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RE: An Open Letter to the Minister for Boot Licking and Sycophancy

in #julianassange7 years ago

That's quite the ideologically-coherent diatribe :3

The only problem with your well-informed political opinions is that the very first rules of statehood as outlined by the earliest philosophers of antiquity was to protect

The oldest and simplest justification for government is as protector: protecting citizens from violence.

According to Plato, these functions of the state include making possible the conditions under which everyone can feed, clothe and shelter themselves, as well as seek the Good.

Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan describes a world of unrelenting insecurity without a government to provide the safety of law and order, protecting citizens from each other and from foreign foes.

In 1690 English philosopher John Locke wrote that all people are born with the inherent rights to life, liberty, and estate.

I could go on... But in essence, there is no political theory of the State that has every been formulated in history (short of barbarism) that would accept casting away its people in exchange for political expediency and convenience.

Australia should rather hang Julian Assange on its own soil rather than let him rot away in an ECUADORIAN embassy in the hands of its citizens' enemies...

Australia is not a Just state. Period.

No Justice in this Post-Modern World