The Law Of KarmasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #karma8 years ago (edited)

psychic and gizmo photos 002.JPG The law of karma is, as you give so you receive. Bad thoughts and actions return to you. But so does kindness, thoughtfulness, love, joy and generosity. Its how we live theses qualities that shows in our lives.

Some people call karma fate, good or bad luck. So its easier to remember good karma is credits and bad karma is debits.
Your family is your karma and your soul chose your family before you are born. Difficult family ties may be unresolved feelings or situation in a previous existence. I know this from all the past life regressions I've done over the years.

We need to remember by empowering others we heal karmic relationships. This is why its so important to wish others well.
The way we think our mindsets are karma. Should we have the mindset we are not good enough, the belief will inevitable draw into your life things and people who make you feel inferior.
The good thing is we only carry karma until we learn the lesson. Ignorance keeps us burdened.
Positive beliefs create good karma.
Remember you are responsible for the way you think, so if your beliefs do not make you happy change them now.


Excellent post! Resteemed! .....(I hope that's good Karma!!!)