Music as an influence on your business + I got a job Thanks to Steemit


Now what I'm going to do, I'm in charge of doing all the written part of an audio marketing software in this company, for me this I did not know before, but it turns out that many businesses do use the influence of music in their local or offices and the truth works excellently, never imagine that the music we sometimes hear in supermarkets, shops and even offices is designed solely to create certain sensations, or be quiet to remain pleasantly in the local or very active music is used for people to get in and out of places quickly.

Music is a pleasure and an excellent motivator
All my life I have used music as a tool, even when I write and did it without having a full knowledge of what it generates within my brain, but the truth is that many times without realizing it we look for music that suits our emotions, let's be happy, sad, tired, etc. I am very surprised that it really works, when it is applied correctly rhythms create frequencies that are directed and equal to the heartbeat, so basically the music is coupled to us and helps us to be much more efficient.
While I was wondering, is there music for everything ?, the answer is yes, from doctors' offices so that people who wait to stay calm and entertained, there is also very active music for people to get moving and consume more in restaurants or pubs. I really love working with this software, it seems to me that it is a spectacular tool to generate more profits in places only by applying specialized music for specific moments.
When we are even exercising our pulsations generate frequencies like music, so sometimes when we put a certain type of music we feel much more motivated and our effort is much more emphatic, we feel better and more encouraged to perform physical activity . When we visit relaxation sites we need chords that relax us, and this software for which I am working has the specialty of having schedules for music, so when we have many more people in our room a certain type of music sounds and when we have few visits the music is suitable to sound accurately and invite the permanence in the premises, it is crazy, it is great and it exists.

Music is an ally
Definitely one of the pleasures of life for me is to enjoy music and feel as we please when we listen to it, but now, making music an ally is incredible and excellent, the profits increase as people feel more taste in places like cafeterias where they stay and consume more, active and special music in places like bars make people eat more and therefore consume more drinks; this translates into more profits, when people go to a gym and feel motivated they do all their routines and at the end of the month they see results. What does that mean? that will continue to keep getting those great results, in offices, how does it work ?, specialized music generates unique moments of concentration, ideal for hours in offices where employees need to be focused, even in certain hours where sleep and fatigue office seizes this music software launches much more lively melodies that activate those who are listening to him what does it mean? motivated employees and much better results, basically that's the way it works for everything, heavy-duty factories, companies, industries, offices, supermarkets, bars, restaurants, hotels; in everything and absolutely all business music can be a perfect ally to generate profits; so I feel that this software is great and the truth is that each song is designed for a precise moment, I think it allows us to improve the work environment a lot and make people always want to come back simply because they feel very comfortable and do not know why, the answer is simple: specialized music and audio marketing.

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