Steem: The Most Enjoyable Governance Tool Ever Devised!

in #joy7 years ago (edited)

Joy is the ultimate incentive and the most empowering knowledge is its closest relative. The most empowering knowledge can only be determined through the iterative process of taking risks and realizing profit

N.B. This article is part of a series of essays I'm currently writing.

Joy Empowers!

"Without the risk of loss no true measurement of value can be made and no opinion can be trusted. You cannot even trust your own opinion unless you take actions that risk personal loss if your opinion is out of alignment with reality. The greater the risk you are willing to take the stronger your faith in your opinion and the greater your resulting profit or loss will be." @dantheman

Every sovereign individuals thus every Steemians have as their highest interest the dissemination of the most mutually beneficial knowledge. In contrast, all other institutions, companies, governments, armies, etc., have as their highest interest the empowerment of themselves at the expanse of everyone else. Generals, elected leaders and companies always have more empowering knowledge than their subordinates and competitors and their power depends on it.

Synergistic empowerment is a greater ideal than systems of parasitic empowerment or empowerment at the expense of others. Empowerment at the expense of others is what currently rules human society and something we fundamentally strive to do away with.

Steem: The Most Enjoyable Governance Tool Ever Devised!

Steem makes profitable the worldwide cooperative real-time process of determining the most enjoyable/empowering information and its mass dissemination, all of this in a decentralized, censorship-free, tamperproof manner. I've been pondering with its implications for almost a year now and it's been the most enjoyable/empowering endeavor I ever been part of. Learning what creates consensus is of the upmost value.

"The purpose of consensus is to reach agreement. People need to make decisions based upon what other people actually believe whether or not what they believe is true or false." [...]

"Assuming all individuals can communicate and have incentive to live in the truth then truth will prevail. If there is incentive to believe a lie, then the lie will prevail. This applies even on an individual basis." @dantheman (source)

Steem: Synergistical Empowerment Made Profitable!

Every Steemians have every incentives to see Steem price rise and it seems like Steem value is bond to rise. There is a growing number of Steemians competing to create the strongest consensus possible among an ever growing number of Steem Power holders. This make creating consensus ever more difficult and valuable which in return will influence a growing number of rational individuals leading to a virtuous cycle. These trends are already being observed. Also Steem is always being bettered in order to best achieve the will of its Shareholders.

Steem Inc. currently own around 25% of all Steem while Mark Zuckerberg own roughly 30% of Facebook. In the last 2 months Steemit Inc. has sent a pretty strong signal they aren't in a rush to sell. They too have the same incentives as other Steemians in regard to Steem price.

If the price of Steem were to rise 10 fold from its current ~$0.50 (May 7), each Steem would be worth around ~$5, Steem's market cap would be ~$1.3B and under the current algorithm top posts would be worth around $3,000-4,000 which is roughly what a top trending YouTube video makes for 1 day of ~2,000,000 views. It's fun to think Steem could become "The Big News" on every other websites which could ironically lead to their own demise.

N.B. YouTube stats can be seen here. (This article was born on May 7)

The Future Of Benevolent Economy!

  • $0.17B Steem Market Cap
  • $5B Reddit Market Cap
  • $26B Bitcoin Market Cap
  • $150B Facebook Market Cap

Steem can already do much more than any of these 2 centralized companies and arguably has more value than any other company period.

IPFS and Bitchute make centralized video hosting pretty much irrelevant for most use case. Anyone who has an incentive for some valuable video to be disseminated will make sure at least one version of its decentralized version is accessible at all time which is a much more efficient and resilient manner to host video. (This paragraph was written before this announcement was made.)

IPFS and Bitchute or not, Steem systems of value make it a lot easier to re-imagine a now truly benevolent economy.

"If Steem had Facebook's user base the Steem token would be a global currency larger than most countries and it would trade at market caps well in excess of Facebook." @dantheman (source)

This quote by Dan fascinates me for many obvious reasons. Here some more thought on it. But me and @dantheman as well as all Steemians are totally bias in regard to Steem and its price. Do your own research.

As far as I'm concern, my primary goal is to help the development of all technologies and ideas that mutually empowers everyone.

A Crowdsourced Plan Towards The World We Long For!

I see a need for a worldwide crowdsourced plan to empower humanity beyond its wildest dream. There has always been a need for such a plan or be it just a blockchain constitution. Some 139 billionaire pledging to give $365B of their combined 2016 net worth of $731B doesn't solve any of the fundamental problems humanity currently face.

Any plan for a better world which does not mention money creation is beyond foolish. No quote or image could possibly better illustrate this point than the 2 below.


"The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in." (Often attributed to Josiah Charles Stamp)

N.B. The purchasing power of the US Dollar is less than 5% of what it was in 1913. (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)

Recognition of these facts should be used to create the world we long for and not to punish anyone needlessly.

What Will Steem's Overall Influence Be, Only Time Can Tell!

Whether or not such a group of people as described by US Presidents Woodrow Wilson and John F. Kennedy's quotes below still exists today or has ever existed, centralized power always empower some over others while decentralized system of powers naturally seek to empower everyone.

I see and use Steem as the greatest tool for mutual empowerment. I've shared on everything from joy, education, self-defense, sheltering, health, food production, technology, life extension, money, the beyond and beyond, etc., and I'll continue doing so as long as it feels like the best thing to do yo!

Steem Is Evolving

Steem is an ever evolving tool. The proposed change to the reward curve is currently the one change that enthuse me the most. Here's a comment made by @vandeberg one of Steem lead developer which best illustrate this proposed change. I encourage everyone to check it out and debate its possible merits and downfalls just as any other new proposed changes should be.

Paulo Frere:

"This, then, is the great humanistic and historical task of the oppressed: to liberate themselves and their oppressors as well. The oppressors who oppress, exploit and rape by virtue of their power, cannot find in this power the strength to liberate either the oppressed or themselves. Only power that springs from the weakness of the oppressed will be sufficiently strong to free both."


US President John F. Kennedy

"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings." [...]

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.(

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Financial wealth is just a tool and not an end in itself.

Advancing the ideals I share in my articles is what I'm all about. Please consider approving my witness if you share those ideals.

Type teamsteem at the bottom of the page and then click vote.


Thank you to everyone who's been reading and Steeming!

Questions and comments are very much welcome!

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!


Steemit will be bigger than facebook

The future can't be known but things look really good.

If you read between the lines the entire article above is both a stage in a self-fulfilling prophecy and a self-fulfilling prophecy in it self.

They are not your own words of course but arguing the future can't be known doesn't sound like someone who tried. One who tried could say the same thing but he wouldn't be able to divorce the statement from the desire or hope to know it. The chosen words suggest a nihilist who takes pride in not trying, one who lives for the brief moment of "I told you so".

I'm sorry for mocking the mind set but it is necessary to demonstrate that the fruits of that approach are entirely predictable.

The article you wrote is wonderful. I would argue it has all the qualities of a predictable future. If you didn't think there was a bright future for steemit you wouldn't be motivated to write such things. That said, we both know you can do better. It can always be better.

I really hope it will [eventually] be actual quality that perpetuates the self-fulfilling prophecy rather than building an audience/popularity. I hope it will be driven by peoples [diverse] personal interest/passion rather than what is expected or what the current user-base wants to read about - simply to grind out coins.

While it seems like it there are no species who make noises for no reason. I try to remind myself that communication builds towards a goal. If you chose a road ignorance wont change where it travels. Seeing people make actual effort to convey their thoughts on steemit is already very exciting but it is almost nothing compared to that governing potential. In theory this platform can tightly connect the world of thought (spiritual world) to the economic (materialistic).

If people can be convinced that writing stuff is worth the effort, imagine what would happen when they discover that having practical ideas is rewarding. Imagine it, we can crowd source stuff with pure attention. One can subject their stupid idea for actual evaluation. If people like it it cant be as stupid as you thought it was. You might have to learn to live with the idea that you have other ideas unworthy of the label. Then the establishment would have a real problem. Preventing people from working together is their only agenda point with an unlimited budget. Without getting to deep into THE CONSPIRACY we can already see the the real human potential.

Pick any city, estimate the total value of all assets, roads, buildings, utilities etc etc, divide it by population. Then ask: how many living there have that much wealth? People work their whole lives but it never adds up to having a roof over their head? My point being: It doesn't take a lot of organization to unmake something that works only for a negligible percentage.


Thanks for the article, it was cool.

I love your comment. It's very inspiring. I'm now following you.

I don't think I was being nihilistic when I said the future can't be know but I get your point and I really love the very positive outlook of your comment and what it put to light.

It will at least kill reddit :)

Great article!

In a comment discussion elsewhere (mostly about the new coins focusing on Universal Basic Income) one of the points that came up is that Steemit/Steem is actually at the forefront of creating some version of UBI, based on this thing called "The Attention Economy." But the main point was that we're developing these ideas as a peer-to-peer network, not as some lame and doomed-to-fail government structure. And that's a really cool thought...

It is! It reminds me of Dan's work on the subject. His article on his form of UBI totally change my way of seeing economy.

It's so difficult to foresee Steem's future. Weirdly enough I never even used the expression "Attention Economy" yet I can't hardly think of any expression that better sum up Steem.

Profitable P2P Attention Economy, for the people by the people!

Thank you for your comment @denmarkguy!

first off Namaste!
lol...People like me w/ attention deficit disorders,are going to loose out
not to mention those who lack tech skills(me again)...
but this site has got me interested enough to start trying to learn to use this little magical box from the gods... :-)

Awesome! I'm glad you left that awesome comment here!

By the way we always put our attention on something. Whenever our attention wanders then it means that things that were suppose to be for us doesn't suit us or wasn't providing us with joy as much as putting our attention on something else.

And yes Steem feels like magic.

Doug Stanhope make it so much fun in this clip.
(Starts at 30s)

or it could be multiple head trauma,and brain
definitely gives me some unique perspectives... :-)
enjoy your day ! life is to short for bad days! :-)

Congratulations @teamsteem!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 6 with $ 323,96

Thank you for letting me know @arcange! Interesting stats!

You're welcome ;)

Very nice post with a very interesting view point. It was laid out very nice and easy to read. Way to go @teamsteem

Without the risk of loss no true measurement of value can be made and no opinion can be trusted. 100% agree,great post .

This is such a powerful statement. Yet we're never thought those kind of fundamental in school or should I say indoctrination center.

yes absolutely right.

Ain't it fun building a better world! :) I'd say we have to include a more nuanced discussion on the value of privacy, and really the idea of privacy as a commons. By the way, love your primary goal: to help the development of all technologies and ideas that mutually empowers everyone. Keep charging, adding you as someone to follow for sure!

I say if it ain't fun then it will never be build. I'll take a look at your article later. Thank you for sharing.

Steem steem steem steem steem sttteeeemmm!

Awesome post, very informative!!

Great post !
I have been greatly surprised by the difference between this site and facebook.This site feels so much more positive and on point with making things better!
I am enjoying my chance to be a part of this great game changer.
I lack tech skills,and the knowledge base of terms and meanings so I have to do some catching up and learn how to use this thing ...I am looking forward to when I can format post w/ pictures and graphs,and learn to link things together..figure out what an url is an where to put it! (add frustrated punn)...then this is going to get fun!
One of my long time arguments has been that we need to do a wealth redistribution of the worlds wealth! and establish a maximum wealth limit! I mean how much is enough to live comfortable for life? give everyone in the world a $10,000,000. cap. no more! the extra goes to solving world problems!... if there are any left!

Thank you @jesse2you! I think you'd enjoy my post on Dan Larimer link under "Find out more" of this article. It talk a lot about solving a lot of issues in very innovative ways. Also his 4 posts on Universal Basic Income (link in the article) which is nothing like other UBI and doesn't involve stealing anything to anyone to give back to other is very thought provoking in a positive manner.

The the 2 main problems I see with capping wealth is that it puts the remaining wealth management into the hands of centralized institutions like governments and banks (or elitist in general). Notice the graph above showing the U.S. Debt, doesn't seem that this process works very well currently and most of the worlds governments look similar financially. The other problem is that by capping, you take away incentive and drive from the "entrepreneur". Some of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world are some of the biggest drivers for solving world problems. However, if you take away that incentive then why do things that others aren't willing to do if it is just going to be redistributed anyway whether the type of distribution is something that you believe it. Once could even argue that if you didn't believe in the way it would be redistributed then you wouldn't create the wealth in the first place to prevent it, or stop at the cap so you remained in control of things you financed. If people stopped building wealth at "x" amount to avoid it just being taken from them anyway (this is how welfare and disability currently work) then it would also negatively effect the over all economy since the volume of money would not be as high. People might not buy as many vehicles for example which in turn could create layoffs in the automobile industry, which only really negatively effects lower income earns . Jobs exist to support demand of products and services.

I agree with you, that it would be great to have more people putting money towards helping their fellow humans, but when you try to control people as you suggest, I believe more harm then could will come from it. Just imagine that you were in school and work tirelessly to have good grades and another person in your class partied 7 days a week or just simply didn't put the same effort as you in and your high score was divided equally between you and this other person so that you both got equal scores. Woulds this be something you would be ok with? If so, I would be very interested in hearing the logic behind why?

I believe that positive incentive and education are the keys to accomplishing what you are really trying to accomplish at the end of the day.

I understand your confusion. You are working from a broken system thought process, no insult or injury meant.
let me try to elaborate..
1st. you state that it would be in the hands of Governments, central banks,or centralized elite control. I want to point out that we are already breaking that power structure with the crypto markets. bitcoin ,etherium,Dash,ect are give these groups a headache! so the chart you mention show a debt based on usury (money borrowed at interest ,where the only source of creating more money ,is to borrow more ,at an increased interest rate )can never be payed off! it is like trying to fill a bucket with a hole half way up the side....The chart is as broke as the system that controls the making of the debt money!
Now we get to the motivating factor. You imply that no one does anything except for monetary reward..That if we all have equal ability to afford to do things that nothing will get done.That if we stop greed then we curtail make it sound as tho rich people give money it's value(all to true, now) and that by giving poor people money that it will automatically devalue the money. but yet that is exactly what the crypto markets are doing!
it is letting common people leverage them self out of the control of the control structure. You claim that there are groups of people with large sum of money doing great things (entrepreneurs)these are not the people who control the Money! they are people who are opposed to the status quo and are trying to do positive things for the world,not just profit.exactly because they can afford to do so!
I fail to see how taking money from one group and redistribution to another changes the value of the money.. or makes the money unable to do the same job(s)...If you eat an apple or give that apple to someone else an they eat it,it still has the same calories.. we may metabolize it
and as for jobs! I would rather have a hobby that I was passionate about and that allowed me to enjoy my life! not something that I am forced to do ,that does not pay me enough to live above the poverty level .were I am not valued except as the easy to replace piece. or in threat of being replaced by a computer,or robot.
they say that insanity is doing the same thing over ,and over and expecting different results .. 90% of the population working 40+ hr.s a week, and living in poverty... that is insanity!
I believe that Crypto- currencies , and common people working together through sites like this one have a chance to correct some of the evil perpetrated on the us by the ruling elite! And I do believe that if people had an equal share ,and the means and ability to make positive change they would! they volunteer and do it all the time! especially in times of adversity,and tragedy.
I believe that given the chance most people would help more if they could afford to. Maybe the entrepreneurs would loose incentive , but more people would have the means to do it them self...unless you think that people are lazy, worthless and do not have an ability to do something without coercion..
What is going to happen when computers and robot do all the work? and everyone is put on a universal dole,or income? universally poor is better than universally rich?... same thing if they control and are above it...
thank for the commit, and the chance to communicate! that's more than I can do with those in power! :-)

I'll read you guys tomorrow and most probably comeback to comment.