Jerry Banfield walks into a bar...

in #joke-writing7 years ago

Win a Booster upvote - Write the rest of the joke in the comments below, be creative.

Tom Mason AMWIAB 01.jpg


And starts selling everyone else the free peanuts and tap water.

I can't beat this.

Hey u can bit this just change ur mind fir thinking man.



The Bar is in Saudi Arabia:

Jerry is Arrested for homosexuality

Jerry appeals in Saudi Supreme COurt that sucking his own dick is not homosexual but UTOsexual

The Supreme court of Saudi Arabia makes the most amazing precident no one could ever expect, and rule in favor of Jerry Banfield

Banfield opens up the entire Saudi Court system and homosexuals throughout the country use the autosexual Banfield clause to legalize their homosexual marriages, and the "Banfield Clause" is forever used in Saudi Arabia to allow for Sam Sex Marriages but only for men. Banfield becomes a celebrity in Riyad and opens his own vegas style show at Mecca

Followed up by those 2 guys with the white tyger?

😊 😋

... with a big smile on his face, sits down and asks for a beer.
'It looks like you're having fun mister', the bartender says.
'I sure have man, I sure have. I live close to the railroad you know. And coming home late last night, I saw a woman tied with ropes to the track. I hurried to her to untie her and after that we made love the rest of the night'.
'So I guess she also satisfied you orally real good?', the bartender wants to know.
'No, looked for it, but the head I never found'.

@booster this contest is declared invalid by Fox Force Five SJW League, Meanwhile_in_Norway....gif
Jerry wouldn't walk into a Bar...

Self Aggrandizement Vote just like the big boys do...
my ASMR sessions are only 300 an hour and I just got a load of bubble wrap in and a new Ayn Rand book

wow Ayn Rand Bubble Wrap ASMR thats the most paint chippy thing ever, why not add fisget spinners and weighted blankets LOL :D

HEY!!! It's not CLICKABLE :P
But I only wanna grow my Horn 3" :D
So I can be like JERRRRRRRRYYY!!!

Give me up vote as i do. Please help me in my stability.

He walks up to the bartender, orders a drink, and sips it while socializing with a couple of the regulars. He leaves before he's even finished his drink. The regulars agree he was nice, but a little off.

10 minutes later, Jerry Banfield walks back into the same bar. This time, he has a friend and gives them a hearty clap on the back as they approach the bartender. The friend gets a drink and Jerry leaves again.

10 minutes later Jerry Banfield walks into a bar - this time, with 2 friends. They're all smiles and laughs. Jerry buys them both a drink, congratulates them, and leaves.

10 minutes later, Jerry Banfield walks into the bar with 3 friends. He buys them all drinks and introduces them to the friends he previously came in with. This new troup interacts strangely with the regulars. They struggle to order their own drinks, and usually wait for Jerry to help them with it.

10 minutes later, Jerry Banfield walks into a bar. He has only one friend with him. They sit in a quiet corner for 3 minutes talking in hushed tones while Jerry makes grand, sweeping gestures with his arms. This new friend joins the previous friends and starts explaining to them how to interact with the regulars and how to order drinks. Jerry smiles at them all on his way out the door.

10 minutes later, Jerry Banfield walks into the bar. No friends this time, but he hops up on the bar, waves his arms, and requests that everyone look at him. He explains to all that he has recently showed people how to order drinks. With great passion, he explains that ordering drinks can be done by anybody. He proposes everyone in the bar gives him all their money so they can order even more drinks together. He further offers personal drink consulting for $799 per minute. His friends start clapping and gushing over how great he is. Most of the regulars are just confused as to why he is there - some wonder wtf is wrong with these people....
Shit! I forgot the joke part. Uhm..... Jerry is in AA.... so.... ok here:
Jerry Banfield walks into a bar, he says "oh whoops" and leaves. The crowd goes wild.

You have been selected the winner of this competition. All jokes has been read out loud on @SteemSpeak and yours was the one that caused the most laughter. I cannot upvote this comment since it is 10 days old, but I will upvote your latest post.


Dude hella! I'll blame it on excellent delivery :)
Thank you!

Jerry Banfield walks into a bar, sits down at the bar and starts telling the bartender a story: "You know, one day, I wonder what it would be like to suck my own dick." This makes the bar freeze with fear in his eyes. "And I did it. It was so amazing that I continued to do it for years and got essentially addicted to it." he continues while the barman just stands there frozen. "Either way, before my wife gets here, give me a glass of warm milk, I'm feeling it today."

and whole bar walks out.

I still love you Jerry!

But the other 2 guys DUCKED!!!

😁 😂 🤣

Jerrybanfield walks into a bar an orders a “reward pool” shot. The bartender says, sorry, you already made the supply dry up.

Jerry came to the environment, seeing the environment lonely and quiet but when he opened the door to see what's going on, everywhere was a bomb. He was surprised and decided to walk in slowly surprised. LOL!

Jerry walks into a bar.. he starts collecting all the used glasses. He pours all the last drops into one glass.
A drunk man sits in the coner alone. He puts the now full glass down in front of him then charges him $50 for delivery.