An Open Letter to the Minister for Boot Licking and SycophancysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #julianassange7 years ago (edited)

Dear Julie, how are you? I hope you enjoyed your Easter.

All Australians should enjoy Easter, don’t you think?

I mean all Australian citizens, regardless of circumstances should have the opportunity to enjoy a little quality time with family and friends.

It’s not too much to ask, is it? Unless of course, the Australian citizen has run afoul of the powers that shouldn’t be. Then, they can rot in a cupboard in an Ecuadorian embassy on the other side of the world with no communication to the outside world.

And you don’t seem to care – do you?

He’s expendable, isn’t he?

Even though he’s an Australian citizen who should be given all the protection your department can muster. You DO know that he hasn’t committed a crime of any description– don’t you?

So let’s be honest you and I. Let’s call spades shovels as Australian’s like to say that they do. I’m sure you’ll find that refreshing after rubbing shoulders with all those elite fashion icons and celebrities that you suck up to in the name of diplomacy. Here’s a tip before we get stuck in – celebrities have no political credibility. The Neoliberal queen discovered that the hard way – so get off that train – it’s taking you nowhere fast.

Let’s deal with harsh realities shall, we?

Time is running out for your government. You can put on a brave face, cling to the same old talking points and hope for some last minute miracle, but your government’s goose is well and truly overcooked. You’re heading for the opposition benches if you’re lucky enough to hold your seat. You’ve swanned your way around the world achieving little other than acquiescing to the demands of the two powers that hold us over a barrel. You might be able to fool your friends in the press gallery but you know in your heart that you’ve done nothing to improve Australia’s position in the world other than increase its dependence upon America and Britain.

Most foreign ministers are forgotten as soon as they vacate their ministry. You will be no different unless you put your stamp on the ministry as an independent Australian who can demonstrate that you put Australian citizens ahead of the dark forces that swirl around some of our alleged allies.

Here’s a step by step roadmap to ensure that your time as foreign minister will be remembered as consequential.

  1. Release all correspondence between your department and any interested foreign entity concerning Julian Assange. Come clean and tell people the truth about what went on concerning the sexual assault allegations in Sweden. Tell Australians why Assange is terrified of leaving the embassy – you KNOW why. Tell the Australian people the truth.
  2. Reach out to Theresa May and politely but firmly ask her to call the dogs off. Right now the only thing that Britain publicly wants Assange for is skipping bail. The United Nations has already determined that Assange is being involuntarily detained in breach of his human rights. The time to stand up for him is now.
  3. Call the Ecuadorian foreign minister and respectfully ask that Assange’s Internet access be restored. I’m sure you have his number. You can do this much at least.
  4. Reach out to America and ask them for confirmation or otherwise if there is a Grand Jury empanelled to indict Assange for espionage. Again, you know the truth. Assange is a publisher. He is not a spy. Stand up for him. Ask the US to back off your citizen.
  5. Confirm for all of us with a working synapse that the DNC/Podesta emails were the result of a leak as opposed to a hack. Publicly state it and defend your citizen and his right to publish.

Taking any of these steps would take a degree of courage and independence seldom if ever seen in this country. You may even take political heat for doing so, but your legacy and honour would be forever revered.

Frankly, I don’t think you have the guts, but I hope your prove me wrong.

My name is Mark Hodgetts. I’m a freelance writer, eking out a crust writing
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i followed you @a-0-0

I'll have you know that Julie has stood up the to US in the past, but it's not going to happen now, especially not given some of Assange's previous statements

Judging by the screen time she has been getting lately when talking (unopposed as always by our pathetic spineless media, despite a current travel rorts scandal) about the Skripal nonsense, I'd suggest Julia could very well be our next PM.

She has the right friends, says the right things, and takes the correct stance over the important issues. The Libs have the correct unity and enduring commitment to win the next election.

And those criticisms of former NSW premier Bob Carr should just be ignored.

That's quite the ideologically-coherent diatribe :3

The only problem with your well-informed political opinions is that the very first rules of statehood as outlined by the earliest philosophers of antiquity was to protect

The oldest and simplest justification for government is as protector: protecting citizens from violence.

According to Plato, these functions of the state include making possible the conditions under which everyone can feed, clothe and shelter themselves, as well as seek the Good.

Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan describes a world of unrelenting insecurity without a government to provide the safety of law and order, protecting citizens from each other and from foreign foes.

In 1690 English philosopher John Locke wrote that all people are born with the inherent rights to life, liberty, and estate.

I could go on... But in essence, there is no political theory of the State that has every been formulated in history (short of barbarism) that would accept casting away its people in exchange for political expediency and convenience.

Australia should rather hang Julian Assange on its own soil rather than let him rot away in an ECUADORIAN embassy in the hands of its citizens' enemies...

Australia is not a Just state. Period.

No Justice in this Post-Modern World

I think you're right - the deal may have already been done. Knives getting sharpened as we speak.

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Wonderful animals art.
I appreciate your creativity. thanks for the animals art

What animals art ? Either you have made a mistake, or you haven't correctly just spammed