
The future can't be known but things look really good.

If you read between the lines the entire article above is both a stage in a self-fulfilling prophecy and a self-fulfilling prophecy in it self.

They are not your own words of course but arguing the future can't be known doesn't sound like someone who tried. One who tried could say the same thing but he wouldn't be able to divorce the statement from the desire or hope to know it. The chosen words suggest a nihilist who takes pride in not trying, one who lives for the brief moment of "I told you so".

I'm sorry for mocking the mind set but it is necessary to demonstrate that the fruits of that approach are entirely predictable.

The article you wrote is wonderful. I would argue it has all the qualities of a predictable future. If you didn't think there was a bright future for steemit you wouldn't be motivated to write such things. That said, we both know you can do better. It can always be better.

I really hope it will [eventually] be actual quality that perpetuates the self-fulfilling prophecy rather than building an audience/popularity. I hope it will be driven by peoples [diverse] personal interest/passion rather than what is expected or what the current user-base wants to read about - simply to grind out coins.

While it seems like it there are no species who make noises for no reason. I try to remind myself that communication builds towards a goal. If you chose a road ignorance wont change where it travels. Seeing people make actual effort to convey their thoughts on steemit is already very exciting but it is almost nothing compared to that governing potential. In theory this platform can tightly connect the world of thought (spiritual world) to the economic (materialistic).

If people can be convinced that writing stuff is worth the effort, imagine what would happen when they discover that having practical ideas is rewarding. Imagine it, we can crowd source stuff with pure attention. One can subject their stupid idea for actual evaluation. If people like it it cant be as stupid as you thought it was. You might have to learn to live with the idea that you have other ideas unworthy of the label. Then the establishment would have a real problem. Preventing people from working together is their only agenda point with an unlimited budget. Without getting to deep into THE CONSPIRACY we can already see the the real human potential.

Pick any city, estimate the total value of all assets, roads, buildings, utilities etc etc, divide it by population. Then ask: how many living there have that much wealth? People work their whole lives but it never adds up to having a roof over their head? My point being: It doesn't take a lot of organization to unmake something that works only for a negligible percentage.


Thanks for the article, it was cool.

I love your comment. It's very inspiring. I'm now following you.

I don't think I was being nihilistic when I said the future can't be know but I get your point and I really love the very positive outlook of your comment and what it put to light.

It will at least kill reddit :)