Yellow Shrimp Plant lights up the Backyard.
Justicia ; common name- the Shrimp plant is an easy to grow small shrub. It will grow to around 0.5 metres tall, and has a long flowering season. The flowers are usually white in colour and emerge from the colourful bracts which are arranged in a shape resembling a shrimps body. They are happiest in a semi-shaded spot, but will also tolerate a more sunny spot. The plants benefit from regular pruning to keep the growth compact, otherwise the growth becomes a bit leggy. Suited for temperate and warmer climates. it is very easy to propagate from cuttings in warmer months. This plant is growing in a Harbourside garden in Sydney.
Shrimp plant (Justicia brandegeana) is an attractive tropical perennial and a must-have for a hummingbird garden.
This easy-to-grow plant can reach two to six feet tall, and is easily recognized by the colorful, drooping, shrimp-like bracts it produces. But it's the white flower inside the bracts that attracts both hummingbirds and butterflies. The plant commonly called golden shrimp plant is a different but related species.
The Florida-Friendly shrimp plant can be grown throughout the state and blooms year-round in mild climates. It will be killed back by frost but usually returns in the spring. Shrimp plant can be planted in full sun or part shade, and will grow best in rich organic soil. New plants may look somewhat twiggy, but with light pruning and a little care will quickly spread to form an attractive clump. Patient gardeners who keep an eye out in the early evenings may be rewarded with a visit from tiny visitors.
Fav. Comment Award !! Congrats for your choice of great Pics and information.
Thanks for you @ctrl-alt-nwo
A terrific tropical shrub to use in pots on patios, or feature in entryways. Bright rosy-pink to salmon-colored flower-like bracts are sure to garner attention with their unique shrimp-like appearance. Requires little care other than occasional trimming. A frost-tender evergreen that will bloom nearly year-round in warmer winter regions.
Fav. comment Award !! Thanks for the great Pics selection and information.
Hi ctrl-alt-nwo, I'm glad to see you again you're active steemian and thanks for helping me continuously. I remember I saw this flower before. The Shrimp mean flower looks like to real Shrimp.Nice photo clicks with better description friend. I add some info with flowers images.
he Mexican shrimp plant, or Justicia brandegeeana, is a native of Guatemala, Honduras, and as its name implies, Mexico. It is an evergreen shrub that rarely grows more than 3 or 4 (1 m) high and about as wide and thrives in the understory, a partially shaded area of tropical forests. The plants grow in many stemmed clumps and in USDA plant hardiness zones 8-11 growing shrimp plants in gardens has become so prevalent, it has now naturalized in many areas. This is largely due to the ease of shrimp plant propagation. The stems, which tend to become leggy with age and the sparse oval, green leaves, sometimes speckled with white, are not particularly attractive, but the bracts, which hold tiny and insignificant white flowers, are definitely eye catching. Each stem is tipped by a spike of light pink to rusty red bracts that arch into a form that looks remarkably like shrimp. There are cultivars of yellow and lime green as well.
While these beauties aren’t fussy, there are a few things you should know about how to care for a shrimp plant to get the most from your shrub. It does best in loamy or sandy soil that is well drained. It doesn’t do well with wet feet.
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Silly Sausage Award !! You have chosen some excellent pics for your comment.
Golden shrimp plant is an evergreen shrub with branching, woody stems. Long, dark-green leaves grow in pairs opposite one another and are deeply veined.

The real attraction is the plant's magnificent flower spikes, featuring bright golden bracts that grow to 4 in (10 cm) long and last from spring through the end of summer.
These long-lasting, upright bracts give this plant its other common name, Lollipop Plant. (I don 't really see a resemblance, do you?)
Long, white flowers emerge from the flower bracts, opening in succession from the bottom of the bract to the top.

family, along with the other shrimp plant, Justicia brandegeana. The two plants look similar, the biggest differences are that the Pachystachys has bigger leaves and its flower spikes are held upright, rather than arching to one side.
Prune it back. Golden shrimp plant is a perennial shrub that will last for several years. It'll get tall and leggy if not pruned back regularly. Prune it back hard to control this plant's growth -- by half when necessary -- when the plant starts new growth in spring.
Pinch your plant. Pinch off the growing tips often to encourage branching. You'll be rewarded with a much nicer-looking plant that is compact and bushy. If you want, you can propagate the stem tip cuttings for more plants.
Repot in spring when roots show through the bottom of the pot. You can keep potting up -- into a larger pot each year and allow it to grow into a shrub. But as I mentioned before, this plant will drop its old leaves and become leggy if you don't prune it back.

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Shrimp plants
(Justicia brandegeeana)
are a delightful landscape addition for the warmest climates, yet they can be grown as indoor or greenhouse plants elsewhere. The flowers are as long-lasting as they are remarkable. It has oval, pointed, soft green leaves.
There are different varieties and colors of shrimp plants such as golden, yellow, red, blue or white. Shrimp Plant, like any fast growing perennial which flowers a lot, needs a good pruning at the end of the season so the plant can rest. Pruning brings on abundant flowering.
Yellow shrimp plant
The flowers are hidden amongst distinctive clusters of drooping shrimp pink bracts which overlap closely and appear at the ends of the shoots. The plant may not flower for two or three years, until it is mature, but when it does, the bracts will persist for most of the summer.
Yellow shrimp plant
The striking shrimp-like bracts last most of the summer; good light improves the colour. Some leaves may drop in winter. Cut back affected stems in early spring when the plant is repotted and started in growth. Hummingbirds and butterflies love this plant and visit it often, especially in twilight.
Yellow shrimp plant
Red shrimp plant
Mexican shrimp plant
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When Golden Shrimp Plant is grown outdoors, it may experience tip damage in a frost and lose leaves if the temperatures drop below 50 degrees. This is a good time to prune the plant hard, to about 12 inches above the ground. This will encourage bushy growth, as older shrimp plants tend toward legginess. Even plants that don’t experience cold temperatures should be pruned in winter.
As a houseplant, Golden Shrimp responds well to being moved outdoors for the summer months. Give it a sunny spot on the patio and be sure to water frequently to keep the soil moist. When temperatures drop, move it indoors to the warmest possible location. You can cut back a bit on watering over the winter, but be sure to keep the humidity up by misting and give it as much direct sun as possible. Prune the plant by regularly cutting back hard the inflorescence stems after they die. This will encourage new fuller growth.
Also known as lollipop plant, yellow shrimp plant (Pachstachys lutea) is semi-tropical, but don't let that stop you from trying it this year. They usually flaunt gaudy flowers and foliage (if they didn't, people wouldn't plant them) and they love hot weather. No matter how hot it gets, they continue to bloom while many temperate plants either go dormant or fry.
Yellow shrimp plants gets its name for the upright, yellow cones of bracts that appear atop its stems. Small, white flowers emerge from these bracts and attract both hummingbirds and butterflies.
The cones are about 3-4 inches long and very showy. They self-clean, meaning that as soon as a cone gets old, it drops off by itself and is replaced by a new one. No deadheading or grooming needed. The show continues from spring until fall.
It grows 4-5 feet tall and wide. That sounds big, but you can easily keep it smaller and bushier through occasional pruning, which does not diminish flowering.
Red Shrimp Plant

Blue Shrimp Plant
White Shrimp Plant
Thank you for posting @ctrl-alt-nwo.
Lovely photographs and interesting plant information.
......have not heard of this one before....wonder if it would be suitable for a shrubbery walk....what do you think?
All the best to you.
Perfect for a shrubbery walk !!