours with us @meno

hahahaha awesome story Kantos!! you win!

Oh thanks friend... WOW!

hey now! bunnies like onions! thats fakenews right there.

hmmm such strong words, hate and love. however I have one story from my first week of kindergarten.

the teacher told us she would blindfold each of us, one at a time, then give us something to taste. we had to guess what food it was.

I remember thinking to myself, (out of all the food tastes in the world), please please dont let me get mustard!! ~ since at that time I absolutely could not stand mustard.

what do i get? mustard. but i couldn't remember what mustard was actually called, just how it tasted, so I guessed mayonnaise.

I wound up not only with mustard mouth, but embarrassed as well for not being able to recall the name of it.

I (strongly and passionately disliked) mustard for years afterwards. when i was about 30, I was in a deli ordering a tuna sandwich. the deli guy asked me if i wanted mustard on it. i told him no, i dont like mustard.

after some discussion, he then dared me. he said, "listen, I think you will like mustard on this sandwich. I dare you to try it. I'm gonna make it, and if you dont like it after tasting it, i will make you a new one".

I took that dare, thinking to prove him wrong. instead, I was surprised that I did indeed like it. after that I started putting mustard in certain things. I don't love it, but I have acquired a fond taste for it, especially in tuna.

coincidentally, this happened with a few different foods i disliked as a child, such as coffee and jalapenos. it also worked in reverse. i used to love liverwurst. lesson: taste buds change.

omg tuna and mustard is the best torico... the best... specially because tuna is the best already

hahahaha when I was little I hated eating black beans, I weighed that if I ate them I would get black, my sister annoyed me with it, now I love them and I go to my mother's house to eat them because she prepares them exquisitely.

Oh @luces No puedo creerlo... jajaja tampoco te gustaban los frijoles negros (caraotas)? jajajaj Quizás nos pasó a muchos venezolanos jajaja Saludos.

jajajaja si que casualidad, mira @meno @kantos y yo te invitamos a comer caraotas en Venezuela, ojala algún día que las cosas mejoren puedas venir

Drinking some right now.

There's a grocery store around here that has 12 packs of seltzer water for like two bucks and $0.39. I love the stuff. Of course, if you love seltzer water than you probably are not an alcoholic. Most guys that I know drink beers every night. You know what though? That is a serious waste of money. Once in awhile but every night? I just don't get it.

I've been beer free for 2 months now... but i would have one or two every other day... not a good habit, gave me a belly... but it was delish... i mean, i remember the delishness

We as humans change over time, as do our tastes for the matter. I wanted to say we evolve, but this would not apply to all.

alex... tell me, very important, crucial to STEEM mooning really...

Fizzy water.... yay or nay?

/me waits nervously

yay, ofc!

I have now different types of fizz, light, medium and strong ;)

I once sat down with my 7up next to my dads Pabst Blue Ribbon beer and was listening to him. Without looking I grabbed my dad's beer and took 2 huge gulps. I was probably around 7 years old. My dad was in shock because the beers taste didn't even phase me! I said "whoops" and took a drink from my 7up. My dad made no comment.

oh... i hated beer as a kid too... now i love it, but i have no clue when that transish happened.. Funny you liked it since young...

Actually it was only that one time I drank it on accident. Lol I had to get aquire the taste as well.

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Years ago, avocado tasted like Nickelodeon slime looked; like if someone took a 6-pack of green glue sticks and pumped them into a tiny empty coconut. Slimy, tasteless, just weird.

Guacamole has been my gateway. I love guac like an upper-middle class white girl who just got a $100 gift card to Chili's in a Christmas stocking stuffer.

So, over time, determined to enjoy it, I tried it on sandwiches, or by itself with a bit of salt. I have slowly, but surely, turned to the dark side.

It still tastes like Nickelodeon slime looks, but Nickelodeon slime is looking damn appealing.

Haha, this is true in a weird way. Like not even to eat, I always just wanted to know what the hell it was made out of...

And if they provide showers or if the person just sits on the plane home like that.

😂😂 Good find!

avos are the best in thing in the world.. You and Poly need repentance big time...

Well, you've redeemed yourself, but Poly has not.. he needs to go to church asap.

You know, one of the problems with getting older is that you forget a lot of the stuff you thought about as a kid. It's like having a small hard drive for memory. Once it's filled up, you gotta delete stuff to make room for stuff. I guess that's kind of my way of saying that I don't remember what I used to like and don't now, or what I used to not like and do now.
Of all the things that I've lost over the years, I miss my mind the most...

omg Amber, sometimes you can be sooo funny!! hhahahah i dont know if you know it.. hahahah

Mushrooms and girls.

Matt!!!! NOOOOO not mushrooms hahhahahhaa

Well, all boys think girls are stupid until the hormones kick in... right?

My father gave me and my nephew a glass of beer when we were like 9 years old or so. We were both disgusted by the taste and gave our glasses back in exchange for a glass of lemonade. Just a few years later I strangely liked the bitter taste, especially on hot days. But now I'm even older, I dislike the taste again... I went from here to there and back again: I really don't like beer anymore, and maybe.... maybe I never liked it and I just convinced myself I liked it because everybody was drinking it. I really can't tell..

But yeah had the same as you too: if I found unions in my food, I removed them. Now I like it, especially the reddish ones ;-)

Nice post bro! :-)

our taste buds change, or something in the branium does.. who knows, right?