It's My Birthday! Come Celebrate With Me

in #life7 years ago

Hi there! It's my birthday today and I'm going to bring you with me on my adventures!

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So, I'm standing at my front door; where should we go?

Oh wait, I think I need some French Press to go.

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Ahh that's better. Off to drop the kiddos off at school.

Quick pit stop to the credit union to cash a birthday gift check (thanks mom-in-law!) and put some garden business money in (glad I've got a job; now to convert it to Steem, digital fiat? Hmm, still need to figure out how to do that. Add that to my mental list of things to do after my birthday is over.)


Look what I just found in my purse?! I bought this a while ago and it slipped into a dark corner of my purse before I took it out of it's little package. Wow, Happy birthday! I'm going to wear it today. Ta-da!

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Oh, one more quick stop. I need to return some movies I rented from Redbox (yes, I actually physically rent movies. I know that's very funny, but I like it) OOOOH, look what's right outside the store - lots of little succulent planters. Makes me happy.


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I want to take you to one of my favorite coffee shops in the world, but let's drive a different way and see what we discover. Oh I have to stop and look at this cute little house. Isn't this beautiful?

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I bet if we keep going straight we'll get to the harbor. I think there is a street that will get us a good view.

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Yes! Here it is. You can see Newport Harbor and then beyond that is the ocean, and it's clear today so we can see all the way to Catalina island in the distance. Ahh I love it when you can see Catalina (its 26 miles to Catalina from here.).

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The succulents and drought tolerant plants here on this lookout are really beautiful. A nice collection for sure.


Ok, now I want to take you to that coffee shop/restaurant that I was telling you about. It's called Alta and I've been coming here since I was a kid. It's my creative place.

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There is always new art on display and it has a very bohemian vibe. It used to be a boat repair shop, but it was converted into a restaurant.


They have a mug rack where customer's can keep their own mug (come to think of it, in all the years I've been coming here, I've never left one here to use. Gotta do that!)

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Let's sit in my favorite spot. I brought my new journal sketch pad so I can start something new. This is what I got.

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Brunch is here. Juevos rancheros with black beans. Yummm.

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I am so satisfied and happy right now. I know where I want to take you next. One of my most favorite drives - driving down Pacific Coast Highway into Laguna Beach. There are so many great things to see along this drive.


But look, look, this is one of my favorite parts of the drive. Isn't that a cool view?

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Ah, here we are in Laguna. Ok, I've been wanting to stop into this cool little plant shop. Let's go explore what they've got. Lots of things to look at. I think I've found my happy place.

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Let's go look at some of the art galleries. Such beautiful artwork. Oh what are they saying? Oh ... no photographs. Ok, we'll just have to remember the art in our minds. Such diverse art, very inspiring to me.

Hey look what's right across the street. I can see the ocean. Let's go check it out!

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This is amazing. Look at these views?! I completely forgot that this viewing area and big path was here. I'm so glad that we decided to check this out. I'm coming back here for sure. I want to go down to the water next time.

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Wow, is it already time to get my kiddos? Time has flown. Let's go pick them up,

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Awwww, here's one of the cards they made for me. My heart is all filled up!

Let's rest for a minute, and take a look at the little treasures I found today. I've got some art brochures, some glass beads, some little cards and some good gardening books. I couldn't be happier.


Well, the love of my life just walked in the door, so I guess I actually could be happier! Yay. Time for a little family adventure. Sorry the car is going to be a little squished now. Just scooch over a bit so you can all fit.

Hey let's drive our car up onto the ferry and go over to Balboa Island for a special birthday dinner tonight.


After a couple of kids' getting bloody noses, complaints, and some general indecision about what and where to eat (mostly on my part, 'cause it's hard to decide!) we've finally made it.

A toast! To a lovely day. Some wonderful exploring; some time to draw and write; and food with people I love.

Last stop, time to try the classic "Balboa Bar" that they've been serving up since 1945.

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Thanks for coming on this adventure with me and celebrating my birthday. We should do this again some time!!


Wow @karaelizabeth - happy birthday my dear!

your joy and positivity are contageous, and thank you for inventing the french press selfie- I'm going to have to try that one out!


Hi there! I love that you noticed that!!!! (the french press selfie!) I wondered if anyone would see it. You win the prize of the day. Heehee.
I'm having so much fun right now: it makes it all the sweeter to share that with other people. Thanks for your wonderfully kind comments!
I wanted to tell you, I love the description on your page - I completely agree with you and try to live by those very same principles. You sound like a beautiful person. Glad our paths crossed!

Daww, thank you! I feel the same- and yes the french-press-selfie is bad ass! Glad to have won prize of the day for my obsessively detail oriented brain lol- It would pay off one day!

Also, Have an extra slice of cake for me! ;)

I love that! Details matter! (at least to some of us! haha!)

HappyBirthday! You live in a lovely place and have much to celebrate. Have a great day. Great gallery , coffee shop, and the plants. Wow.

Thank you for the happy birthday and for coming along on my little adventure.! This was a fun post to do because I got to take photos throughout the day, knowing that I would weave it into a little story to share. What a great day to do it too, the sunlight was amazing.
Thanks again! Have an awesome day.

@karaelizabeth happy birthday dear! I wish you all the happiness in life but most of all health! Health is the most important! I wish you a wonderfull day ahead!

Hi! Thanks for that! Yes, happiness and health - both vitally important. I've had them, lost them and found them again. I'm so glad to be alive and pursuing joy. I had fun journey and loved taking photos along the way. Thank you for the kind wishes!

Happy birthday! Your day seemed fun! Hope you have a wonderful year ahead :)

Hi Maie! Thanks so much for the warm wishes for this year. I'm hoping to make good forward progress this year, while savoring all the good things right around me at the same time.

Happy Birthday! Thank you for taking us along on your birthday adventure. It was a relaxing, joyful, and beautiful journey!

Also, it was really cool that you found that necklace. As you may know, that symbol is sometimes called the “Flower of Life” and has deep historic, artistic, geometric, and esoteric significance:

Hi! Thank you for the Happy Birthday. This was my first "bring you along with me" post and I had a lot of fun throughout my day taking photos of things that were happening or that I was seeing.

I thought it was really cool that I found that necklace too. The funny thing is that I bought it at natural food store because I really liked the weaving pattern. It reminded me of Celtic weaving which I absolutely love. I didn't know the meaning behind it until I found it in my purse on my birthday and opened up the package. It said "Flower of Life". I'll have to learn about it now.
Thanks for sharing!

Many many happy returns of the Day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you.

Why thank you so much!

Wish u a very happy bday to you

Thank you, thank you!

Happy birthday @karaelizabeth and thank you for that awesome trip. Hope we see many more like that. have a wonderful day.😘

Thank you so much; glad you enjoyed the journey. I had a lot of fun taking little photos along the way, knowing that I was going to share them here. I'm thoroughly enjoying this new steemit community because I get to meet more wonderful people along the way.

Happy birthday fellow Aquarian!

2018.01.23 Aquarius Symbol.jpg

(Also, I love Laguna Beach!)

Thanks for the Happy Birthday! I'm happy to see that. Fun that you know Laguna Beach too. Did you live in the area or get to take a vacation?
Oh, also, what's the picture of? I may need to be educated on that one. : )

The picture is just the symbol for aquarius. I used to live in Orange County and still visit every year during the summer. I always try to hit Laguna, Newport and Huntington Beaches at least once each time. :)

Ahhh, thanks for letting me know about the image - I'm always learning something new! Very fun about visiting in the summer. There is definitely a lot to do on a visit here. Smart idea - live in Washington where you've got beautiful nature and rivers, and then come get a dose of sunshine and heat once a year. I'm kind of doing the opposite, but making it work!

Happy birthday my friend! It looked like you had a great day!!

AHHHHHH! OH my gosh, you're on Steemit!!!! I am so freaking excited right now!
I just saw this post and had to do a double take. Yay!
I am following you now, and I just up-voted your post and I'm going to share it too. When you get a chance, create an "Introduce Yourself" post and put the introduceyourself tag on it. It's a great way to let people know a little about the things you like and are hoping to share here. Then they can start following you and anytime you post it will show up in their feed. It really helped me connect with other people and start learning.
I am SOOO happy that you are here!!!!