How Curious Are You?

in #life7 years ago

"On their quest for satisfying their curiosity many individuals made huge leaps in human progress. What was really intended was not progress but knowledge; outstanding progress comes as a by-product of answering their own questions".

Every child is instinctively curious but not every adult:

Curiosity is the innate and pure impulse to acquire knowledge. It makes us want to know and feel joyful with every new piece of information we acquire. It is the heart’s way of expressing its passion. It let’s you know what is really important to you not in the means of practicality rather of satisfaction.

Every human being is born curious. That is why he is able to learn and evolve. The basic motive for learning is curiosity; the child is curious about himself and everything he comes into contact with. How does it feel, sound and smell? Without curiosity the child wouldn’t be able to explore his capacities, learn and grow skills for him doesn’t yet understand the necessity of what he is learning. Without it he would likely be dead.

Curiosity And Evolvement:

For humanity as a whole, curiosity had been the quality behind every human advancement, from discovering fire and inventing the wheel to space exploration and quantum physics. Curiosity is the driving force behind science, philosophy, spirituality, art and technology.

“Why” and “how” are the magic keys of evolvement. As you keep asking questions you keep growing mentally and emotionally. The moment you stop asking is the moment when you stop evolving, learning and making progress. You become stagnant.

Most of people lose their innate feeling of curiosity as they grow up. Society, family and education system provide common answers to great questions. Or simply deny people’s right to ask. The every day’s lives people live today make it hard for them to maintain rather than acting upon their desire to know more. Their curiosity has been damped, and the joy of knowledge has fallen into oblivion. Only a child who managed to keep his curiosity intact, asking a question after another without loosing enthusiasm and keep the joy of knowing is able to change the course of his life and is more likely to find the real answers to humanity old questions, provide them with the critical knowledge required for their development. This child becomes every leader in his endeavor. He is the scientist, the artist and the philosopher.

The difference between those who study something to earn their living and those who study it because they are innately curious is that the first ones may or may not achieve success, while the second ones become the leaders in this part of knowledge, they are the gurus and the ones who hold the keys to its development, refinement and progress.

When studying something you are curious about, every single piece of information sticks directly and effortlessly to your mind. You enthusiastically follow the succession of questions that rise one after another without feeling bored. Every new piece of information brings a feeling of joy, fulfillment and satisfaction. It doesn’t feel like education.

Creativity & Curiosity:

As creativity lies in not following certain rules and providing brand new solution, following your curiosity can take you to new paradigms. It is more likely to be creative when involved in something you are curious about.

Reward of curiosity:

When you are genuinely curious, the sole reward you seek is nothing but knowledge. It can’t be money, fame or power. It can’t also be others’ appreciation or acknowledgment. When you seek either of these rewards you lose track of curiosity. For you the joy of knowledge precedes any other joy. Ultra success that comes to those who take their curiosity seriously is merely a by-product of the process of gaining knowledge.

Find the shreds of curiosity that still within you. Bring them to light and make them the compass showing the right way to your satisfaction.

Please comment your thoughts and experience.

Have a nice day.

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Great topic and really well written!

I found myself thinking about some seniors who seem to have decided they don't want to take in any new information or have new experiences. Sad.

I guess they stopped learning because they don't have the essential curiosity about the subject they are seniors in. They might have taken it as a career for living. When you are curious about something you will never feel satiated learning about it.

Sorry - maybe a mis-communication. I mean they are senior citizens, people 65 years and older. : )

For humanity as a whole, curiosity had been the quality behind every human advancement, from discovering fire and inventing the wheel to space exploration and quantum physics.

curiosity is a surrogate activity. an occupation/a hobby.

what helped us most was our imagination which is often the source of a solution to a problem... or for a more effective solution for the improvement of a temporary difficulty.

  • A man is only limited by his imination

Great article. We certainly need to focus on curiosity in schools. We try to force info into students, calling it core curriculum. Curiosity makes much more sense. Blessings

It would be very beneficial to the children and the society in future.
Thanks @gatorlynne :)

I totally agree:

When you are genuinely curious, the sole reward you seek is nothing but knowledge. It can’t be money, fame or power. It can’t also be others’ appreciation or acknowledgment. When you seek either of these rewards you lose track of curiosity.

If that's the definition of Curiosity then I'm defined by it. I always want to know more about the things that I want to know... Mostly are useless things but the reward I seek is knowing it. Not anything in the way or after that.

Maybe that's why TV Tropes is one of my most favorite websites. Ultimate database of knowledge in one place.