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RE: Healing My DNA & Soul Trauma - SWC @jerrybanfield (repost with proper 1st tag)

Thank you very much. These were also some of the experiences that led to my awakening. Even after becoming more aware to the spiritual world and what it means to be more aware to the consciousness of creation, it can still be a challenge. The Buddha and Jesus knew that detaching from worldly possessions and even from the fears of losing a family member is key. If there is anything in your life that can lead you to fear you can easily get pulled off balance. As a stay at home mother of 3 living off one income can be very difficult however the moment you start being too eager for money or too eager for any object or experience for that matter it can pull you off balance. I prayed for a spiritual awakening for a few years before it finally came like a tsunami and it was very difficult for my family.

Personally I am experiencing a tough lesson right now. It takes great effort, meditating and connecting with the Earth, praying and being open to both receiving guidance and healing and letting go of all we no longer need to be truly be in balance. It is certainly a practice. And sometimes when we are tested we fail. That can be a big blow after having super enlightening experiences. Right now I have to remind myself that no matter what happens, when we fall off the road of balance and light and into the pits of fear, worry, and worst of all despair, we must reflect how we got there get back up and do better next time.

To remember we are eternal beings and now matter how bad things may seem, we have the power to turn them around, even if that means packing up your stuff and moving states. I did that a few times before I finally felt like I was home.

The world is changing dramatically right now. The old must fall away before the new can emerge into its new beautiful trans-mutated metamorphic butterfly self and we are certainly reflections of that. I sometimes even realize that depending on your gifts, for me being an empath, I often pick up other unwanted energies if I am not being diligent and can feel things I know are not me.

Anyway I could ramble on about this for a long time myself right now but somehow sharing this helps me in remembering its ok. There is a flow to life and that flow isn't always up. Its kind of like those old telephone cords, the curling ones, like an endless spiral of cycles that can take us up and down up and and hopefully the overall trend is up.

Thank you for your share. I love your username by the way and I will certainly follow you. I look forward to reading this story and future stories. I too have more stories to share. Someday I might write a book, maybe these stories will be chapters in my book. For now I will just enjoy the beauty of steemit, especially in light of all these wonderful stories. Blessings to you on your life journey and thank you for your comment.


The Buddha and Jesus knew that detaching from worldly possessions and even from the fears of losing a family member is key.

I love that sentence so much. It has so much meaning and truth behind it. I also am a stay at home mother and I do believe that the fear of money and uncertainty of the future is causing my blocks. We actually just moved to a new state 6 hours away from home. I feel like I am meant to be here but my mother makes it hard because she doesn't want me here. I am so confused in life. My spiritual journey is the only thing keeping me going even though I am blocked. You're comment is so inspiring and well-written. You would do amazing writing a book. If you ever do, I promise you that I would buy it.


Thank you. I have the " Life Purpose Cards " by Doreen Virtue and the Author card calling me to write a book has been coming out frequently. I know I need to start. So thank you for the encouragement. It really helps. As a mother of 3 small ones under 6 years old I know how difficult finding time to clear the energy field can be. There are many ways, cold showers and intention to clear being one but the other more pleasant of course is standing out facing the sun, breathing in the energy of the sun and breathing out all that no longer serves you. Imagine all your fears worries and doubts just lifting out and releasing through your breath and traveling to the sun to be burned up and then breathing in the sun's life giving energy. It is really amazing how well it works. I always get my best clarity that way. You can also do moon breathing in a similar way. Different kinds of messages will come. :-)

You can also pray to the Arch Angels as some work specifically to help clear the energy field. I often call on Arch Angel Michael to come to protect me or take shadow entities that may be causing me trouble. Archangel Michael has assisted me in removing two family demons and one more that was attacking me in my dream space as well as a line of trauma that looked like a sliver if metal going through my chakra when I would meditate on it. It took over a year till I finally was able to identify it and confidently called on the archangels to have it removed. Here is a great resource about them.

I've never heard of those cards. That's amazing the card is showing signs towards writing a book. I do have Angel Oracle cards that I work with. They don't tell me much other than the fact that I am on the right path. Which is needed because I feel no where close to right path in my life. Thank you for the suggestions, I will work on them so that I can get back on track. I work with my spirit guide often and I do call upon the Archangels but I have never closely worked with them. I will definitely check out that link, thank you so much for sharing!