
Hi there! I love that you noticed that!!!! (the french press selfie!) I wondered if anyone would see it. You win the prize of the day. Heehee.
I'm having so much fun right now: it makes it all the sweeter to share that with other people. Thanks for your wonderfully kind comments!
I wanted to tell you, I love the description on your page - I completely agree with you and try to live by those very same principles. You sound like a beautiful person. Glad our paths crossed!

Daww, thank you! I feel the same- and yes the french-press-selfie is bad ass! Glad to have won prize of the day for my obsessively detail oriented brain lol- It would pay off one day!

Also, Have an extra slice of cake for me! ;)

I love that! Details matter! (at least to some of us! haha!)