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RE: Yellow Shrimp Plant lights up the Backyard.

in #justicia7 years ago

When Golden Shrimp Plant is grown outdoors, it may experience tip damage in a frost and lose leaves if the temperatures drop below 50 degrees. This is a good time to prune the plant hard, to about 12 inches above the ground. This will encourage bushy growth, as older shrimp plants tend toward legginess. Even plants that don’t experience cold temperatures should be pruned in winter.

As a houseplant, Golden Shrimp responds well to being moved outdoors for the summer months. Give it a sunny spot on the patio and be sure to water frequently to keep the soil moist. When temperatures drop, move it indoors to the warmest possible location. You can cut back a bit on watering over the winter, but be sure to keep the humidity up by misting and give it as much direct sun as possible. Prune the plant by regularly cutting back hard the inflorescence stems after they die. This will encourage new fuller growth.
