Why communities make you live longer – and better

in #life2 months ago

Research indicates that social integration plays a more significant role in enhancing longevity than other commonly recognized factors such as fresh air and regular exercise.

Studies reveal that strong close relationships and active participation within a community greatly influence our mental health and can lead to a longer, healthier life.

However, simply having numerous connections on social media platforms or engaging with many people during day-to-day activities is not enough. What truly matters is feeling a sense of belonging to a community. This means recognizing that our presence and actions hold significance for others.

In fact, research identifies social integration as the most vital aspect contributing to a long life. This involves feeling connected to a cohesive group and engaging meaningfully with the people in our lives, including both close friends and everyday acquaintances.

In Denmark, there is widespread acknowledgment of the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and incorporating regular exercise into daily routines. However, the critical need for community and a sense of belonging is often overlooked when considering overall well-being and longevity.

Recent statistics highlight a concerning trend, particularly among young Danes, who report feeling increasingly lonely, stressed, and depressed. This raises an important question: have we overlooked the essential value of a strong community?

A significant number of Danes appear to be living on the fringes of society. According to a study by TrygFonden in 2017, 18% of the population identifies as being on the edge of social integration. Among these individuals, 4% report experiencing severe social and health challenges that lead them to feel excluded from societal communities.

From an evolutionary standpoint, humans have always relied on being part of a community, often referred to as a clan. This need for connection dates back to the early ice age when survival depended on collaboration. Groups worked together to hunt, gather food, and stay warm. Community provided essential security and support for survival.

Cohesion and the feeling of being valued by others are essential for experiencing life’s meaning and purpose. Research involving young children shows that forming relationships is crucial.

A child’s development depends heavily on interaction with parents and caregivers. Feeling seen, understood, and valued is as important for a child's growth as meeting their physical needs. This need for social connection begins at birth and likely continues throughout one’s life.

Social contact is vital for overall health. Numerous studies underline the importance of being recognized and acknowledged by others. The consequences of losing social connections can be dire, even leading to increased mortality rates.

Edward Tronick, an American developmental psychologist, conducted a well-known study called the Still Face Experiment. He observed infants as young as three to four months who displayed strong reactions when their mothers did not respond to them.

The findings highlighted that a lack of response from caregivers affects a child’s nervous system, creating tension and stress. This phenomenon is not exclusive to children; adults experience similar emotional responses.