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RE: Behind The Motivation

in #life8 years ago

What a beautiful post... which I stumbled upon completely accidentally as we published in the exact same moment and were "next to each other" on the "new" feed.

I relate rather deeply to your words here... once upon a time becoming a "accidental motivation" (of a different kind; mental health) for many, simply because I was more curious and put myself out there where others were too anxious to "be seen." Little did they know how FAR outside my comfort zone I had to step to be... to be... what they created in their realities that I was. But really wasn't.

And yet, we grow with it... and quietly "fill space" where we're expected. And find moments of meaning in those emails that say "my life has changed."

Bright blessings to you!


I met this beautiful woman in Bali and so glad she finally became active with her wonderful stories and cute, fun writing skills!
❤️ This lady since day 1

Thank you, @denmarkguy. I appreciate your support, as well as you sharing your own story. I'm trying every day to be the person they need me to be, and hoping that in the process, I don't stop being the person I need me to be. :)