I'm Not Moving to Tibet... My Depression Is Gone Again... Here's How I Did It

in #life8 years ago

Two days ago I wrote, "What's The Point? Considering Giving Everything Up."

In it I discussed how I had lost my zest for life and mild depression had creeped back... and I considered some extreme measures to deal with it... like giving away all material possessions and living in solitary meditation in the forest in Tibet.

But I also said I could probably work myself out of this funk and I ended up trying some new things yesterday... not least of which was a long period of meditation and sun gazing... that got me back into a more positive state of mind.

I discussed what else I did that also helped in this very peaceful "walk n' talk" with the 5 perros locos.

I took note of how calm and peaceful my dogs were... and how that was likely a reflection of my current state of mind... and what else I intend to do to stay in this more positive state.

I hope some of my experiences help others going through similarly difficult times.


Jeff, glad that you have worked it out on your own. As long as you are exposed to all those daily nuisances out there, you will be emotionally affected.

Keep it up for yourself, and the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people who need you as one of our anarchist leaders! :D

My first reaction to your admitting to mild depression was quite surprised, because I was thinking Jeff has all of the trapings of success and recognition. However when you look deeper to anyone's sense of depression its an internal recognition of a need that's unfulfilled.
I've found peace in realizing I can't control my external environment, and need to be a peace within myself and God. That means being honest with myself and accepting what I am.
The good news is the solution is within, and probably requires taking some action of some kind to find what you love, and how to connect with that.
I was asking myself what are my talents, gifts and abilities, and how can I motivate myself to exercise them in a positive way to help others.
I've found the knowledge of learning what my Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is, and how I relate to others especially helpful.
Wishing you the best Jeff, Carry On M8.

Got to thank you for figure this out.

Happy for yo ass

Jeff Berwick is one of my personal Favorites. I Love the Walks with the Dogs and the Valuable Life Wisdom that he shares with everyone. LUCY SITz !!!

Going out, experience the sun and helping others who may have more difficult times than us can be the the best therapy to cure depression and lost purpose. Thanks for sharing we can all relate to it.

Earthing and sun gazing are extremely beneficial! We are batteries that were disconnected from our correct vibrational frequency with nature. That's why the powers that be are rewiring our nervous systems with microwave and RF radiation through cell phones, laptops, and tv's. Proof of this here: https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pdfs/US6506148.pdf

Quite true but your nickname haha OMG!

Great Video Jeff! Here is a video I recorded for you and some other stuff I hope you will find useful.

Jeff Berwixk Sungazing Meditation

Mind Mechanix Meditation

Episode Notes: Learn to see auras, the energy in the air, and the basic form of meditation. You are now setting your foot on the Path, welcome!


Title: Guided Meditation

Episode Notes: Join us for our first Mind Mexhanix meditation and set your foot on the road to multidimensional consciousness today!


I love your chopped marble floor! I had it done around the kitchen desk, such lovely stuff.

It looks pretty sunny so it's not vitamin D. Hormones? Super Male Vitality? :D

I started feeling really happy when I started a diet my brother does too. He has MS and I found Dr. Terry Wahls MD. on TED speaking how her diet made her come out of the (declined!) wheelchair and climb mountains again. Pretty solid babe!