Choose freedom and even live it.

in #life7 years ago

You are already free. Know. It's beautiful everything. You have been taught that if you take your life in your hands and your heart in your teeth you can do anything. Can you? Then why are not you doing? But what hand if you feel connected? Of all the choices in this world, he chooses to be free. Freedom is a gift. You do it. Do not get born freely. Perhaps this is the most important thing to do in life. Getting free.


The freedom we see most is not freedom, it is an illusion of freedom that we take for good because we do not know anything else. Since you are small you get caught by others in so many things that you do not even know who you are and what you want from life in fact. That's if you want something ... You start to live on an automatic pilot and you do not even realize you're in the cabin. You are a small car cared for by the government, which the doctor repairs and saves the priest. Saves her why? You know little, from others, that most things are impossible and not even the will to try them you do not have it. You think without knowing why, that some things are not possible for you. For people like you. People like you? What do we do, we compare? You are really caught up in reality and if you do not see a way to what you want, you are convinced that you can not get there. If there is something to put your hand on or kick, there is not. Grow up, go to school, learn, do better in everything you do, go through life, collect diplomas and applause, do better and always want to do something, but for what? You thought? Always strive to show somebody that you deserve a chance at a piece of bread that will give it to you. With his hand on your beard. Show yourself that you can do more. We are always caught between money - not necessarily money but the way we do it; between other people, between dogmas, between society and its patterns; between religions and beliefs; between up and down, between good and evil, between heart and mind, between yesterday and tomorrow. We are like children, financially, emotionally, spiritually dependent, and I know what other dependents we have. We are really addicted, not children, if we were children, maybe it would be good. And yet we have the impression that we are free, that we can do anything. That we can live without anything. That we can miss everything. That we can go anywhere. Some things are not impor- tant. Seriously? Have you ever left without them? Sometimes it hurts ... addiction. It comes from fear. Maybe you are free when you can choose. Freedom is choice. Perhaps freedom is when you have decided that you have listened enough, you know a little of the many and you get to the point when you leave them all, you become naked and start to take your own path. When you leave them all and you make your own way. Maybe someday you mean not. To everything. Maybe you mean not forever. You? You can not know what freedom is until you live it. Or until you do not have the feeling that you want to be free. You really want it. It's a feeling that overwhelms you when you do nothing, in which you give yourself time to do nothing, not to think of anything ... It's like a little race in which we are caught day by day, diminished until evening. It's like a circle in which we still turn around, but somehow the years go by. In vain. And that's what we consider normal. That's normal. Why? Because I do not know anything else. The painful part is not that you do not know one thing, the part that hurts (in time) is that after you find out, you do nothing to change the situation. It's easier to stay stupid and live a happiness than ignorance, than to know and change something. It's painful to want to give life back when you're old. It's a pain that stifles your soul. Literally. Look around you, you can see their pain. We do not have a back button. But many have pressed the button fast forward. We could write whole pages and still could not reach the same sense of freedom for everyone.


That's because each one has his own. You can not explain to someone to feel something, they have to get to feel alone. That's how things go. Choose freedom and even live it. I'm sure it's worth it. You do not start to die when you do not love, do not start to die when you do not learn, you start to die when you forget to be free. When you let someone else choose for you.


Amazing art, i really like it @marius19

Very true..i hv experienced the feeling of not free.i know how you start to die in living others choices....i request every one live free.because you are unhappy means you cant make others happy

"You can not explain to someone to feel something, they have to get to feel alone. "

That's why I allow my family and friends to make their own mistakes, unless it's something catastrophic. If it's a little thing, go ahead and screw up. Nobody should ever shield you from failure.

Good one @marius19